Kirby thread
Kirby thread
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top left plushy looks like shit
top left plushie looks great
I like Squeak Squad and Superstar Ultra.
Top left plushie looks ok
hows this one
ITT: we speculate about the mystery 2017 game
>action fighting
>Jap Miiverse post implies roster fighter
maybe some kind of beat-em-up or something i don't know
very nice plush
>mfw listening to the orchestra
Worth the wait
I wonder if the 3DS game is a side project to tide over for the Switch game, or is it the other way around?
Well...they took em all off youtube just today and I didn't save it
But there's still this
How do you like your album covers senpai?
There was a video where they had a giant Kirby on stage and sang happy birthday to it, Kumazaki came out with a cake for Kirby and he'd cautiously lean in to pet Kirby and also hide behind the cake while Kirby was like "keee-ki?!" and threatening to eat it all
hey motherfucker
>Kirby's nonplussed reaction
stone cold motherfucker
Alright alright I've got it, certified not dolphin porn, courtesy of /r/Kirby
Still though no footage for the happy birthday and its missing a couple encores and Noble Haltmann, but most of it is there
Thank you kind user
Maybe someone can get the missing stuff soon
If I could suck your dick over the internet I would. No homo.
It was on youtube for a couple of days, so with any luck its still out there, the happy birthday was one of the most saccharine things I've ever seen, so it'd be a shame to lose it
I want those plushies, fuck.
got a fuckton of gifs, getting home from work in a bit. plz dont let thread die.
gifs of what?
the small pink circle thing that we're all talking about.
What if Kirby Switch actually has him in the main story mode, but his mask breaks and reveals his true identity: Parallel Kirby
Then an intense mix of DL's title theme and Kirby's Triumphant Return plays as he unleashes powered up signature Kirby moves
>Galacta Knight is just literally another Kirby
Fuck that, I'd rather have his mask break to reveal the Galacta Knight is actually a gal
We can go further
Galacta Knight is Kirby's mother, and Meta Knight is the father
So what's the difference between Shadow, Dark, and Parallel, anyway?
>Shadow Kirby
>Shadow Dedede (JP: Black Dedede)
>Dark Meta Knight
>Dark Taranza
>Parallel Susie (JP: Another Susie)
>Parallel Landia (JP: Another Landia)
Dark and Shadow are mirror, why MK and Taranza got the Dark treatment, who knows
Parallel is just that, from a parallel dimension as described in the game, you even see Susie come in through an Another Dimension portal. P!Susie has Dark Mind logos, so it may mean her dimension has him ruling the galaxy, she's at least employed by him hence why D!Taranza summoned her
Shadow characters seems to be formed by the evil, but not independent as characters. Shadow Kirby is doing who-knows-what and Shadow Dedede only emerged when Dedede looked into the mirror.
Dark characters are more like evil counterparts with their own agenda. Dark Meta Knight plotting revenge and Dark Taranza with a bit of Sectonia's torso design point to that, vaguely.
Parallel/Another characters have no lore.
Or maybe I'm looking too deeply into this I dunno.
Shadow/Dark are interchangable. in Amazing Mirror Kirby was good but Metaknight for whatever reason was Dark Mind's little bitch (Maybe they both saw a common goal in order from Dreamland's laziness?). Dedede is an odd one because he's never appeared in a canon mode so whether he actually exists is up for debate, I guess the basic idea is he got possessed by Mind as Dedede is wont to do but never got freed so he simply got assimilated.
Taranza is the odd one out. Maybe he simply became "Dark" because he finally got corrupted by the Mirror like Sectonia?
posting them .gifs I promised.
No that's stupid and dumb just like you
Just let Galacta Knight be a cute female borb
Shadow and Dark are the same, it just goes by different names
what's better, Amazing Mirror or Crystal Shard?
i'm in love with him
He loves you too, don't worry.
There's the cutscene dialogue and quest briefing
>Suddenly a dimensional rift appeared, revealing and otherworldly invader.
>Parallel Susie: This invader has slipped between dimensions from a mysterious civilization!
>Parallel Landia: Blinded by the power of the crown, the dragon attacked. Bring him back to the light!
>The one who summoned the invader from another dimension was none other than Taranza, who plotted while hidden in apparent defeat.
So Susie is from a dimension with a "mysterious civilization", which might be a Dark Mind controlled one based on the logos, and while the regular Landia/EX attacked because of Taranza, the Parallel one is one that was corrupted by the crown's power
Hey buddy you better back off, that egg is mine
it's okay, i cannot claim him for my own and neither can you. he will never know of our existence.
that is a very good image, also.
outta gifs. probably shouldve spaced em out but i gotta sleep. night everyone!
Good night, user! Sleep tight!
>Taranza is the odd one out. Maybe he simply became "Dark" because he finally got corrupted by the Mirror like Sectonia?
Okay, stop me if I'm wrong, but I thought Dark Taranza isn't actually our Taranza, but the Taranza from the mirror
If you're still here, someone posted this in an earlier thread:
Password is TeXnomem
Oh cool, a Robobot plushie
Not that user but you're definitely right, the game says Taranza looked into the mirror and out popped Dark Taranza. I mean we see D!Taranza get fucking wrecked but regular Taranza makes it out after the mirror is destroyed, free of corruption
His corruption made him purple and evil, but Dark Taranza was sill a separate Mirror World entity and counterpart
I just kind of want a bit more of a hint on the game.
Yeah that text is a little confusing.
it is strange that they have not given any info on it.
Yeah, even just a title would be nice.
Just finished Robobot as my firs Kirby game, it was hella fun. How it compares to the rest of the series? What should i play next?
I think you should play the first game and go from there. Some bosses will make surprise reappearances, so playing them in order will allow you to enjoy that more.
Maybe play Super Star, so you can understand what the hell that final boss was. Or Triple Deluxe, if you want a similar gameplay style.
Really, just play any of them.
Wasn't final boss in Robobot just a giant TTGL reference?
Play Kirby's adventure/ nightmare in dreamland next
No, it wasn't just that.
The final boss had a giant kitty face for a reason.
Alright ty guys. Good thing i have hardware for all of this games, except for Rainbow Curse
Have fun my dude. Careful not to burn yourself out.
your not missing much rainbow curse does have a very good sound track so at the very least check that out.
It was a twist 5 years in the making, arguably 8 if you count SSU first hinting at multiple Novas with a simple "a Nova" most dismissed as a typo
Rainbow Curse's music is stupid good
really REALLY stupid good
>Mass Attack gold medals require no damage
I've only played Green Grounds so far, but I can tell that this will be infuriating later on.
>Going back to Kirby 64 ability combinations with the new one
I can't bring myself to believe that Galacta is Kirby but X, I feel like that would be too predictable and uninteresting for HAL to do.
I think it's supposed to be Kirby's DL1 design.
the original songs are great and the remixes are as well.
Who told Shogo Sakai it was okay to do this, he'll put god's own trumpeters out of of commission at this rate
fun fact about galatica knight: he's only appeared in "extra" modes so he's only cannon in the alternate "what if" modes.
Oh I'm going to, even if it kills me. Controlling 10 of the bastards is hell, but it made me think that a Kirby/Pikmin crossover could work pretty well.
Your wrist is gonna ache forever don't do it lad.
>Eggerland's 30th anniversary
>fucking nothing
>they only get to appear in a Kirby 25th anniversary game
>Boxboy got a 2.5th anniversary celebration
I'd definitely hope for something different, if they even have any particular identity or backstory to him
I just felt like shitposting and the thread was dead, that and I really want a Kirby clone boss fight that isn't a sword fight, if Kirby's young then surely one of these borbs can outdo him on his own game. That or a game somehow managing a straight up Kirby boss fight while you play someone else
I had a fever though so that's kind of cheating
>that moment of sheer terror as time slows down
>an enemy/hazard
I'm doing it, you can't stop me. I've been waiting six years to play this game, and I'm going to play properly.
Also Mass Attack legit has the best minigames out of every kirby game
everyone press F for this user
an evil Kirby boss fight would be interesting to see he could do all kinds of crazy shit from all the different games as attacks.
Imagine this:
>hyper nova
>super abilty
>abilty combos
>creating helpers
>abilty switching on the fly
all in one boss, Kirby if he had access to all his power ups a true infinite power force.
Thanks, I'm especially looking forward to the STG and RPG.
Thank you.
If you die from playing can we have your stuff?
It probably wouldn't manage to fit everything in, but I'd definitely want to see it incorporate moves from all kinds of abilities, basic shit like fire, cutters and swords, but also imagine getting sucked in but then he grabs and does Throw, or getting suplexed throughout the battle, and of course going hypernova halfway through and making you run for your life
Bonus if they make it legit super hard and challenging
Some of it will be going to my sister, but I'm sure there'll be enough to go around.