UNI[st] Thread

Let's gather under night for some lobbies

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I'm down if anyone else is

Im down too.

im down in a bit

Pass is vee

I'll hop on in like 10 min

how do I learn this gayme

Might just hop back onto the training mode while everyone gets themselves back together

How do you do, fellow In-Births?
Tutorial mode, challenges, and playing people. Or you could just ask questions.

Gotta get changed

What's your EXS abilities, Eltnum?

Looking at this change list, how exactly did gordeu get nerfed from uniel? he got a couple minor things (grim reapa has "less range" but is still gigantic, for example) and a ton of buffs

What's the room name? I don't see it.

I'll make one now, was just in the training mode

Rooms back up, password is still vee

The change from UNIEL to the arcade iteration of UNIST neutered him but I can't find the exact documentation


Are there multiple rooms with the password vee up? Room name is vidya

I don't see the room at all.

Yeah same room is not showing up on my end too.

I don't doubt that I fucked up. Someone else try making one

Wagner is a slut! SLUT!!! Can we not use brackets for the [st]? Makes it hard to find threads in the catalog.

Just make it public.

Can you guys see Sup Forums meets west?

How is she a slut if she goes to an all-girls school


>lesbos can't be sluts

But she's just a regular student and only has her two attendants as friends

She's a dyke, user.

okay i have the one u get for free with ps+ on ps3
can i play with ps4 ppl

I actually read the story! You can't confirm anything

>Free on PS+
You probably got UNIEL instead of UNIST

Im in the room.

Try again guys.

yeah okay I was thinking they cheaped out and gave me the old one
what is different between each version

You got the "current" version of the game since the update isn't released outside of Asia yet, but that one has crossplay so technically yes.


I don't think anyone can see this room omega. maybe the other one is up.

There another one up? Maybe try remaking it I dunno

UNIEL is like an arcade port
UNIST is a full game

UNIST is actually a properly packaged game with probably the best tutorial and mission/challenge/trial modes ever made for a fighting game.

Gameplay wise? General rebalancing which was desperately needed.

I just got unist after an hour of training mode in uniel

are you guys all american

So are the rooms working yet? Is there a pasword?

I remade it no clue if people can see it though.

playing on PC?

Shit. I know Linne is doing a pose and all but she's really fucking short

She's an elementary schooler user

We're playing UNIST, user. Hell, we're trying to at least

UNIEL:ST only lobby.

Password is Vee.

Make sure you guys are searching properly, right? I can't play but there are 2 separate search options, kind of.

I'm seeing this one so we got a room going

Good to know that that JP language matchup is still 10-0 for the majority of Sup Forums.

How did I win that?

I feel like the absurdity of Mika's design would go a bit down if she actually covered her midsection

Some of her colors do that.

>making lobbies at 1am EST
I didn't want to play with you faggots anyway....

alright it is uniel they gave me
sony are a bunch of cheap shit fucking faggot niggers once I get a better pc I'm never going to touch my consoles for anything other than exclusives
anyways how good of a feel can I get from uniel
I might get unist if I like

We had a good turnout last night at around the same time

Should've made east meets Sup Forums lobby.

didn't they give uniel months ago?

There's not going to be a real discernible difference for you, they largely play the same with a couple added mechanics. Unfortunately there's no tutorial or challenge mode so you have to either look shit up or figure it out yourself, but there's plenty of resources out there.

>anyways how good of a feel can I get from uniel
A good chunk of character basics but nothing in game to really teach you anything at all. UNIST fixes that with a so-far publicly acclaimed tutorial and mission mode. But for UNIEL the makers made their own guides for it online so watch the first two and pick a character and watch their respective video

yeah I just forgot about it until recently

Nice omega

>fighting games

Omega has been practicing.

I seem to be lagging for some reason.

Sorry guys.

I'm just annoyed with this ps+ stuff and there's lots of fps games I wanna play with kb+m but my graphics card dun boke

All of the good fighting games are on PS3 though

Join us.

You're getting the hang of it, Yuzufag. Just keep people out of your face like that

I beat that freak hippie. What is going on?

I'm not using the optimal 300% bar Wagner blockstring. But I do need practice with her though, good shit

Don't take this away from me.

But it's late, user. I don't have the energy to play fightans. But I can post in here with the other 12 people in this thread.

Best Shoto won't come out until later in the hour

You can spectate if you like.

Guess I'll have to destroy the room later in the hour.

uniel pc lobby where
unist pc release when

Just buy a cheap ps3 so you can play [st] with us user

Ill join in a bit with my shitty day one wagner

I don't think I've seen both sides be Grd Broken at the same time


I doubt you guys noticed but I was finally able to do 236b, 236b, 421b, 214b, 2c, 236a bac in that match.

stop having fun without me

You're pulling more shit than last night, that's for true. Hyde might come out faster than I thought

When do you think we'll get an ice-based character? Guess Seth technically "freezes" you and he's blue but we already got lightning, wind, and fire

Carmine is technically an ice character if you think about it.

Huh, that's kind of true. I never checked if any of his colors made his effects blue either

Jesus fuck the range on that thing

When will this be released in the US?

I'll try to play in the lobby tonight, internet's pretty bad though I think my isp is throttling my connection

Funny same for me. It was fine yesterday though.

ice is not ice if it is not frozen water
carmine is a blood character

How are 1bar connections usually? I joined but noticed everyone except another with a 2bar.

Close match hippie

Pretty good

arcsys games lie to you about connection speeds

Did you?

Just imagine that his blood is frozen.

but that's not ice