I'm not even trolling I swear, this is a legit question

I'm not even trolling I swear, this is a legit question.
Is there any reason for consoles to exist in 2017?

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Not really. unless you count Nintendo stuff. At least they try to be something other than an underpowered PC with none of the functionality of a PC

You can't build a PC as powerful as an Xbox One X at the same price

Accessibility and affordability. Plus the number of devs who can make games that perform adequately at max pc specs is so low that high res/framerate games are basically a non-issue.

PS4 has some cool exclusives, so if you aren't a poorfag or a retarded loyalist, you should get one.

>picture with some words on it
Give some specs and a price list, if that does only cost 250 bucks that's great

You can't buy an xbox one x. Not yet.

Yeah, I think Nintendo's got the right idea.
Shame people just want more underpowered PCs.

>All those LEDs
That is fucking disgusting.
Why do brainlets do this?

you're right, but you'd still be trapped in the xbox ecosystem, much better to spend a little more on a PC and have freedom