Gamers as virgins

Why are gamers described as virgin?
I would call myself a gamer. I like WOW, Diablo, COD, AC, GTA, PD2, etc.
I live in happy relationship with my girlfriend, and I go running twice a week and workout 3 times a week. I eat healthy foods, and want to win the next big running race at my city...

However, when I told my teammates or in-game friends that I have to go because my girlfriend called me or she is here...
They don't belive me and call me a virgin kid as they are...
Or last time I managed my wow subsciption at my workplace, a girl told me to get a life, or I'll die as a virgin idiot. (Perhaps I have more and better sex with my gf than this girl will in her life..)

Wtf world?

23/ male

>reddit spacing
How long have you been using this website?

A week maybe, but why? What's wrong?

Go get some sleep.

Make more efficient bait OP. You should be able to incite a shitposting riot in under two words, rather than needing an entire essay.

D minus; see me after class.

It was an idea perpetuated by pissed off women who didn't like guys enjoying the guy club they couldn't really control or enjoy.

They were intimidated by games as playing games became more infatuating then playing women to some men.


>epic Sup Forums memes

hahahaha XD! you're so cool and hardcore! you fit right in here!!

I'm 29 and never kissed a girl.

I'm going to guess from your reply that you've only been here a few months.

If you put on a skirt you can be my girl (male)

I didn't kiss a girl until I was 26.

She's my fiance now, we get married in half a year

>needing to co-op an easy game like IRL
holy fuck how casual can you be

Because it's a meme dipshit.
I'm sure there is a large variety of people that use this board, i too work, have a gf and use the gym a few times a week despite binging on RPGs for hours most nights of the week but i don't feel the need to make shitty threads about it to make myself feel better.
Also, pic related is a stupid cringy way to depict gamers as 'edgy' and 'rock and roll' it's a pretty sad pasttime OP so stfu and enjoy being a sad cunt.

Virgin here, I would be a loser introvert even without videogames so yeah.
its a good time killer though

congratz user

>I would call myself a gamer.
>that fucking list

might as well have listed a bunch of fucking facebook and mobileshit. that's how casual that taste is.

You got married after six months?

Fucking lol

That's gonna end well

I'm proud of you, user, you give hope to other Sup Forumsirgins

All i can think of is...


Haters are everywhere mate keep doing what your doing good luck with your run I'll be rooting for you

>Hurr durr what's a stereotype

Have you tried brushing your teeth?

>reddit spacing
It's called paragraphs you fucking sperg.
Reddit spacing is an empty line after every sentence.

>I am a normie that types like a normie, likes normie games and does normie things like have sex

How does it feel being retarded? He got kissed at 26, You have no idea how old he currently is.

know this is bait but
>giving a fuck about what society perceives you as
its your life, who cares. you cant hold yourself to societies standards or labels and feel bad because you're an outlier in some way. i'd wager a good amount of people who are virgins are virgins for personal reasons rather than the inability to fuck. ANYONE can fuck. not everyone can develop themselves into person capable of sustaining a loving relationship or any other number of things. that being said don't go off the deep end and turn into some faggot

>things that never happened

I never said I did? Getting married after 6 months is fucking retarded whether 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66.

Why does this roastie feel a need to comment on your hobbies?

Better question

Why do you give a shit what some roastie thinks?

That's the true sign of immaturity.

>Getting married after 6 months
Yes but how long has he been with her? You don't know he never said, It could have been 10 years ago that he got his kiss.

He said he's getting married IN six months you dingleberry

>getting married after six months is fucking retarded
how do you have any idea how long it's been since they got engaged? All he said is that he's getting married in six months time from now.

He said in six months.

IN six months.

As in six months from right now.

He didn't say how long they've been together, fuckwit.

Getting married after six months means he's been with her for six months.

Are you always this stupid?

>we got married in half a year

Learn to read you stupid fucking cunt.

pick 1
Hint, it's not the one you already fucking picked

I literally copied and pasted his fucking message

>we got married in half a year
>we get married in half a year

I ctrl'd + v'd it you faggot, you learn to read

a summerfag for sure


>Why are gamers described as virgin?

Before you were born, normies didn't play video games, it was just us losers.

No you didn't retard.


>is my fiance now
>we're not fucking married yet

So even if he did say "got," that would probably be a typo. I would ask if English isn't your first language but at this point we've pushed well past that. A senile 110-year-old Chinese woman would have grasped this concept by now.

Haha nice memefrog

is this where you play the i was merely pretending card?

Nice work man I chuckled


i would've used paint but paints remaining time on this world is limited so I'm getting used to being without it

Must have edited it. Fucking children, grow up

I am 20 years old virgin and have never had a gf, kissed romanticly or even held hands.
I have a inferiority complex and am therefor emotionally unstable.
The best I could do was a girl listening to me because she thought I was gonna kill myself if she doesn't.

Video games

doesn't even deserve a you, put some effort in next time

>being this dedicated for a webm

lurk more you fucking faggot

>I am le normie and le gamer xDDDD
Why are you getting at mad the first place anyway? It is fucking online dude and why the fuck do you care when they don't believe you that you have a girlfriend? At this point, you're just flaunting that you have a life. Having a girlfriend,life,etc isn't something be proud of, literally everyone can get one if they're not lazy fucks or just outright paranoid. If you are a paranoid,just see a therapist. It just werks.

10/10, made me reply.

Fuck off normie

Wow user, you sound amazing! Wanna come over later?

>being this new


You're just asking for replies now, aren't you? Well, here you go. Your retarded posts were hilarious, so I guess you deserve one.

I'll take "Things no one will ever say unironicly to me" for 500.

>The best I could do was a girl listening to me because she thought I was gonna kill myself if she doesn't.
Please do it.
Jesus christ holding other people emotionally hostage is so fucking pathetic.