Holy shit, so Overwatch will actually die SOONER than League of Legends

Holy shit, so Overwatch will actually die SOONER than League of Legends
Can Blizzard E V E R recover?

The few people still playing are sad, sad addicts.
It's funny that Blizzard was perfectly happy to publish total sales, but refuses to publish active player numbers-- the people actually playing the game.

The problem is that Blizzard copied a lot of things from TF2, but forgot to copy the skill ceiling.

So Overwatch is shallow as fuck and has about 100 or less hours of replayability as a result before becoming boring.

>t. gold shitter

i don't know why everyone is so mad?

i bought the game on sale for 19,99 and played 65 hours so far

well worth it

>much active players

If even 0.5% of people that bought it were playing that's still 150 000 people.

i have played tf2 for over 1k hours before it finally got boring, but i still haven't even reached 100 hours in overwatch and i can't seem to force myself to play it anymore

why is that a game which seriously looks very fun from the outside is actually shallow as fuck in the inside?

honestly i've been burned way worse before, especially as a pyranhja bytes fan

>buy risen 2 for 60
>play 30 hours
>buy risen 3 for 60
>play 30 hours

that's 2 $ per one hour, meanwhile with overwatch i am at 0.33$ per hour

usually i don't even play shooters, so it's a welcome change for me

Cause you don't see your character? It's literally made as a game with tons of unique characters. But all you can see is their hands and guns.
I don't want to be me in game I'm me in reality, I want to look at something I create or play to be personalized with.

my personal opinion I fully understand people not going into fps games for such shit.



>why is that a game which seriously looks very fun from the outside is actually shallow as fuck in the inside?
because it's a Jewish marketing trick

You fell for advertising

Do we really need multiple "Overwatch is dead and sux" threads?

overwatch is a big game it NEEDS many threads

>People spend money in lootboxes
>For terrible "skins" which mostly are recolors
>During gameplay, you can only see them when you're fucking dead anyway.

Great fucking game, Blizzard.

you can taunt

>B-But user, you can see your skin for 2 seconds.

wew lad

>why is that a game which seriously looks very fun from the outside is actually shallow as fuck in the inside?
Because it doesn't reward the act of playing it, only the act of getting lucky.

i'm not trying to defend overwatch, but you were wrong about the "you can only see yourself when yuo're dead"

the skins are horrible tho'

Over a year after launch and almost two years after beta and you guys are still promising the failure of a popular game. How does it feel to be so consistently wrong?

>league of legend

They're not even the same kind of game at least the TF2 comparisons were on point.

Because banking on failure is the only way Sup Forums can get any validation after the spectacular shitshow that was TORtanic. It's pathetic, really.

Where is the game is dead thing coming from?

A broken clock is right twice a day. Five or ten years from now when they shut the servers down or some shit, they'll still be screaming "See it's shit, nobody plays it!"

i only bought the game since my friends memed me into when it was marked down to $30
the skins are nice but its as shallow as it gets. all my friends made fun of me for not buying lootboxes and not getting the game of the shit edition
whose laughing now

but nobody is playing it already AT THIS VERY MOMENT

The myopic notion that if I don't like something than that means nobody else really likes it either.


>It's funny that Blizzard was perfectly happy to publish total sales

Except they never did that and the meme number they claimed was created with very creative statistics.

>lucky Q presses

I'm so fucking sick of people who have never played, no, SEEN Overwatch in their entire lives trying to talk about Overwatch.

NONE of the ults in the game are "press Q to win". We have things like the Phara rocket barrage which trades off accuracy for power, meaning you have to be in the direct area of the enemy to do damage making you prone to getting shut down, 76 who screams his ult in from of everyone, telling people to either get behind a wall or a shield, and we have Hanzo, which has a 3 second start-up period and a slow AOE meaning people can prepare themselves and step out of the way. The good 5+ ults you see do not happen at all, and are usually the results of someone outsmarting the team or working with the tanks and support to build a strategy that allows the to overwork the other team. Its not a god damn Final Smash, you can't just press it and kill multiple people.

This meme needs to die quickly because its suckering in idiots who can't think for themselves and need to follow the Sup Forums hivemind. Its just as illogical and terrible as "you can't go fast in Sonic games" or "nuDoom is just insta-kills and insta-health"

I have over 2000 hours in TF2 years ago and over 1000 of those were as heavy. As long as overwatch doesn't keep nerfing my mains like they did with heavy it is going to be the better game.


Not being able to rocket jump =/= the game is devoid of skill.

You can still push the game to its limit and do impressive shit

Fix dive meta. But they won't because it means nerfing their special snowflake Tracer, among others.

But you can rocket jump in Overwatch.
>Impressive shit
Basic shit you can do in every fps including minecraft isn't impressive.

im ded

Trump taking office literally killed LoL and made Roblox great again.

Why do people have this guy?

it's not about rocket jumping man

Nevermind, 2016. I need to go to bed evidently.

because they chose him as president

I played Overwatch for about 150 hours, it's definitely press Q to win. Pressing Q to win at the right time and right position is still pressing Q to win.
>fly into the middle of your dead team, press Q and win
>aim at a grouped up enemy team and press Q to win
Soldier 76
>flank the enemy, aim at their backline, press Q and win
>aim at enemy team when they group, press Q and win
>wait until Zarya presses Q to win, aim at her ult and press Q and win
>wait until enemy team engages, press Q and win
>get into their backline, dash up into the air, press Q and win
>aim at the nearest non-autistic player, press Q and win
These are just the most blatant examples I thought of off the top of my head. The only time you'll press Q and not win is if someone on the enemy team timed their Q better than you did. Overwatch is fun and looks cool, but has absolutely no real depth unless you're playing at the competitive level.

>playing a match
>sombra and mercy just stay in spawn room not doing anything
>pause to report them, cause we can't do anything cause these fucks are just space wasters
>gets kicked for inactivity in less than a minute
Thanks Blizzard.

>thinks overwatch is better
Like pottery

>aim at a grouped up enemy team
and then they run away because you shout that shit and it takes a good second for it to fully do damage

>flank the enemy, aim at their backline
Until everyone either hides behind a way or someone picks you off

>aim at enemy team when they group, press Q and win

>wait until Zarya presses Q to win, aim at her ult and press Q and win
see above

>wait until enemy team engages, press Q and win
its easy to burn the shield out

>get into their backline, dash up into the air, press Q and win
Genji has aim at the nearest non-autistic player, press Q and win
so you mean you have to communicate?

seriously what is up with blizzard kicking you out after such a short time?
can't i fucking go and get a drink from the kitchen or what

>Press Button To Win

This is literally every fucking game ever.

longtime league player
game could have "died" (Not literally but would have lost the throne of most played) if they didn't backpedal on some of their garbage decisions in 2015 2016
As for now, I reckon the game will keep going at least 3 years assuming no bad events happen

People will get sick of MOBAs just like people got sick of MMORPGs and of RTS


>Overwatch is fun and looks cool, but has absolutely no real depth unless you're playing at the competitive level.
Isn't this every game ever?

Not like I was inactive, I was in the fucking menu doing stuff, which makes it worse.

Fuck off Overwatch is doing FINE we are not losing players to PUBG. WE ARE THE MOST PLAYED FPS RIGHT NOW

Every game on PC is currently bleeding players to PUBG. OW is probably still top 10 mpst active online games on PC not counting chinkshit.

It's like the fucking retards who play that FF MMO talking shit about WoW.
They're both fucking garbage.


The worst part is how you can get the same drops you already own (instead of the chest ignoring that drop all together). What do you get for getting something you already own? A pathetic number of coins.

Where's the proof that it's dying, or is it just Sup Forums day dreaming?

where were you when the FPS genre died?

the one who pressed first man its obvious

playing pubg

They'll get sick of league maybe, but dota will last a long time

>OW apologists

>releases with ~60 characters
>~70 maps
>~ 6 gamemodes, with instagib, low grav, X weapon only etc. offshots of each one
>anything from 1v1 to 16v16 or even more working fine
>modding and mapping tools that has produced huge amount of content extra

>has ~20 characters
>~12 maps
>~3 gamemodes, with anything other than 6v6 being broken as fuck
>no modding or mapping tools, can't even vote for what map you want to play next on the server

but it's made by based blizzard :)

do you think blizzard gives a shit what you were doing