I want /vint/ back.
I want /vint/ back
Other urls found in this thread:
we weren't worthy of /vint/ and you know it
Maybe next year friend.
>every board merged pretty well, even fucking /mlpol/
>we just continued being garbage
I want /vr/ back
At least we learned who the real shitposters on here are
>He wants the lamest merged board back
It was good because it didn't last
Was Sup Forums merged? I forget
I only recall it having a good MH thread.
All MH threads are good, even the bad ones
Wrong, /outsoc/ was a disaster. /out/ was brutalized by narcissism and normalfags.
It was nice. It proved that Canadians are the reason why this board is so shit
No Sup Forums merge. There was
yes so I can call out all the fucking leaf shills again
we already knew that the worst threads were all started by leafs, /vint/ just confirmed it
What board manages to stoop so low that it's merged with /soc/
>we will never have the full /vintage/
/fitlit/ must have been pretty fun.
Not as of after MHW announcement. Console wars can ruin even MH threads.
I miss nameposting
>tfw no Anthony Burch
BR monkeys spamming the catalog with platform war shit wasn't any better.
MH threads seem to have calmed down, the last two MHW focused threads I was in were fine
Have you seen any asian anons there?
How were they?
You'll never be Anthony Burch, even if you want to.
>the last two
That's not much. Since Capcom released the weapon preview videos, the discussion became more focused on the actual game, yeah. But I don't expect this to last unless they will keep steadily unveiling new info to talk about.
I was too busy having a good time on /cock/ and /can/.
>ten threads filled with Europeans crying about Americans
>50 low quality country specific generals
>one thread with Canadians crying about Australians
>probably only one or two games were actually discussed
>the rest of the threads were people crying about Canadians
It was so boring. Everyone just kept spouting the exact same jokes I've heard for years.
kill yourself frogfucker
>unveiling new info to talk about
That was the problem. Too little info to go on and the same hunt three times with cosmetic differences.
/mtv/ and /cock/ were fucking GOAT
The lack of Samurai Jack upset /cock/'s mood though
/spa/ was better
The vast majority of people posting in emulation threads were from South America and SEA, unsurprisingly. The latter were marginally less unbearable.
I also remember having a conversation about Nioh with some guy from Hong Kong who seemed alright.
>not /fitlit/
>It was so boring. Everyone just kept spouting the exact same jokes I've heard for years.
Yea, welcome to the fucking internet in general, user. Please rate your experience thus far.
is there an archive of /vint/
I can only think of that image where a buff guy asks a smart guy where he works out, who replies that he does at the library. And then a with a enormous head and body comes in. He's /fitlit/
You're in luck
Let's see.
/mo/ seemed like the most natural one. Was almost like any other day on /m/. Don't know if that was because the interests just nicely coincided or if /o/ is just slow.
You think I can read moonrunes?!
There you go
Bant doesn't discuss videogames
A reminder that this place need a leaf range ban.
Bant will discuss everything if you try
It's literally Sup Forums with flags
And I want /goodvideogames/. Guess we can't all have what we want
>We'll never get any of these merged boards back
>But if they return they'll probably be shit in no time and lose their appeal
I keked several times reading this, I think I want him to show up now
Weird looking Delphox. Who's the artist of this image?
Only reply to this post if you are Japanese.
That's no Delphox.
Hello friend
/bant/ was made for faggots like you OP
go there
Makes me think of JustinRPG.
A soap wyvern from a video game reminds you of JustinRPG? The fuck, user.
Isn't this the guy that sang about marrying reshiram
/can/ was actually just too good for this world. /fitlit/ also deserves a highlight for quickly becoming a bizarre self-improvement board focusing on old greek ideals of strenghtening both of the mind and body
All /vint/ did was confirm that around 40% of Sup Forums is composed of BR monkeys
God tier:
Great tier:
Good tier:
God awful tier
What board combinations should be made next year?
Yes, Hello China? This is Japan. We are not sorry, that is all.
everyone knows the best merged board was /cock/
/out/ is great, they just got shafted hard because nothing good can last.
I'd prefer a new kind of April Fools each year than going on repeats, surprises are fun. That said, I wonder if a monthly board rotation thing could work, have one or few new boards that get replaced every 30 days.
>not only a leaf but a fucking french leaf at that
shouldn't you be at work, I mean slaving, jappo?
>tfw when had shit to do on that day but ended up browsing /mlpol/ all day
the simultaneous reddit tears and actual political discourse going on was just too good plus the porn dumps were nice too
Have day off. Fucking you wife.
reminder that all posts in support of sjw nonsense turned out to be canadians
It was kind of surreal really
99% of shitposts and trash opinions had a little Canadian flag over them
Nah, not all. Mainland Europeans and Australians constituted quite a bit of it as well.
/vint/ revealing which nationalities are behind which types of shitposting is quite interesting, though.
>hyperaggressive Sup Forums posting was overwhelmingly American
>Pornposting was almost exclusively Aussies and Germans
>there's one guy in Denmark who thinks BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP posting is the funniest thing to ever exist
>BRs made up just about all platform war shitposting and PC portbegging
>/r9k/ "BITCHES AND WHORES" sadsack-type shit was largely coming from Eastern Europe
>there's a fuckton more Mexicans on Sup Forums than anyone would've ever thought
that explains everything
the most cucked country in the whole America, basically the Sweden of Americas
>there's a fuckton more Mexicans on Sup Forums than anyone would've ever thought
That's because of the Dragon Ball threads.
I miss that Vietnamese guy. He like to play HoMM game.
/vint/ would just lead to even less discussion because you'd just get >Yuropoor >Britbong >Leaf etc. shitposting
>t. leaf who wants to stay hidden
Got to admit it's keeping interest alive, though. Every little scrap we can get is sweet nectar. If they blew their load now they wouldn't keep the hype alive and they know it.
And that right there is all the proof you need
I'm not terribly hyped. The more I see, the more I believe the demo is the end product, which does not convince me.
But wait and see.
You don't honestly believe the final game has no village, one map, a dozen sets of armour/weapons and three monsters, do you?
I'm not gonna lied, when I join Sup Forums I though everyone here is like from American or something. No flag shows up.
I always want to talk other user. Not American user.
I was talking about the gameplay, which is the only thing of worth there. I don't care much about the village or much of the fluff surrounding that.
/fitlit/ was the best.
I'm afraid I'm now even more confused. You're saying you're worried that the gameplay of Monster Hunter World is the gameplay of Monster Hunter World?
day of the rake when
Yes. And that I'm not terribly convinced by what they have shown. Not that hard a concept.
They haven't shown a single actual hunt. They've been doing E3-showoff nonsense, likely with altered damage/aggression/whatever values. Maybe not, either way without once trying to straight up fight. Is this the first time you've ever seen a game be demonstrated?
Having a good opinion on things isn't just flag based. Europeans generally have shit taste in vidya and Canadians are pushing an agenda.
No. But one would expect some more than the same hunt over and over. Even unfinished content would be more interesting than that.
All the more reason to believe this the same sort of pseudo alpha gameplay that is routinely shown for everygame these days, and that things will not change.
Bottom line I'm curious but I'm not awaiting release day with any kind of trepidation. And the lack of variation is really not grounds for hype.
You contradict yourself. And either way, the point was that it would devolve into flag based shitposting, just the way it did when /vint/ was up. Which is what you are doing.
Moreover, VPNs would only worsen the flag based shitposting. I know I was accused of using one because my flag is uncommon.
Everyone hated the leafs, but it wasn't for nothing. They where forcing things and making this place a shit.
All the hate is real, they where the shitty scumbags.
Were. The word is 'were'.