Monster hunter

I miss underwater hunts!

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Me too user

>you will never fight the lagiacruz for the first time ever again

You mean getting your ass kicked by it like every monster hunter seems to do now?
>Flagship monster in a low rank quest
Every time.

Sonygers are the niggers of Monster Hunter. How?
They can't swim

Why is everyone hating on World? It looks fun as hell, obviously they're going to balance everything. I'm glad we finally have PC Monster Hunter.
Hopefully there's plenty of monsters and areas in this game to keep us busy. I also hope for more long-term goals to keep us busy.

>fight the flagship in g
>"not this time"
>40 fucking minutes later it dies
>realize I have mere minutes left to actually kill the quest target
>fighting the flagship warmed me up to such a point that I kill that bastard in under a minute

have fun with your shit community

That said, I'll probably be buying twice: on console and PC

Diving in with 3 other bros and beating a monster out of its natural habitat was a glorious feeling

I'll never get why they never returned to it

They needed a reason to keep selling 3U even after 4U was out. Marketing suggests a large retroactive consumer base.

I was concerned up until the moveset videos were released because of the lack of information we had. Seperate demonstrations showing the exact same hunt rings alarm bells for me. Now I'm reasonably hyped, but I need to see new/returning monsters and maps before I can be completely sold.

>I was concerned up until the moveset videos were released
>Now I'm reasonably hyped

Nigger is you crazy?

Is that the new dragoon class?

its treason then

Surprisingly I think I do too but I'm sure if I went back and did a few I'd realize that I only thought that I missed them.

That looks so fun though

But user I like anime

I'm also an IG main :^)

As do I. I think it deserves a little bit of a redesign instead of being axed. It would mesh with World so well.

IG looks broken as fuck.

Except the IG will undoubtedly do significantly more damage sticking to the ground, just like always. All the same I look forward to the Flying Frenchie Brigade zipping about overhead doing fucking nothing to help the hunt.

>Hunter fights Donald Trump

Gobul was a pretty good hunt, just the actual underwater combat and controls needed to be redone.

Honestly it felt pretty alright on the Wii U. I think it was the 3DS, especially the O3DS (being the only one at the time), that was the biggest problem.

I loved it. 60FPS underwater looked fucking great in 3D.

mh4 and mhg are awful games

The monster doesn't have a prayer, it's just standing there waiting for you to come down. What an exciting game.

No people just didn't like underwater combat for some reason even though it injected some good variety into the gameplay.

>IG is the new tonfas

>Je suis monté intensifies x3 in every single hunt

My favourite bit is when you cart 3 times.

I miss 3u monsters. Its the best mh game easily because it doesnt have gen 1 trash

>can kill every flagship monster in the mission you're supposed to run from it
>Gen comes out
>gives the 4 flagships a fuckload of HP during these run away quests making it essentially impossible

why did they do this?

Worst weapon by far but others are fine

Time to leave.

>Those new CB sounds
Eh... Doesn't do it for me. I think this is the one time where removing particle effects doesn't work.

I went through multiplayer first and then went to story mode.
>"Eh, might as well kill it""
>"Why the fuck isn't this thing dying?"

Because people who were too shit to figure out the controls, let alone get to G-rank were being a bunch of massive faggots, and collectively whined their asses off. That's about the gist of why we won't see underwater combat return.
Unskilled loudmouths.

The community is already shit

I'm sick of XX, going back to 3U. Which weapon should I use? Considering swaxe or bow.

New gameplay footage.
DB, IG, SA and LBG

fuck i forgot the link

That armour is so Dragon's Dogma. Well, the cape is anyway.

Oh also Chinese must be the ugliest language in the world. Or... whichever flavour of Chinese that is.

Well it IS using the DDON engine (modified) so it's not surprising.

>Tfw cant decide between Greatsword or SwitchAxe

Cantonese. Spoken in places like HK.

I really wish people wouldn't do those kinds of thumbnails with them making stupid faces or some shit. I know clickbait is the order of the day, but it still just kind of annoys me.

Get them BOTH.

t. weapon idort

You haven't seen dual blades then.

Meh I'm actually happy with the Monster Dogma hybrid that they have done, loved DD but hated the lack of content and WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS while traveling the same road over and over, MH gameplay with DD style? Thanks.

no you dont, stahp lying

Charge blade

Tri had the best implementation of the underwater fights because you could use ZL and ZR to control your depth rather than having to jerk the camera up and down like in 3U.

Tri was shit.

It's possible, just very time consuming. I managed to beat Glavenus without carting, but it took almost 40 minutes and about ten tries. Got some nice loot though. And it gave a spooky element to the story when everyone was saying that the Glavenus had come back.

I just wanted portable MH now that the 3DS is becoming a non-option for development.

The Lagiacrus that you meet early in Tri and 3U is literally unkillable.

Nobody is. MHFags (of which I'm partially a part of) have been clamoring for a console MH since Tri, especially if you didn't have a Wii. Portable MH is fucking cancer.

Gen wasn't the first one. I know for a fact that the Lagi in 3U is invincible until you finish the actual Lagi hunt. You could go in with G rank weapons and never be able to kill it.

>hyped for LBG footage
>only uses it to get the last hit in on a sleeping monster
looks like the gas bombs are just a normal part of it's moveset instead of special ammo

It's funny because Dual Blades were always broken if you could get around the shitty range and lack of mobility. Yes, LACK of mobility, the strongest attacks leave you completely immobile.

Then we get all this DMC crap. That's not MH. Positioning is very important, you can't just fly around like a faggot.

>new Demon Mode X attack leaves you immobile for 3~ seconds for just the first attack of the combo

>Monsters letting you stand still for several seconds

Why did they make all the monsters passive and harmless?

someone posting kengan ashua

can't fucking wait for the next chapter

say sometimes i find some korean site from 2015 or so having way more chapters that aren't even translated yet

is the whole manga already done and we are just waiting for english translators?

the manga is roughly about 120 or so chapters ahead of current English translations
and yet we're still getting weekly fucking releases

Only problem I have with the game is the grapple. It looks like casualizing, just like arts did with Gen. And before tards begin shouting how you don't have to use it, please realize the monsters are still balanced for those.

kill me

and i just know already that they'll sidetrack the SHIT out of the tournament

>haven't played MH since PS2
>didn't make it past Kut-Ku because game froze
>never liked handhelds/nintendo stuff so haven't played another game in the series yet
>never paid much attention to them
>gonna pick up the new one for PC (unless I misread and it's only out on console in which case I'll get it for PS4)

What am I in for?

>grappling points are only in specific spots, of which we have seen aren't extremely common
and you can hardly say that monsters are balanced around them, seeing as we have only seen two new monsters that are both extremely low-low rank tier, and none of the demonstrations have shown the grappling points being utilised mid-fight

It sounds like the wait between console and PC will be months.

You're in for fun

>I-It's just a trailer!
>I-It's just a demo!
>I-It's just the first version!

I doubt they rank lower than Kut-Ku which was more than indicative of how monsters in MH fuck you like no other.

It's just typical console war underaged cancer

Xbox will have the best community.

>>I-It's just a trailer!
>>I-It's just a demo!
>>I-It's just the first version!
I get what you're trying to say, but none of that pertains to what I said.
There is hard proof that the grappling points are not a feature that is meant to be utilised in the same way that something like 4U/Gen's ledges were. The positioning of them alone tells us this.
And it's been straight up said that these monsters are beginner monsters, around the equivalent to Kut-Ku.

It's alright to be sceptical user, but at least base your scepticism on the facts that we already know.

>obviously they're going to balance everything
MH's idea of balancing is fighting power creep with power creep. I don't want any more Frontier "balancing" in mainline.

That's even worse, because despite the overwhelming buffs to hunters Yian Kut-Ku is still ten times harder than any monster shown so far. I don't care if the last like 2 monsters provide a challenge, the point of MH is that every monster provides some manner of challenge.

Kut-Ku's "challenge" stems entirely from outdated, broken designs though.
Without the 360° hitbox and zero frame charges, Kut-Ku would be a complete pushover.


It was on the ground you huge faget

>MH is about difficulty
You can take TWENTY mega potions, TEN normal potions, and find honey to make those ten more mega potions as it is. Monsters comboing you isn't a thing until mid high rank at minimum.
Also , which are also problems that affect most genwun monsters.

See, this is where our opinions split. MH is about overcoming an unfair challenge. If monsters are slower, weaker and less agile than the hunter, there's no point in playing. Monster combing is always a thing, especially once they lowered the stun threshold.

Serpent or Hydra?

Kut ku is easy and you need to stop

Many snakes combining to become a hydra

I'm not arguing that Monster Hunter isn't about challenge, just that the challenge for a lot of monsters comes almost entirely over broken mechanics, rather than good design.
Judging the difficulty of a (presumably) non-broken monster off of a broken monster of the same tier just isn't a fair comparison.

The idea that challenge and difficulty stems from bad hitboxes and unavoidable attacks is what leads us to Frontier monsters.

>anime is not okay when nintendo does it

Hate to B your argument TFO but people have been doing Heroics runs on every monster since before you were born, thus proving that there are no unavoidable attacks or broken mechanics.

You can learn to handle all of it which, again, is the point of MH.

Oh fuck, you're one of those speedruns-are-all faggots, abandon thread

>If monsters are slower, weaker and less agile than the hunter, there's no point in playing.
That's my main issue right now. The series has always been designed around its relatively limited, deliberate nature. It's what made MH still feel unique compared to the anime clones. They can't have everyone doing backflips and flying all over the place when the monsters are still fighting like it's 2004.

Not really, I hate them too. But your argument is nonsensical and easily disproved.

Whenever you die in MH, you know that a better player would've lived. if not then you're being a child, blaming the game for your own mistakes.

To say that there are no broken hitboxes in Monster Hunter is to deny reality.
What I was trying to say is that you can not and should not base a monster's difficulty off of things that are not part of its design, but rather a hold-over from the technical limitations of its time.

If Yian Kut-Ku had hitboxes that actually fit its model and attacks, it would be significantly less of a challenge.

is not me by the way.

We both know why it has to be this way. MH looks really boring. Just some guy standing around, swinging a weapon and rolling. In this age of youtubers and streaming, they need a game that looks awesome.

I think XX had a great compromise in setting Guild mode to default, sort of like how Fire Emblem Fates had a mode for anime faggots and one for people who want to get fucking rekt.

Yian Kut-Ku doesn't have broken hitboxes, people just greatly underestimate the range of its attacks. When it's charging, you getting hit in the head by its wing or by the tail when you're behind it is going to hurt.

Plesioth is the same, the hipcheck hits you when you're behind plesioth because it curves its body so the tail smacks you right in the face. The real issue is that the attack comes out so fast that you can't see it.

>if not then you're being a child, blaming the game for your own mistakes.

I mean thats a needlessly black and white way to view it though. There are some objectively horrible hitboxes in this series, a "better" player could certainly learn which hitboxes are bad and what you have to do to avoid them but it doesn't mean it's not a bad hitbox.

If I die from a spin hitbox and blame the game you can definitely say "other people do this fight without getting hit" and you'd be right but it doesn't erase the fact that i'm 10 feet away from the monster and still being hit by it.

When can i start playing online?

Ok I get what you're saying with the hitboxes of Kut-Ku and Plesioth. but the problem is that most of the time those things don't actually happen.
You will still take damage from behind a Plesioth hipcheck regardless of if the model is actually touching you.
Granted, these hitbox issues have been getting fixed with subsequent releases, but they are still there.

je sois monte

I dunno. After seeing frontier and online I guess I'm being wary about world. There are plenty of things that can go wrong and we've already seen what capcom did with generations, not to mention dead IP after dead IP.

Literally fucking tonfas. What were they thinking.

I don't know, this isn't dark souls 2. The hitboxes aren't bad because "I was 10 feet away from the attack" but more like "I was hit by the foot during a tailwhip". Do you have any videos of said hitboxes so I can see in closer detail what the issue is?

That's not true, that's why there was always a huge blind spot in Plesioth's hipcheck between where the spikes on the tail and spikes on the head are about to meet. This picture shows where it is - Imagine that Plessy is a very curved crescent.


If you miss it that much just to back to Tri/MH3U, those games still exist.

Leave that shit out of MHW please.