People actually bow down to this "genius"

>people actually bow down to this "genius"

Nolan is a good director. Only memers hate him and plebs think he's a God.

are you really too stupid to understand what he's saying

it's not even complicated or deep you fucking brainlet

I wasnt talking about the big guy,I was talking about the gook.

He's a nip you fucking dip.

My IQ is not as high as yours,something that millenials will never understand.

Kojimbo's Dunkirk inspired game WHEN ?

They are really all the same to me with those slanted eyes.

>random Sup Forumstard nobody shits on $popular_guy involved in video games
Oh boy here we go again.
Got popcorn ready and everything/

he's saying that since the audience is in a room with the movie Dunkirk playing the time it takes for the audiovisual effects to reach the audience are almost immeasurably small considering the speed of sound and light

>less than 0m
No wonder he has bad eyesight, nobody ever taught him he's not supposed to stand that close to the screen.


You should using your phone while you're in the kinoplex, user.

>less than 0m
nigga the only way less than 0 time is possible is if Kojima accelerated past the speed of light close to the screen

>he has bad eyesight
das lacis

What is he actually saying? I don't understand "b/w". I liked Dunkirk, by the way. The was a lot of old veterans watching the showing I saw. Some of them had to walk out during the death scenes.

Also don't samefag yourself .

How is a week a measure of distance?

Excuse me?

What a gey lol

What the fuck are you on?
Posting from a work toaster.

he didn't samefag I wrote that sarcastically because it's not what user meant

b/w = between

I like Nolan and his movies are very good Memento is nice

>he doesnt know
top jej kojimafags everyone

A good way to tell is by looking at their skin. Japs are white. Chinamen, Vietcong and Cambodians are brown, while filipinos are black.

>see lightyear

Yet you used the same grammar and reddit spacing. The sameposting was obvious.

He didn't say lightyear. He said a week. Are you retarded? Do you think years and lightyears are the same thing?

People don't like it when you use your phone during a movie.

Maybe "distance" means something different in japanese. Something that allows it to be used interchangeably with "difference". Maybe Kojima just mispelled.

I just wanted to check on my falcon using the cinerama zoo app

Good to know.
So two atomic bombs guys are nip,chinaman are gooks correct?

what is this literal retard even trying to say?

>he doesn't know about lightweek, lightmonth, light hour, lightminute
are you dumb?

Something about how Konami fucked him over for wasting 80 mil trying to get his dick wet.

>So two atomic bombs guys are nip
9/11 should have been nuclear desu.

Learn to read before posting.

Yeah 9/11 was the bomb Ahmed.

It should have been wild.

For non autistic people that can put 2+2 together that means the distance reachable by mentioned transport method in stated time.
It would look stupid if he just put there meters / KM or miles. It's probably also mentioned that way in the movie.

You lost me there kojimbo

Well in the movie, it's just a simple line of text as you first see each viewpoint.

The Mole: One week
The Sea: One day
The Air: One hour

Although I don't believe it refered to travel time as much as it refered to the time each group of people experienced. The story of the soldier takes place over a week, the boat people one day, the pilots one hour. This line of thinking makes "distance" sound wrong, as it's purely a difference of time.

>It's probably also mentioned that way in the movie.

The movie follows 3 groups of characters. Soldiers on the beach, boat coming to rescue them and Air Force providing protection.

Soldiers wait all day, all night and most of the next day for the boat (that's all it shows but they'd been there for much longer) and movie follows this. Boat leaves England on the start of the second day and arrives in France later on, Air Force leave only an hour before the evacuation starts. All the timelines end at the same point, but start at varying times, each one is given roughly equal screen time and pacing in the movie. So you see Boat and plane stuff in the first half of the movie, while Soldiers are still a day behind chronologically.

How come there's all these kino movies from the west, but there's no eastern kino?

>Who is Kurosawa

There are but Americans really hate reading subtitles.

they were all made 60 years ago and will never be topped, west is just catching up

Anime movies are a notable exception, but I mean live action.

What the fuck is he trying to say?

Holy fucking shit delete your post.

Google Kurosawa

>eastern kino
Visitor Q is kino.

You idiots, it should've been breaking up inside.

>These characters were this far away from Dunkirk
>But the audience is made to feel like they're right there

Is my interpretation of what he meant to say. His english isn't so good without a translator.

Thats not what the movie was about, its the time the story takes place not the distance

how soldier walk into cinema
stupid kojima

kojima hasn't made a good game in years!

I used to think Nolan was a hack because of the DKR memes, but Dunkirk made me realise that he's actually pretty good at cinematography. The guy he hired to do the music was pretty good, too.

>kojima hasn't made a good movie in years!

True, but I bet you were just like me and thought the "one week, one day, one hour" thing was meant to imply travel time at first, too. The way the first line says "The Mole" and not something like "the seawall" makes you think it's refering to the big ship and how long it would take to cross the channel. I'm thinking the same confusion happened to Kojima as well, and he hadn't realised it at the time of making the tweet.

It's understandable, since it did take a day for the boat group to get there and it did take roughly an hour for the pilot(s) to reach Dunkirk. But when you remember that the soliders basically were already at Dunkirk and stuck there, you realise it's a matter of timespans, not travel times.

So what is Kojima saying is that Death Stranding is Sillent Hill?

Hans Zimmer is what really carries Nolan films

The fuck is he saying

Nolan is terrible at dialogue and hand2hand fight scenes. Dunkirk had very little dialogue, a simple story(s) and the enemy was in the form of planes and distant gunfire/torpedos, so he was left with the stuff he is fantastic at making.

Dunkirk is easily Nolan's best movie since it didn't rely on a narrative gimmick to be unique (Memento or Inception) or one actor elevating the entire movie (The Dark Night). It stood out on its own as almost pure filmmaking. I don't know how it will hold up outside of cinema, especially since I saw it in 70mm IMAX, but it really was incredible.

>I was the idea guy and mocked for it


Expect kojimadrones to tear you a new asshole jej.

Who's laughing now, though?

Fuck off chess club.

The only good game kojima made was zone of the enders

H2H scenes are never good until they're good. I don't know what you mean. Every fist fight scene in every movie looks fake to me ever since I saw The Raid.

no, they all are chinks.

nips hate when you associate them with chinks or other gooks, so calling them chinks is most insulting

underrated post

Tomokazu Fukushima.

I agree with this, and still both Interestellar and Dunkirk are objectivelly bad movies.



Because nobody will ever make movies better than Kurosawa and the nips realized that long ago and dont even bother trying.

He is a genius. You're only saying the polar opposite because it's a popular opinion. Kojima is a fucking god damned genius who knows how to make a proper military soap opera with the twist and turns.

There's a reason why the MGS franchise sold so fucking well. Think about it.

Go back to Sup Forums and meme about manlets, cucks and jews. I can tell you're from Sup Forums because you don't know good kino when you see it.

Not only you can't spell "objectively", you don't even know what it means.

Nolan is a good director who has lost his touch and has been picking a lot of stinkers to direct. Even when he misses he still has occasional good moments like the ending of Inception (the rest was wasted though)

Isn't that just a movie about brother sister incest?

Interstellar yes
Explain how Dunkirk was bad

>reddit spacing
You used it too you retard

He's just saying the film was captivating

How do you fail to understand this

>Not only you can't

I do so love it when people make a syntax error while they are trying to critique someone else on their English.

I love you too.


God, what a westaboo! No wonder japs laugh at people who go "kawaii uguu ^_^"

That's not reddit spacing, that's proper paragraphing. Reddit spacing is when you make every sentence a new paragraph, even if you aren't changing your topic. It's done to make your post look bigger, while paragraphing is done to make text look more coherent.

Kurosawa is just Quentin Tarantino of the east, LMAO

>Interstellar was bad


I said I didn't understand what "b/w" meant. That's all.

Nolan is what I call a story director. He doesn't care about characters or even acting, beyond making sure it's not campy. All he knows is that he has a story, and he's going to tell it pretty fuckin' decently. Everything else is an afterthought.

I mean who the fuck actually cared about Leo getting back to his kids, or Cillian's relationship with his father? or how about that memorable father/daughter relation between Matthew Mysonisgay and MURPH? I mean at least Matty tried to act, but the characters just have nothing going for them. Nolan is Ridley Scott on his worst day, and that's alright.

Yes, maybe for a nigger like you

Interstellar is probably his worst film aside from Following, maybe

>not mentioning ozu, mizoguchi, naruse, kobayashi,Teshigahara


I sympathised for the surviving brother on the boat when he found out his brother had died, though.

That's his friend, not brother. Jesus christ

>He doesn't care about characters or even acting
Prestige was great though.

The fuck is b/w?

>Saears he's working on DS and tells fans he's working on it
>all he does is shit post movies, food/beer, and other bizzare shit
>Doesn't show anything despite Cerny saying they've made a shit ton of progress on gameplay

Fuck Kojima 2bh
