PS+ Price increase

PS+ Price increase

Just got an email, it will be 60€ a year going forward. Needless to say I am cancelling.

lol poorfag

More like last-time-i-turned-on-ps4-was-horizon-fag. I literally don't need PS+.

PS+ Continues to get price hikes but keeps the same shitty download speeds. Jewish nips were a mistake.

>increase price
>don't make service better
>"""free""" games are worse than ever

Why the fuck would you ever pay for online?

Get the fuck off,if you cant spare few more euros for the gooks you can go fuck yourself.
How about you get from your basement and get a job instead of Abdul from Somalia doing it for you.
Makes you think huh

>renew PS+ to play Wipeout Omega Collection online
>nobody plays


>not buying it on one of the many, many sales when it goes as low as 30$.
Poor AND stupid.

>He didn't renew during the E3 sale last month


>$10 increase
>woah ok thats too much for me
Maybe if you didn't get mcdonalds everyday you would have money you fat cunt

He is eurocunt,probably german too.
They are all retarded like this.

Dude why would you add an unnecessary expense

Like how about you sell your console instead huh?
Why waste electricity.

Have a backbone for once you whimpering consumer dog. I-It's just 20 no 30 wait now it's 80 more dollars, what are you poor?

Ive accepted that Sony is gonna Sony at this point so im over it. I look at it like im getting games for my ps3/4 for a year at a cheap price.

Well are you?

Remember when Sony roaches made fun of 360 for paid online? Remember how they said you have no dignity if you pay for online? Well PS+ is about to get more expensive than Live and they're asking you to swallow it.

Suck it poorfag lol the console is still cheaper and better as is

Plus is about to match the price of Live in the UK, at least.

It's OK, Pajeet, you can try and dodge the blame for this whole debacle leeching all the way through to Nintendo all you like.

>sonyfriends unironically defend their expensive paid online

Being able to afford something and viewing that thing as worth blowing your money on are two separate concepts. Have you ever heard the phrase "it's about the principle"? Probably not being Ps2 was your first console and you're underaged, but bear with me.

Why do you need PS+? Do people still play multiplayer games on consoles?

principle? Nigga please go play forza

how are you going to play MOnster Hunter World

>had PS+ to begin with
You deserve it for being a retard

Shitposting is going too far

what did he mean by this?
was it autism?

>pay a second time to use your internet

You must be from Australia because PSN in EU has fantastic speeds.

I downloaded TLG (~15GB) yesterday in 35 minutes.

>paying for walled garden console p2p services

At least you finally woke up. Even $10 is too much.

I would be okay with all of this if they would provide better infrastructure than free services like Steam and better monthly games

But they don't, the games are mediocre to shit and it's safer to post your Credit Card here rather than on Sony's servers

Imagine being this much of a corporate cock sucking drone.

>I dont have money
>I still will complain about things I can not afford
Playing games is a luxury not a human right.
Go back to your communist shithole.

>Playing games is a luxury
imagine being this poor

Fucking console keks spreading their asscheeks for mor ass fucking! lmao

Sony children will never own up to their hypocrisy, especially since most of the defenders come from neofag, the biggest Sony trash hugbox full of gaming Social JUST trash and crybaby corporate cuckolds on the internet. It's best to ignore them, and not give them the satisfaction of a reply. Because they think wasting their money on a completely unwarranted fee means they're getting something special. They're brainwashed.

Your level of comprehension is on par with your bank account.

Just because something is a luxury product doesn't excuse shit business practices

>Why waste electricity
How is he wasting electricity when he haven't played in ages?

Nice meme. I earn a lot of money and I don't spend it on shit I don't need. That's why I own a house in my 20s. Keep being a corporate bitch boy

> I earn a lot of money
No you really dont,you dthink you do but you dont.

Nobody cares what you can or can not afford.

>tfw only play single player games
>the only game I'm considering PS+ for is motherfucking Everybody's Golf and the multiplayer doesn't even look that great

>Nobody cares what you buy
Except Sony, when people stop buying PS+

Nobody put a gun to your head and told you to get their device.
You dont even have to have PSN but you are bitching about price increase.
Get a job or get social benefits.

You what? I payed for mine 80$ for 2 years forward. Where do you live? In Australia? My PS4 still costed much less than PC.

>2-3 people complained about something
>every person in the world is suddenly them

PC cucks are mentally challenged I swear.

>When you shill so hard you don't even hear yourself
>Le poorfag xD
>Daddy Kaz pls let me suck ur cock

>enjoying video games and buying product you like is "sucking cock"

Only person obssesed with "cock sucking" is you user.

>being this retarded


Complete;y and utterly disregarded.

>mfw still using PS3