What games do girls like?
What games do girls like?
I met a lot of girls playing CS:GO. Some how met a girl in Long Island that lives close to me. Went to her work place which is a sandwich/deli shop. Nice looking chubby Korean babe. Most of her pics are Myspace/Instagram angles to make her look skinny.
Any game as long as a Chad is playing it
Anywhere I can sub to this blog?
your heart
Toying with my heart
Fuck her from behind while pulling her hair and yelling 'oink bitch!'. For science
Portal, Trine, that kind of shit. That's the most "casual" thing to play.
Sorry senpai for blogging I'll try not to do it again
Her okcupid is s0hree if you want to smash
jews tell which games they like just like jews tell they should protest against patriarchy
What girls do games like?
Overwatch, Skyrim, and whatever BioWare shits out
Life is Strange
Depends on what type of girl it is.
Retarded "ironic weeb" girls like shit such as Overwatch/Pubg/Dream Daddy.
Just look at big lets players. Girls tend to have "played" the games those guys did.
Other than that. MMO's. And good Storydriven Games. Like Transistor, Machinarium, etc.
Can only speak for my girlfriend:
WoW, Blade & Soul, Guild Wars 2, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo 3, Borderlands series, Torchlight, Torchlight 2, Grim Dawn, and her favorite over all but WoW has been Divinity: Original Sin.
IRL datesims.
she sounds like a bitch
She plays it all to fit in for you.
>that bulge
Can white """men""" even compete?
What games enable foot play?
Whats with girls and Borderlands?
They don't
Ruining the lives of men
Based Chad daddy.
But that is a very simple game.
Black people shouldn't be doing black tattoos
she sounds like a bitch
Of the two of us, I'm the bitchy one. I can't fucking stand people, and the one human being I can stand is her.
I legitimately never heard of Grim Dawn, Divinity: Original Sin OR Terraria (Another game we'd played) until she bought them for us. She's got great taste, I fucking love Grim Dawn and Original Sin, and Terraria is probably the only survival/building block game I'll ever enjoy.
Beats me, I enjoy the FPS/Diablo meld. Can't wait to try out Destiny 2's open beta, we never got to play the first being a console exclusive.
Girls don't play literally who titles.
There's a shitload of memespouting retarded 15yo girls with shitty parents if you look hard enough in the average popular steam multiplayer game. One time one stalked me and it was pretty creepy specially because fuck off I don't want to watch the shitty clickbait videos and piediepie tier youtubers you like.
As for normal girls, a shitload of them as played The Sims for hours.
>tfw no gf
Hard to say, most of us don't really know much about girls.
Since you have experience OP, what games do faggots like?
I was jk about the bitch part, all u did was list games kek
Games that cater to estrogen rather than testosterone. Which means anything where you can care for small cute critters as opposed to shooting brown people.
My dick
I told you I was a bitch.
>tfw no gf
having a gf is a meme
Zelda, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Overwatch
Womens are a meme
Easy ones.
I mean it. Facebook games, mobile puzzle apps, click the button games, light simulation games, strategy games against bots, or anything that has no definite win state. Any game where they can feel accomplished or successful simply by gathering a singular resource ahead of time with little effort to over-prepare for situations or challenges so they don't have to use any sort of immediate skill at the time of that challenge. I don't mean to disparage it, but I have never personally known any female to regularly enjoy a game where the "skill" or challenge involved was very basic resource management or patience. Even having seen the way women play RPGs or games that are otherwise considered conventionally difficult, they will grind the same boring easy shit a billion times just so that they don't have to do anything other than mash the attack button instead of use any other tactic in a challenging area or boss.
I don't quite understand it, because that method seems INTENSELY boring to me, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say that it might be related to women being less inclined towards taking risky actions in favor of safer conservative bets.
I met my qt 8/10 GF because of vidya. Now we live together. Life is good.
Life is a meme, man.
Real talk a girl picking up a game just so she can spend time with you and get to know you better is really fucking sweet
That's the only tattoos they can do, user.
why do normies like standing around for hours with drinks in their hands
>shooting brown people.
The manliest of genres. Very educational, too. Men need to trained for the future. Women can do whatever they want because they'll never be of any use in war other than being a reason to return home.
What is match 3
you don't want to know
Pokemon Puzzle League
i played sports in a very competitive team and did a ton of normie tier shit as a teenager, i was turbo normie, and even then i had to force myself to stand around drink in hand when they finally managed to drag me somewhere
Post pics fag.
Whatever games they had on the family console as a kid. N64/Ps1 for people in thier 20s, ps2 usually for slightly younger. When thier kids girls play those games nearly as much as boys (even if they don't usually have as much interest in new games etc...), they just don't continue playing into thier teens. So Crash bandicoot gets the same nostalgia feeling as it does for people who never stopped playing games.
For girls that did actually keep playing games and get into it properally. The difference in taste is negligible compared to guys who are "hardcore" gamers. They are less in number, but represented across all genres.
The only subset of gaming that has very little female presence is the dudebro casual gamers (basically the missing link between mobile/browser games and being super into gaming) the type of people who buy cod and Fifa every year and play lots, but ignore all but the most widespread mainstream games. Very few females exist in this catagory.
They don't, they're actually talking with each other and socializing, you're just fucking autistic and can't comprehend because you see everyone that isn't you in the terms of how they interact with you.
put three together and they disappear giving you points
my 60yo mother is literally the second ranked in the world in one of the more popular ones
> 8/10
yeah sure
Bejeweled. The top two genres is just shitty phone and facebook games so you can pretty much disregard they exist.
head games
Hit a lil too close to home, eh normie lemming?
Multiplayer-only games, since most can't do shit without an orbiter. Most girls have meltdowns if they're alone for even a few minutes.
They like the memes. They don't actually play the shit.
I guess that makes her the most famous person I've put my dick in in your family until your sister's YouTube vlog hits a million subs.
Do you also like being bullied and dominated in bed?
...The fact that I talk to people? Shit man, you nailed me.
bet that sounded funny in your head, reddit
Here in Korea it is definitely Overwatch.
Other MMOs (as well as old school ones) are still beint played by girls too. Although limited to only the Korean version of the games.
Do people do this?
My experience with normies is drinking half a bottle of tequila for pre drinks, then dancing like crazy for as long as possible, taking mdma if there's any around and slowly getting kicked out of every bar and club we visit until it's 7am and you pass out after (hopefully) making it home.
You need to find better normie friends.
Oh boy, the normie busted out his passive aggression
you had to be 18yo or more to browse this site last time i checked the rules
Make my dick hard: The game
asian people kiss so awkwardly
Sauce pls
why do asians kiss so disgustingly? I always wondered.
>Sup Forumsirgin encounters a girl.webm
Face it, most of you virgins who want to have a cute gf wouldn't even know how to act near one.
Having a literal hardon is cheating and awkward desu
they act around sex like cringy 8yo who are afraid of girls
Of course you think they do when you get your world view from Sup Forums and porn.
All you have to do is go up to one and say hi.
Not kidding, I love it.
League of Legends
So like Americans then?
why do you speak about talking to people as some sort of accomplishment nobody else can do, especially in normie gatherings where """socializing""" is code for trying to get laid as soon as possible
I'll be damned.
Maybe I'm just lucky, then? I've never had anybody kiss me like that.
yeah, but americans are degenerate enough to at least smash enough to avoid population decline
Remind me again why roids are bad
Impressive. But I prefer 7s.
He looks legit.
I'm not an expert though.
>white natality falling
yup, avoiding