Sitting on a long busride

>sitting on a long busride
>two greasy manchildren behind you put some toy between the seats without asking
>they are talking loudly and laughing
>hear *BING* *BING* WAHOOO right next to your ear at max volume
What would you do?

post a thread on Sup Forums complaining about it

>What would you do?

sit on their lap and play with them


I'm trying to figure out how the picture was taken. Is the guy playing with the guy sitting behind him? How are there two left hands in the shot?

ask them to turn down the volume assuming they didn't already

I don't know. report for consolewar shit?

Grab my controllers and ask them if they got room for one more.

>Yo nigga lemme join in that shit.

>sit on their lap
I'd rather not

Pull out my Switch an join them for some local-wifi multi

Ignore it because I'm not an ADD ridled fucktard?
>B-buh ignoring loud sound is hardddd :((((
Take your ritalin, kid.

Thick unkempt hair
Long dirty nails

Eww. Cringe.


Why the FUCK do people grow their nails out so long? It's fucking gross

Someone like him? Laziness to the point where even basic grooming isn't something they think about.

I would punch that shit outta the seat.

>nintendo switch? more like switch that shit off


sure user

Tards tend to keep either their tumb or pinky nail long so they can scratch their butthole.

I used to be aa tard wrangler for my county and we would always have a couple with that compulsion. Some looked like regular, functional adults that needes job counceling ans tips on how to groom and dress, others were straight up retarded.

The bottom line was, if they had a long nail it would smell like shit, be covered in grime and would often times have specks of blood on it.

You had to be careful too, the more mentally unstable ones would try and cut your ass with it; a guaranteed fucking infection if they did.

I don't know what I laughed. Probably because I read that in his voice.

>hear *BING* *BING* WAHOOO right next to your ear at max volume
I'm willing to bet a lot of money that whoever made the picture muted the sound of the game, therefore who gives a fuck.

I hope this thread suffers a quick death, because there is no vidya discussion, only consolewar shitposting.

Just because you little bitch boy irl doesn't mean others are...

I'd ask them to turn down the volume, otherwise I don't care. If they refuse I would "accidentaly" drop that thing on the floor, and then again and again.


Like looking into a mirror, eh redditor?

I wish I was on Sup Forums to see that thread but I was busy playing my switch

>destroying other peoples property on purpose
are you a nigger user or some leftie antifa cuck?

This, I want to get used all bus ride long~

sure, user

Sure thing, subby.

I can sit on your lap if you want

*Tips fedora*
Good day sir

If you do get cut, how long before you turn?


I bet you posted from a phone shortly after giving your butthole a scratch.

I don't mind you guys playing, but turn off the sound.

I had to do it when I was 4 years old on my gameboy, you sure as fuck have to do it now. This isn't a thing exclusive to handheld owners btw, I've sat at airports where people were playing bejeweled or some shit with sound on, like 40 year old women and shit, pissing everyone off for lack of basic manners.

I swear to god, some people grew up with the worst lack of parenting possible.

Fuck em, if that would ask I would have no problem. But if they put it in between the seats and play with the volume full blast in my ear, yeah I'd do it on purpose.

Common fucking courtesy.

>nu Sup Forums can't play games outside *cringe
gaming really is dead

>tfw too afraid to play my Vita on long train or coach journeys incase I see myself in these threads

t.chimp out nigger

>refuses to play game with the bros having a good time on the bus bc you are afraid of people making fun of you
>they leave
>you are still alone and have no friends
>complain about them on Sup Forums


if you look good no one gives a shit user

Looks like there's 4 players judging by the screen and the non-matching controllers, so presumably there's two playing in the row right behind the Switch, and then the row behind them.

You fell for it like Quentin wanted.
You don't really want that obnoxious prick to be right do you? Only judgemental no life losers care about what others do while in public.

I imagine that's his problem. :^)

>punch the switch out of the seat
>it breaks and hits someone
>"what the hell? This man just broke my console!"
>"Jesus, I think there is a shard in my eye!"
>"Haha, f-fuck Nintenbros, right?"
>"I'm suing you!"
>"Hahaha, little bitch boy"
>everyone in the bus throwing shocked looks at user, some people stand up and take another seat away from him
>user sits quietly, face red like a baboon's ass
>when user gets up to take a shit on the bus toilet someone trips him up
>user flails his arms around and sobs in impotent rage

I'd be insulted if I didn't appear in them desu

this is you


W-what's so wrong about a hoodie?

>bus driver pulls over
>cops waiting outside

y one dem niggas levitatin

y 3rd from the right got a 5head where his hair shoud b

Kill yourself Quentin wannabe, what a waste of trips.

>fatass doesn't change
>is happy with who he is
>quentin accomplishes nothing
>is somehow making the world a better place

you ask them to turn it down you volatile shit

Trips don't lie that is indeed him.

This is the gayest picture I have ever seen.

why not? they make more money in a few month than any of us will make in a lifetime

Who the fuck wears hoodies anymore

Outgroove them.

Is that Uwe Boll on the right?

And they are gay for your Pepe

>thinks you need 2 hands to take a picture
found the handlet

People that own hoodies.

And of they don't? Then what you fucking cunt?

I'm pretty sure that's Iniesta.

2 dirty spics shafting their toy near my seat?
Will punch their toy, so it will fall off and break.

I didn't know insecurity was a tangible sensation until yours leaked through my monitor.

Me. I also wear cargo shorts. And play Nintendo
>tfw im a walking stereotype


complain with the bus driver, chimping out will just end with you as the bad guy and most likely thrown off the bus

Then you're getting worked up over an unrealistic hypothetical scenario you histerical little shit lol

It is ok to be gay user, no need to be triggered. But that picture is gay as fuck.

>cargo shorts
>long, thick hair
>don't talk to anyone
Yup, I'm the same way


>hello can you please mute it thanks



Make me drumpfkin, or are you going to put another globalist cheetoh clown in office so he tries to do it? :^)

Thats not an answer jackass.

Keep cucking friendo.


I dont really cut my nails because it feels uncomfortable having the skin exposed. I dont grow them super long because they'd end up pricking my eyes every time I put contacts in n out

*Tips fedora*

>Y-yeah... Maybe if we tell on them, they'll behave.

>absolute lack of arguments
Sasuga, drumpfkin.

Why do you wear contacts? Even the guy who invented them wore normal glasses.

>tfw no gucci embroided hoodie

I will try not to notice them act as nothing happens maybe they will not bully me...

doing physical things where glasses get in the way

such as?

The great quentin deserves only trips, and nothing less

>haha he doesnt resort to violence at the slightest resistance
see this is literally what will happen if you punch that shit, if you actually acted like that to everyday annoying strangers you'll be posting from jail, thank goodness its just you acting like an internet tough guy ;)

a contact sport perhaps? skiing? diving or swimming?

Busses have seats that comfy now? I haven't ridden in public transportation in like 15 years.

Replace long thick hair with a beard and you have me. I also wear tshirts with logos on them sometimes.

We're cool.

>What would you do?

Do you travel without headphones?

It's not your daily use public transport.

I just wanted to get away from glasses. I was in 10th grade when I got contacts I think, 8th-10th I think at least.