webm thread
Webm thread
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They're so easy to make fun of it's almost sad.
You can actually see the oestrogen
top cute
is this guy begging for cash money on the street using a halo suit?
Shit, that’s actually cute as fuck.
ugh, my cholesterol raised just by watching this
what the fuck is going on with that world when he jumps?
I believe it's a custom map where it twists in the middle so that the red side is normal and the blue side is tilted 90 degrees
glad i'm not retarded. thought they did something weird with jumping, but it's a strange lmao2fort
>Teddy Players
>hating on best boy
>this is why no one respects us slowly echoes in the background
These are people who deserved to be bullied
I really hope he was trolling
>Liking the worst persona character since trans-nigger from 1
What anime? It is that new one called "gamers"?
Is there a group more autistic than Sm4sh?
no it's cringers, out now
Somehow, this site keeps impressing me after all these years
off yourself
is that from the indian splatoon esport team?
Jesus fuck, fix your color settings
How is this videogames?
Looks fine ingame. Not sure why it came out like that
>brown ink
I opened that image expecting the big post to be some Melee autism but I got the opposite.
Do you have some examples of Melee autism?
So darn cute!
>trying to defend tr4sh autism by posting more tr4shfags speriging out
Also it's pretty embarassing how smash 4 barely beat Melee's 2016 viewership with the Sunday slot on main stage and 2 (two) TV broadcasts
, chicken, cheetos
>MGS 3 remaster on that engine never ever
Thanks for reminding me, asshole
Holy fuck I hate her intro
Don't give a fuck about character itself, but why the fuck she do this punches like a retard? In the fight atleast she has some real cool moves
>that engine
There is no engine. Those are pre-rendered.
that webm still gets me hard just like this one
The poster didn't even mention tr4sh. Is this how fucking autistic melee players are? They get called out so they start sperging out about how much better and more elite they are even over a game that's in their own fucking community? Fucking smash players holy shit.
>the poster
Hey if you're still that same user I'm still waiting for an example or something of some melee autism for comparison. You must have missed my (You)
sauce on this? remember it being called doll something
I was pretty sure they used the Fox Engine because why pre-render that shit when you've got an engine that could look just as good.
it'd be great if it wasn't for the fucking maze dungeons
video games suck
>native resolution
But the dungeons are the best part of the game
some real good VIDEO GAME webms going on here
That is kinda true, but Melee is still a better viewing experience than most of the other games at evo. I don't really care about a Sunday slot, haven't played the game seriously in years, but Melee has done alot of good for evo since coming back.
I also think the biggest reason it takes so long for people to get good at Melee is in large part because of the community. There is a lot of knowledge about the game that is relatively hard to access. It goes back to the days when smashboards and AIM were the primary methods of communication. There was something called the meleebackroom, which was essentially a part of smashboards that was only accessible to certain community members, mainly top players, where pretty much all the public high level discussion about the game took place. Aside from that, it was all AIM and face to face conversations. Its still like that to a certain extent. You can find alot more information, but actually engaging with others and understanding it is still mostly a matter of having connections in the community, which typically only happens once you reach a certain skill level. The fundamentals of the game have to be learned pretty much in isolation, which leads a lot of people to never really get beyond that stage, and when they do, they usually have incomplete knowledge, bad habits, or just wrong ideas that have to be unlearned and remedied. That is why you might notice that a lot of really good players were friends before getting very good, or became much better after befriending a good player. Also, some of these guys have played like 20000+ hours of melee. It wouldn't surprise me to find out M2K has like 50000 in Melee alone. These people just play every fucking day for hours, or at least did at one point.
>I was pretty sure they used the Fox Engine
No you weren't. Someone just made up that it was fox engine and everyone ran with it.
What do you think is more likely, for someone to build a pachinko machine with the latest and greatest hardware just so it can render some cutscenes in real time or for someone to build a pachinko machine with $30 worth of hardware so that it can playback some pre-rendered videos that would look way better than the realtime render ever would?
What happened to this dog
poor kitty
That's it?
>Ayyy lemow
>not Cat-aracts
lol sure
>tfw you knew exactly what it was when the doors opened
what has become of me
I think he means they used the fox engine to render the video.
I don't get it
so if they're very fresh you can eat frogs raw? crazy shit
>he actually took the glasses off
What's up with the proportions on that chief? Long torso and tiny lil legs
bless your heart, child
why are french people so subhuman?