Make a shitty halfassed game that would get 2/10 everywhere

>make a shitty halfassed game that would get 2/10 everywhere
>slap some animetits on the cover
>sell it on steam as well
>ironic weebs and permavirgins buy it in masses
>"have you bought her game" threads on Sup Forums every hour
>game sells like hotcakes

Was it ever more easy to make quick money with videogames without needing any effort whatsoever?

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It's been that way for thousands of years.

Try again when the weebs/neets are awake.

Gee, it's almost as if an entire gender offsets their utter uselessness by having really great tits.


*tips fedora respectfully towards you*

I mostly blame weaboos and permavirgins.
No supply without demand.

literally name one game like this.

The entire Neptunia series


Wrong. The Neptunia games are fine as turn-based JRPGs in their own right. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't good for other people. I'm a huge fan of turn-based JRPGs, and that is why I started playing the games. Try again.

I also appreciate the games with their references.
vii was a really good one, especially S sha's backstory
vii had a lot of good new stuff all around

Not him, but I played JRPGs since SNES and played A LOT of them to this day. neptunia games are barebone JRPGs at best. Utterly mediocre if you played actually good ones before. Doesnt help that the soundtrack, dungeon design and story is shit as well.

dungeon design i'll give that to you, but story and music is subjective
Im a different user but like i said above, the references to video games as a whole I really enjoy
music has good stuff

lol why do people think just stating your opinions is an argument?

The defense force out in full swing

>think of something mundane
>put together a shitty physics engine

I think most of the time the companies start with the anime titties, and once they have a design they feel they could make a profit with, then slap a game on it (most of the time a mediocre one).

Neptunia feels like an odd case to present on this thread because I feel the topic it deals with (consoles and the video game industry in general) has some weight and interest that's wasted because the team behind it also likes to draw little girls in ecchi situations (and there is miss Xbox, but admit that most of the cast at this point are pedo bait). I could go on about this but I'd deviate too much from the actual topic.

I know there are more games out there that fit OPs criteria (maybe one of those boats or animals that Sup Forums likes so much) but I never touched them so I can't comment on those.

>I think most of the time the companies start with the anime titties, and once they have a design they feel they could make a profit with, then slap a game on it (most of the time a mediocre one).
I wouldnt care about it if this shit wouldnt be a trend these days. Its one thing with games that solely exist to pander to kissless neckbeards, I really dont mind it, neckbeards have their fun and companies make easy virginbucks. But its obvious that said pandering leaks into franchises that used to sell without it or only very little fanservice, which was perfectly fine. Lets take Fire Emblem for example, these games always had cute girls in it, yeah, but they where just kinda there. Much like in real life where you always meet some cute girls, nothing you can do about it, its realistic so to say. But now FE degraded into a literal dating simulator. Or lets take the mainline SMT games, they slapped out of place waifu characters in it JUST to make money with them. Its painfully obvious that they went out of their way to squeeze them into it for a few more bucks out of otakus. THIS is the shit that pisses me off.

Make as many waifugames you want, but fucking leave this shit out of established franchises that did good enough without it or had only very subtle fanservice.

Neptunia's battle system was done better over a decade ago. It's pathetic that it's still mediocre after 4 mainline titles. The only good thing about the series is the girls and their interactions.

Fire Emblem clearly did not sell well enough without it considering Awakening was originally the final game originally, till it sold above expectations.

>ironic weebs

so, peoole that watch anime and say 'this is awesome' sarcastically to look cool to other people? who the fuck would bother

People tend to forget that Awakening also was the first 3DS FE game, so part of the success might be thanks to that, not the blatant pandering.

It also got a shit load of advertising which allowed the people who already sorta knew in the back if the head marth and roy from smash a chance to try the series. Compared to the piss poor marketing of the previous games.

The paople that watch some meme on the month anime, and wrap their whole persona around anime even though weeb means someone who enjoys all jap culture and wants to be part of it, and call themselves a "weeb".

This also works for film.

>write a boring war film
>have actors not do a thing except for look over water
>tom hardy

10/10's everywhere