PlayStation Plus price hike announced for Europe

Do you think is justified to hike up the prices without any improvement itself to the service??


What are you poor? It's just few cents.
Besides, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Stop being such a baby.

>paying to play online
I mean yeah Sony is getting more and more Jewy by the minute but the people who support this shit are beyond cucked.

lmao deserving it for brexit you cunts

This is a good thing, milk those retarded console kids as much as possible, make it $100 a month, they will still defend it.

it's not only for the UK though

Price is increasing worldwide. I have PS+ paid up untin the end of 2018. Not going to renew it unless they improve their infrastructure.

It's called inflation ret&rds

First they charged for Xbox Live, and I did not speak out—
Because I was on PC.

Then they came for Play Station Network, and I did not speak out—
Because Play Station has no games.

Then they came for Nintendo, and I did not speak out—
Because it was always free (even though I did speak out).

Then they came for PC—and there was no one left to speak for PC.

>pay ~30 € a year
>still valid until 12/2018

Maybe I'll get another year cheap, should last until a new console generation hits

>It's called inflation ret&rds
where is your inflation in games Prices you apologetic cuck?

That's how it works, they justify the price with """""free"""""" games, then when they increase the price tag you can't say no because they're holding those """"""free"""""" games hostage. It effectively becomes a tax, you're letting a private corporation tax you when you buy into these subscription-based services.

>video game in 2017
video game in 2010

Hows Brexit working for ya, Brits? Isn't the devalued pound making your country great again?

>being so new $60 games is all you know

why people buy it directly from the store instead of buying a cheap card on ebay/other sites for 30-35€?

>going from 90$ PS1 era to 60$ is inflation
listen here you stupid shit

Europoors can pay for achmed, why can't they pay for this?

Its because of the exchange rate you stupid fuck. Brexit made the economy shit the bed and now you have to lay the cost for your sovereignty

>He's STILL mad about Brexit

>he's running around these threads and quoting everyone in it screeching "inflation"

Probably because the British pound has been buckling for a while. Standard practice.

shut your ass up

PC is an open platform though

Why people are screaming " LOL BREXIT XDD" id the price is affecting all the europe and not only the UK?

>Paying money for them to hand your credit card details out
>Paying money for them to throttle the speed of the Internet connection you're already paying for
>Paying money for shitty p2p multiplayer


Dumbasses from lefty/pol/

>Paying money to Sony
>So you can use the internet connection you're already paying for
>to play the multiplayer on games you've already paid for

I pay for Achmed if and when he aquires Dutch citizenship.

Luckily Achmed drowns in the Mediterranean or is stuck in a Greek detention centre.

But hey, at least they get Just Cause 3, which runs like ass on console, and some old piece of shit Assassin's Creed DLC. What a deal.

>It's only an $10. You can afford an $20, right? $30 is just a few more cents a month if you're not poor.

>being so fucking new you dont remember when games were over $100 a fucking pop even when the dollar was higher

kys millenial shit

what do people even play online on consoles? on ps3 never played those forced online modes for more than game or two out of curiosity and then just went back to the single player

>hobby is expensive when it's niche
>hobby becomes mainstream and dominates electronic media, almost as expensive

>what are you, poor?

I honestly can't believe how sony fags actually let playstation plus through?

Like where do sony get the balls to just start charging for it when it was free on the previous generation?

Playing on console is truly suffering having to pay twice just to play online.

any exploits to get ps plus free?

And with that, I'm out. An inexplicable 25% price hike for a service I almost never use.


poorfags like you shouldnt play videogames anyway

if not enough people pay for it, they need to increase the cost for paying customers to make up the difference. they have their own income goals they need tom meet.

Heh just the cost of a cup of expresso. What are you poor Hehe heh heh I mean really.....

oyyyyy veyyy that was fast. the sony jew patrol came here quick.

>40$ in 2010

Where the fuck do you live? I still remember new copies of various AAA games such as Halo Reach being 60$

I was actually thinking about buying a PS4 but won't now. Sony is getting way too greedy.

>sony.g.g.e.r.s have to pay twice to play online
makes me glad i own a pc

>Pay monthly fee under premise of Online Improvements
>Still can't change PSN IDs
>Games still use P2P connections with no dedicated servers or DDoS protection
>Battlefield PS4 and Xbox players still have to rent their own dedicated servers anyway on top of a sub
>Have to pay PS+ on top of another subscription to play FFXIV while PC gamers just pay the sub
>Lack of hackers come from no known Kernel Exploit/ModChip for the PS4 unlike the CFW and JTAG days of the PS3/360
>Download speeds still not fixed and requires one to set up a proxy on their PC

But hey, if people want to pay for the privilege of easy Cloud Storage and buying Digital Games at the same price as retail; fine by me.

>Not knowing how much more expensive flash memory is compared to optical media

this is untrue

Not worth it
Fuck gaming

lmao at kiddos thinking global inflation is a bad thing and doesn't generally play catch up to more spending power in you own pocket
fucks sake/v/ don't you have to have gone to school since you have to be over 18 to post here


This is the same board that complains about 60 dollar games when inflation hasn't affected games in decades. Basically mindless children that don't understand basic economic concepts.

Can someone please try to explain to me WHY consoles need to charge you for basic online functions in the first place?

Especially in context of PC not charging you additionally. Please explain otherwise i consider it a waste of money like it is

Servers arnt cheap. Not that Sony spends any money on decent servers.
Microsoft started this but least they dont fucking skimp out and tack it I'm on because people eat it up

Microsoft started it, and Sony and Nintendo saw that there wasn't much protest about it, so they followed suit. You're gonna get down, or you're gonna lay down. What's it gonna be sunshine?

It allows them to sell the consoles """"cheaper"""", which gets more sales.

Sell PS3 for 599 and start a shitstorm

Sell PS4 for 300+300 online fees over 5 years and it's fine

>Servers arnt cheap

Servers ARE cheap in this day and age and would be financed alone by the advertisements they bombard you on xbone/gaystation

You get fucking ads now?

Jesus, this was the right gen to jump ship.

>Microsoft started this but least they dont fucking skimp out and tack it I'm on because people eat it up

That's the thing. MS started with the paid online, but XBL was always a clearly superior service than PSN. MS has a lot more resources at its disposal to use for it so the experience they can offer is much better.

PSN has always been clearly inferior, so to begin charging for it just because MS does, without raising the standard, is a joke.

Ads as in when you see their shilling on their interface/platform. I doubt that recommended movie of the month doesnt have to pay for its spot


One more reason to never buy that piece of shit.