This is literally game of thrones of video games

This is literally game of thrones of video games.

so it's fucking shit?

>the game is still stuck on PSP the worst handheld


Wow, thanks for telling me. To think I was gonna play it...

Well, you can play in on the Vita aka the best handheld.

I've been really interested in it for a while but even now I am slowly pushing through Disgaea 5 so my SRPG quota might be filled for a while.

SNES version is better

>comparing a masterpiece to GoT
Commit sudoku


Overrated juvenile trash? No, Tactics Ogre is actually good.

>playing games on ANY handheld

Don't compare TO to that shitfest known as Game of Thrones. The books got worse and worse and the show is so laughably bad now it's ridiculous. TO shits on that meme series.

kek, i knew there was something wrong with the american cover.
Barely managed to save those poor kids from degeneracy.

how about posting the real box art

I didn't think it had a physical release in Australia.

It has blood and tiddies?

Law route is objectively the best route.

>he plays handheld games on a pc so he can justify his wasted money.

You mean Ravness route.

Why are burgers so uptight about showing off skin? Was it really necessary to add tights onto that one girl in the blue dress?

This. It's the most fulfilling route too.

au>jp>us cover

What happened to him was depressing. Too bad this franchise is essentially dead.

>Why are burgers so uptight about showing off skin?
So little burger boys don't get horny and touch themselves.

No, unlike the current game of thrones, it's not SJW shit.

Man the banter is this game was great I wish Ramidos could be recruited

I hope nintendo or sony give Matsuno some money so he can make a real game again.
So many great japanese devs are stuck making iOS and android shit.

Why was the sister so fucking retarded? I mean I get she had a massive brother complex and wanted to fuck Denim, but jesus some of the choices she makes throughout the game are mind boggling. I almost regret saving her from killing herself.

>Why was the sister so fucking retarded?

Because of terrible writing.

you is smart

Because she's a female. Also like you said she's a massive brocon and is all around pretty mentally screwed up.

Still leagues above Game of Feminists.

This is the closest a video game will ever be to Game of Thrones.

She didn't do that much stupid stuff? I remember liking her, and there was only one bad decision she made.
I remember her being a bit pragmatic and just didn't want to play war

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
That bad ending where thr bad guy rapes/mindbreaks her so bad she's stuck on a wheelchair made my dick diamonds.

Headcanon isn't canon

Reminder that Matsuno is now developing games for mobile

>old monk using fists
picked up

They also covered up the girl in the green dress. Look at her chest in this illustration compared to the American box art.

Isn't that by his own choice? Didn't he have a falling out with SE?

Do you mean the old dude at the 3 o'clock position? That's Warren, he's a standard 'elderly super wizard' and you can't get him as a permanent party member until postgame, at a point where there's only six story battles left.

It's not shit, so you're wrong.

Ravness > Chaos sisters

>not monk

This game is wonderful.
The only thing that annoyed me is, each time you obtained a new class you had to train it, and the grind was kinda boring fast.

Also it's strange how the story variation were handled. Characters motivations changes depending what you choose, it was real strange seeing Vyce being a complete douch in chaos and then he's way too nice in lawful.

How is Game of Thrones sjw shit?
Best Tactical strategy Game I've ever played, and I've beaten Fates:Conquest and Awakening

For what its worth knuckles/claws are a common weapon type equippable by a lot of classes.

The question is, is it better than N64 game?

Ravness is pretty good but aren't the sisters for Neutral route? I haven't played chaos.
I also dropped the game when playing Law because sometimes I think your dialouge options sould like same thing, and then I fucked up getting Ravness. Havenot found the strength to restart. Fuck the first Nybeth battle.

About to play this on PPSSPP.

Gimme some hot tips.
Can you find yourself in any unwinnable situations like FF Tactics?

I mean, the class system in TO lets you make him into a monk-like character anyway. He won't have the best stats for it, but a character's individual stats stop being important once your classes hit Lv15 or so.
The bigger people is that there isn't really a monk-like class, outside of one boss character who can't join you.

>How is Game of Thrones sjw shit
Women rule pretty much everywhere.
Half the plot is about immigrating non-westerners to not-Great Britain.

Cool, are there random battles to grindan my party?

You could potentially get stuck inside a castle, like Riovannes in FFT, but the game explicitly warns you about saving in a different slot whenever you enter one.

I'm not too keen on isometric tactics games, but how's the story?

I might just play with a few cheats to speed things along

Yes, there are random battles to grind your party and get crafting materials.
Fuck crafting by the way. You can't make things in bulk so when you need five steel ingots you need to go through way too many "crafted on [component]". Not to mention that if you're a scumbag like me you'll save between every time because crafting can fail and you lose everything.

You get all the sisters in the Chaos route too, and really Neutral is just a branch of the Chaos route. I've played all the routes on a New Save, and to me Law > Chaos > Neutral, not to say Neutral doesn't have some cool moments. Neutral!Vyce is a true wild card

Actually, raises a good point. Use a cheat to make crafting have a 100% success rate. The crafting system in TO sucks balls, and the worst part is that crafting only yields good equipment up to level 30 or so - all the good endgame OP bullshit only drops in the Palace o the Dead.

Can I talk about OB64 too?
I fought Procus at Latium. I had read somewhere that to do that, you have to have a low CF and have Ankiseth. But I don't have Ankiseth and my CF is above 50 because right after that mission, I was able to get the Southern Cross armor.

Also, Gorgons are my favorite characters. I built a unit with 2 Gorgons in the front, a Cockatrice in the back, and another Gorgon in the back with that bow that petrifies. Most enemy units are dead before they get a chance to attack.

I liked law route the best. It feels like the "canon" route. Also you get best girl Ozma.

Story is actually based off of the Yugoslav wars and is pretty interesting. Though if you aren't a fane of these kinds of games it can get annoying. But if you're using cheats then you should be good.

The story is good, but you need to kill yourself.
The story starts off with the main character Pavel, his sister and his friend joining a rebellion. After liberating some of their land Pavel is sent to deal with some miners. There you a choice about what you want to do with the miners, but no matter what you'll end up hated.
Pavel then realizes that if he wants to create a better world then he'll have to do it himself and then he goes to conquer the world.

>Women rule pretty much everywhere.
And all the female Rulers are grossly incompetent, Cersei is Hated and Daenerys has an Upraising every last Thursday and only holds power through Emotional appeal or Brute Force and not by being a Leader.
>Half the plot is about immigrating non-westerners to not-Great Britain
They're invading it to take it over for the right full Queen they aren't going for a Better life.

>Neutral!Vyce is a true wild card
??? It's been a while, but I though I killed the fucker after he went mad trying to kill me.

He dies killing Duke Ronwey who is actually a super competent leader in the Neutral route.

As long as she's personally at work, there's no one she can't outsmart and get killed.

>Man the banter is this game was great
I know right?
>Play lawful route
>Recruit Ozma
>Use her in every fight against the Dark Knight
>Watch her trashtalk every single one of them to death

Holy fuck she was a savage.

That would be Fire Emblem 4.

>Story is actually based off of the Yugoslav wars and is pretty interesting.
Didn't knew that, interesting.


Duke Ronway being competent sounds somewhat correct, although Pavel still hunts him to clear his name.
But as for Vyce, I only remember him going mad and being crazy about killing Pavel. Are you sure you didn't go Neutral(start)>Chaos>Chaos>Neutral instead of Neutral>Chaos>Neutral?

>implying Genealogy of the Holy War is not the Game of Thrones of SRPGs
Incest Sim 1996 edition.

Yeah, but it's a procedural simulation doodad instead of a scripted narrative. CK2 is more like real life than it is like GoT.

You should look up an English textbook and check the rules on capitalization.

>Go Law
>Ronwey is an incompetent retard
>Go Chaos or Neutral
>Ronwey is actually pretty smart
I feel like Denam's special power is actually draining the competence away from his allies.

Yeah, you never kill Vyce. Law Vyce joins you, Chaos Vyce gets executed for trying to double-cross too many people at the same time, and Neutral Vyce dies after assassinating Ronwey.

It's bullshit. Just because it takes place on a balkanized continent doesn't mean it's about the balkans.

>Uplifts the Faith Militant
>They turn on her
>Installs Geoffrey before he is old enough

>Story is actually based off of the Yugoslav wars and is pretty interesting.

You mean the ethnic cleansing shit fests from 30 years ago, or some earlier war? How so? Seems a bit heavy on the dragons.

Matsuno actually says he got inspiration from the on going conflict when making Tactics Ogre

As far as I know there's only one choice to go Neutral

>Handles the Faith Militant by cutting the head off the snake
>Geoffrey was merely a figurehead to her control
What to you mean about installing Geoffrey before he's old enough? After Robert's death it's only natural that Geoffrey gets the throne.

It's not bullshit.From an interview in 95

>I think those who bought the game were those who had an interest for that situation in the first place. In the case of TO, I have the Yugoslavia Wars in mind. The Bosnian War and the reports of Mr. Akashi [a war correspondent perhaps?] are incessantly on the news. We might not understand it very well, but we do know there are several different ethnic groups in Yugoslavia, and that they're fighting each other. TO is built upon a very complex world, so that if the player doesn't have such knowledge, the game might even cause rejection for all I know. But if the player does know about the Yugoslavia situation, I think he'll receive this game well. We couldn't make such a game in the past. Even if we had, it wouldn't have been accepted. But I think now we're in a period in time when it can be done. We the newcomers from Quest, wanted to try delivering that new sort of game as a challenge to ourselves.

>Didn't he have a falling out with SE?
Probably, FFXII is good but it's also a mess.
I doubt developing for mobile is a good thing.

shallow bullshit that lets people pretend they're sophisticated while they get off to watching graphic violence?

After being dragged through the streets
My point is she isn't a Mary Sue who can do no wrong and make no mistakes.

I don't remember, is he talking about best girl Ravness?

you guys know Game of Thrones is the first book and the series as a whole is called A Song of Ice and Fire, right?
the first book was good

So the only thing Yugo about it is people of different ethnicities living in close proximity/under the same banner. I'm not suprised that a gook has no idea about how shit works in the balkans, and how he could relate it to many other places, even if watching about the Bosnian War on the news was how he got inspired.

By his own choice. Matsuno is still loved by a lot of fans and his name still has a lot of value, if he wanted he could do something other than shitty mobile crap. But he's just doing a mobile cash grab like everyone else, it's going to be filled with grind, lootboxes and rolls and cash shop like every other mobile piece of shit.

Yes. I like the remake's dialogue, you get a sense its an older way of speaking but its not overly Shakespearean, or flowery like WoTL's

is it really? care to explain why?

I think so. She did get shit on a lot for being a mongrel by both sides.

>As far as I know there's only one choice to go Neutral
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the route chart in LUCT goes something like pic related.

Archers are even more OP than in the remake, Valkyries are great units not just support, Dragoons are just a tier lower than Valkyries and good for any battle instead of just against monsters. Also affinities were good, why did they get rid of them?

The TV series is called the Game of Thrones and while it shares a lot of similarities to the Song of Ice and Fire they're not the same story.

For Vyce it sort of makes sense, he just somewhat spites you and will do the opposite of what you do.

I was referring to the show. I know the books are pretty much separate entities by this point. The books are still decent though they have kind of declined as they went on. The show which started out decent turned into a complete shitfest.

>SNES version is better

No it's fucking not idiot. Some of you people really need to unplug those nostalgia goggles from your skulls one of these days.

That chart is wrong.
You start as Neutral in Chapter 1.
You can go Law or Chaos just before Chapter 2.
If you go Law, you're stuck with it for the rest of the game.
If you go Chaos, you can switch back to Neutral at the end of Chapter 2.
After Chapter 2 you're locked into your alignment, but Chapter 4 is 90% the same for all of them.

Female Dragoon design is terrible. Dark Knight too.

There is no way to defend the retarded leveling system the PSP version has.


Ozma and her blind husbando were great. Another reason why I like the Law route.

Isn't one of them supposed to be Denam's love interest? I forgot which one.

Is this translation good? English is not my native languange, so it felt very weird and I couldn't tell why.

I've never found any artwork on the Lodis knight that was an ex-slave, I've always found that odd since I liked having art of all the Lodis knights.

F-four sisters?