Post mains

post mains



I love this motherfucker

pc - ded
ps4 - ps+ payments


I'm practicing Ky's VT loop and I can't consistently get the c.s>2HS to connect with each other at the start of the loop. I'm practicing it on Zato and 3/4 times he techs before the 2HS can connect.

What do?


Far from it. I'm playing online right now

Who do I main boys? I had been playing a ton of Venom but I just can't get used to holding back and down for Stinger and Carcass Raid.


I want to get good at Jam, but I'm not reliable with her inputs.

Might be one of those combos you have to adjust slightly depending on who you're against. I'm not too familiar with the VT loops though.

Posting main and sub.

With a pocket May and Chipp.


The charge is much faster than in street fighter. Learn to "store a charge" during combos.

For example, when you grab someone, hold down before hitting the big ball with crouching heavy slash. You can then cancel it into slash carcass raid and then instant airdash into an air combo that can corner carry. Hitting P ball with stinger too awkward for you? Keep holding back or crouch back at the end of your quarter circle motion when summoning P ball and then press forward and then forward heavy slash for an easy enhanced ball.


Is there any list (or a page that indicates) of overhead moves? I'm trying to improve my matchup knowledge and that can be helpful as fuck.


Fun thing I discovered as May. Certain projectiles, like the beach ball, don't stop moving during the camera change and flash for the Great Yamada Attack overdrive. If you time it right, you can hit an opponent with the beach ball while camera changes so they can't block the whale.

anyone got a worthwhile elphelt guide?

I guess the main problem I have with it is I am not thinking that far ahead. I guess if I play him more I will get to a point where it is second nature.

I want to start subbing him. Got a flowchart?

Stop making lobbies during Euro and NEET hours.

Check Dustloop for each character's moves.

while not an overhead, I fucking despise Millia's Bad Moon divekick because it can be tiger kneed for an unreactable overhead that forces people to guess if she's going to do it when you can get punished hard for making that guess and get hit confirmed. Inb4 it's unsafe on block


May has always been my main and probably always will. There's something in my heart that just doesn't let me switch.

This has been a thing for quite a long time, actually.

It's indicated in the frame data, which you can find in the Dustloop wiki and in the GunFrame app.


This has been known for a long time. Pretty sure since Sign.

Yep it's in GGXX too. It's a super freeze unblockable. Even if the opponent is standing still, if they weren't already blocking it will hit them during the super animation.

>tfw Ky locks you in the corner

General threads are not allowed on Sup Forums


Interesting. I'm a long time Sol main but I switch my subs every now and then. I guess I never discovered that about May before. Thanks for the clarification.

More like Greed Sever.

That move is going to hit confirm every time until you have hours of matchup experience with Ky.


It's an online-unblockable.

>tfw when practicing VT loops right now


Brown May should be illegal.

what with all GG threads lately

are u guys on PC or PS4?

japs keep kicking me out.

Thanks, anons.
That app should be helpful.

Both. What the fuck do you think we've been playing if we hate SFV and MVCI so much?

That and color scheme 3 (which I like to call Green Day May) are great. I use the Galo Sengen colors with Sol and similar colors with everyone else.

Are they /ourguys/, Sup Forums?

Anyone have any sources on learning Axl?

Long live black and yellow clothes May. It used to be my custom palette in #Reload and luckily enough they made it in Xrd.

Playing Axl.
Seriously why is everyone so obsessed with guides and tutorials. Just develop your own style. Discovery and experimentation are part of the fun.

Because my style is shit and if resources exist there is 0 reason to not use them.

sin is the perfect level of difficulty desu

shit like haehyun's reverse four tigers sword loops (trial 10) are artificial difficulty. And slayer combos. And those are supposed to be easier characters

can't wait for DBF tbqh

plz no bully

Then what's the fucking point of anything?

>Hurr learn yourself
There no reason NOT to learn new tricks you don't know.


The only thing I really know about Skullgirls is that Big Band's concept is fucking great

I'll trash the fuck out of skullgirls, but I respect Big Band as a character.

>Big Guy For You
>King Dedede and Sturm colors
>more music
>damage out the ass
>even more music

He'd fit right into GG for some reason. Fuck the rest of the game though.

>Because my style is shit
Just develop it. Go into the lab and experiment.

>if resources exist there is 0 reason to not use them.
Fun and playing the character your own way. Playing following guides by someone else feels like a chore.

>Then what's the fucking point of anything?
I'm not talking about anything, I'm talking about a videogame.

>There no reason NOT to learn new tricks you don't know.
Character guides and such are more than learning new tricks, they impose a series of strategies and behaviours so when you play you are effectively following a script. IMO it's just not as enjoyable, at all.

I gave up Venom for her, but I still sometimes come back to my original boy

Leave me alone Sol.


I wish I could've married Dizzy.

There's none. Just a combo and unblockable compendium. No one knows how to actually play the fucking character, a side-effect of being so open-ended.

I started with Jam because I liked her fast movement but now I'm afraid the rushdown will get boring quickly.
I'm thinking about picking something slower and more interesting like Baiken, but everyone plays her and I don't know if I'll manage her as a noob

This user is a pedo, like Ky

naw, Dizzy is 100% full grown woman

That's entirely subjective. A guide can teach me tricks for me to get started and help me have more fun with the character.

She's 3.

Isn't she 8 or something now?

>angel wing
>death wing
>dresses like a stripper
>a fucking tail

What the fuck is this deviantart shit?

She can't help it. Her only exposure to fashion growing up was Testament.

Dizzy is perfection.

Daisuke invented deviantart shit.

Aside from the scythe having veins for some reason, this isn't that bad.

Huh, Millia looks pretty different without her rectangular hat on.

>A guide can teach me tricks for me to get started and help me have more fun with the character.
Yes, but that isn't neither really its purpose nor the intention of most people that go looking for guides.

But that doesn't really matter. Having a guide tell shit like what are the good buttons and some habits to avoid does not make me enjoy a character less.

Any advice for learning Kum's inputs on a pad? The d-pad is shit and trying to use the joystick with all her weird DP inputs isn't working for me.

What controller?

I'm still shit at the game but I really like Oreo

Main Ky
Sub Faust/Kum
Dick around with ALOT Sol/Potemkin

Used to main Faust but when i tried out Ky he just synergies with my choices/decisions and rewards my play style so much.

Sol is literally Daisuke's Deviant Art tier OC from a time before Deviant Art or the internet even existed. The difference is Daisuke has enough talent to make something out of those characters.

It's basically a glorified x-box controller.

You should invest in a DS4, Xbox is shite for fighting. No amount of practice will compensate.

the scythe is made from his blood

>just learn everything yourself
>and then get destroyed by everyone who's doing actual optimal combos and setups
a-at least I'm not a copycat...

How many lobbies are usually up in these threads and how long do they last? I'm thinking about buying the game and Kum on PS4.


That I probably should. On a related note, would it be better to learn to use the dpad for Kum? I started using the joystick when I was trying skullgirls, but GG so far seems better suited for quickly tapping directions rather than moving the joystick around.

Reminder that there is no set in stone tier list for Rev2 right now.

However, we can measure how difficult a character is to play.

The lobbies are more active in the evening and night.

Joysticks are generally worse for a fighting game. The pad lets you be more precise.

Oreobros are oksy in my book

Is this supposed to represent execution, complexityo r both?


Leo. Still new to the game though, so I'm trying work on unga tech to optimize my bunga.

Also it seems like nobody fucking respects flash kicks in this game so I can get away with all kinds of dirty bullshit.

Both. Bedman and Ramlethal combos aren't hard to grind out but they're some of the least straightforward characters to pick up.

that weapon..... jesus christs i hate those designs

A little of Both. The brackets themselves are more important that the placement within them.

Everyone knows that Sol has braindead easy execution, but he stops being easy to play the second he is blocked. He has no high/low mixups, Fafnir isn't safe on insta block, and he's relatively easy to zone unless he gets a lucky low profile with Grand Viper. How Sol gets that hit confirm or counter hit seperates the good Sols from the bad ones and what makes him harder to play than Ky or Leo.

Honest is a meme spread by people who think they know how to block but can't.

Slayer boys report in

Mishimas in Tekken
Ryu/Ken in SF
Filia in Skullgirls
I like me some vanilla characters

The I'd say Sol and May should swap places and Milllia, Chipp and Johnny probably should go down a tier. Sure, May doesn't take much execution but she requires a correct use of her summons which involve timing and positioning both forthe creatures and herself, while Sol is one of the most straightforward characters of the game, that's kind of the idea behind him. Also, while Millia, Chipp and Johnny do require execution I don't think they can compare in complexity with the other ones in the same tier.

i always try to make a pc lobby, but right now im at work.......... thank god is weekend.
Tatami Gaeshi


he has literal RNG mate, dunno what you're smoking

He's all fundamentals. Control the screen with big normals, use items to pressure/bait. He doesn't have an easy reversal or crazy mixups to fall back on.