Final fantasy XIV thread

Should I buy Stormblood and resub, Sup Forums ?

Need some input Sup Forums, I got BLM/RDM to 70 as ranged options, but now I need a physical dps. I have them all at 60, except DRG which is 52. What should I go for?

If you're interested at all, try the free trial. You can play it to 35, which is pretty nice.

If you like it past that point, sure. The start of an expac is always the prime time to get back into it.

You've tried them all? Just play the one you like the best. Disregard "highest DPS" or "lowest DPS", find the one you like the most and play it to the best of your ability. If you think you suck at the class or if you're under the misinterpretation that the class is just bad, look up some up to date guides on the class and ask for advice.

I've already played a few months back in March. I'm asking if Stormblood is worth resubbing for.

Remove Shisui gear.


Can't use free trial if he already subbed once.

Pick one based on your weapon preferences. DPS classes are more or less balanced.

Get ready for the summer event, because we will get MORE Shisui gear.

Stop posting 1.0 REEEEEEE

If you played Heavensward launch, it's really not much different. If you like the story, resub for a month, do the MSQ, and drop it again, or just wait till 4.5 and do it all in one go.

The only difference here is that DPS queues are worse than they were for HW, the raid is more fun but way, way easier than Gordias, and we probably won't have to wait as long until 4.1.

>Remove Shisui gear.
Shisui has a reasonable purpose. It's just the current easy way to spot a shitter as soon as the Duty begins.

Honestly, the latest expansion is mostly underwhelming. most of it is a chore and a slog to get through, with minimal endgame content once you clear the dull story.

>most of it is a chore and a slog to get through, with minimal endgame content once you clear the dull story
Welcome to FFXIV.

>tfw dragoons and astrologians start padding samurai on pull, but they switch to you instead after that

well I was a lot more impressed with the later part of the ARR story once Garuda was down, and the majority of the Heavensward story outside of the Warriors of Darkness crap.

>Everyone on your team is so shitty Drg skips the other two melee and gives you eye as MCH
We must stick together my Pierce brother.

Is tank swap needed for V4? Had a PLD tank throw a fit at the DRK for not swapping even though the PLD provoked off the DRK after the DRK had already starred the fight.

Obligatory FFXI was better post.

if you wanna be FAST go ninja if you want BIG DICK CRIT DAMAEG go samurai

If it's V4 normal, no it's not strictly necessary. The tankbuster puts stacks of lightning resist down on the tank, but it caps at 2, and the only lightning damage he does is the tank buster, which is still very manageable with 2 stacks.

Is there an option to turn off the spell effects on PS4?

It doesn't cap at 2. They need to swap at 3 stacks.

Guy was retarded since PLD can just Cover for it.

It caps at 2.

>new zone faction doesn't trust you
>do busywork until they trust you
Anyone else notice this? Especially once you hit the Ruby Sea

yes, it's the only MMO that's thriving.

Alisae has multiple meta comments about the repetitive nature of your journey throughout Stormblood.

well you are a foreign diplomat. you have to earn their trust.

Does it put any more stress on the healers or is that also negligible? Just want to make sure since I want to try my hand at tanking soon and don't want to screw something up. Seemed like DRK could do well that fight with TBN, reprisal and dark mind.

Dude autos pretty hard, so the follow up could be dangerous if you were to just take it unmitigated with the healers paying you no mind, but I've never had it be an issue, as a healer or a tank.

thank you for extending your sub

~ final fantasy 14 producer

>didn't do any of the crafting class quests in HS
>need it to unlock Quality assurance, Stroke of Genius, and Manip II

Mistakes were made.

I liked the WoD arc, the VO for the main guy was alright and the concept behind it was cool.
Got solved in a very deus ex machina way, though.

>SCH adloquium is worthless outside of the offchance you get a crit heal with it AND happen to have everyone around when deployment tactics is off cooldown

It's like they refuse to buff adlo just because they're afraid deployment tactics would be too OP with any buffs

You think thats bad?
>Didn't do any crafting class quests at all
Wanted to off myself when I found out I needed to do them all

I didn't mind the main guy that much, I think the Ranger and the Knight just didn't really fit though. Those two were straight murderous and villainous for no good reason, and it stood out because they didn't get any real characterization at all.

And of course, the out of nowhere 'just put your crystals together to fix crystal mom' conclusion to a very short story arc. I think if they had just been done a little differently and given more than one patch to actually do stuff they'd have been a bit better, since their actual story and the lore implications are interesting.

Someday I will pick it up and play it, especially for the story and lore. I always wanted to give it a go and Maiden's Rhapsody event really hyped me. I just wish it wasn't blocked in my region.

It's a recurring theme (the game even jokes about it from time to time), and it's not like people know what a "Warrior of Light" is outside of Eorzea.

So they make fun of you while playing the game real nice

>Warrior of Light
Now that you mention this, I just love how the generals ask you to give troops the boost in moral since you're basically a shining paragon.
Imagine you being a scared rookie soldier, and out of nowhere the greatest hero of Eorzea just sits besides you and shares a meal and does a /psych to you.

Anything worthwhile to spend these poetics on now?

>Alisae has multiple meta comments about the repetitive nature of your journey throughout Stormblood.
Just because the story comments on its downsides doesn't make them go away jesus fuck. If you're aware of them - CHANGE THEM.

I enjoyed the story and found it all quite easy to get through (except for Royal Menagerie), and I say that as a casual shitter that gets carried all the time. I will agree endgame content is rather lacking though.

I want more Potd floors. That's like my favorite thing about this game right now.

While some quests have nice storylines (like ALC), the whole thing used to be a huge waste of time even if you did for the story. Not only rewards are shit (NQ shit you can buy from vendors), but it requires you to HQ your crafts without proper skills to do it, forcing you to rely on RNG and waste loads of money in the process. The whole thing is really dumb, ignoring them until max level is actually the best choice.

I really like these quests, it's always a nice touch.

PotD is over, we will get a new a deep dungeon instead.

That's more the localization team making winks at the player about it than the scenario designers actually being self-aware. Things have at least improved over what they were, none of these 'gain the trust of the locals' segments are anything approaching the misery of MSQ Titan, or gathering element rocks to go fight Garuda.

>You're helpless. Weak. All you do is want and need.
That's the best Fray line ever. I loved the fucker.

Assuming you can instant queue up as any job, like Potd, then this is good news.

desynthesis gear

>gathering element rocks to go fight Garuda.
Don't fucking remind me of that bullshit. People love to complain about Titan, but Garuda's MSQ was the real bullshit. Every single NPC fucking bullshitting you with "ops wrong magic rock lol, try again with the next researcher" excuses, I wanted to murder every single one of them.

>that bit at the end where they psych you out and try to be cute and self aware about the bullshit they just made you do

Considering that Stormblood is not only their best work yet but it also managed to beat every other MMO out there in terms of quality, I'd say yes

>Garlemald steals the Ala Mhigan anthem and change the lyrics
>it sounds and flows 10 times better than the original
Why am I supposed to hate the empire again?

>managed to beat every other MMO out there in terms of quality
This bullshit needs to stop, when will koreans step up their game? I just want to play as a cute blonde elf in a non-shitty MMO, and koreans are the only ones that can deliver them. Elezens were a mistake.

the game is a bit easier now, would you say? Or perhaps its better to say characters are more powerful and have more options, compared to like 2-3.0?

i got into a weird state, where the gameplay (was a WHM) was so linear and i had only like 5 buttons needed, but at the same time i would get really anxious about failure and fucking up pls no bully, these things combined led to to quit.

the way it looks now on a trail and reading wiki, is there are more little gameplay mechanics going on and options to use, and less chance to fuck up (like stance dancing, which was a major cause of my stress in such a bad network environment as ARR's). i feel like i can be decent, avoid mechanics etc, and if i am not fighting against niggly things such as stance dance i could quite enjoy it.

muh oppression, muh rape, muh good magic vs evil technology

It's weird that the Ascians haven't shown up in the drk quest. You would think they can sway Fray and Myste over to their side since Fray and Myste are just manifestations of the WoL anger and grief and would make excellent partners for the Ascians.

on a trial account*, not trail.

>Korean MMOs
>Not shitty
What fucking timeline are you living in, lad?

Do i have to buy any books for the stormblood craft quests? I finished the heavensward quest like a week ago because of the red scrip crap back then.

I like how in SB the quests at least acknowledge that you're doing all these trials and dungeons with other people instead of 7 random people showing up and then disappearing for no reason even though it still happens like after you defeat Zenos.

Give it to me straight lads.

5000 dps on the v3s sss dummy as 318 drg. good or bad?

I'm usually 2/3 in the aggro table in ex/savage, but that's not exactly a good metric.

4.0 reworked tons of gameplay aspects, for the player character and the encounters. Less worthless and situational skills, encounters will now have proper difficulty curve as the expansion progress (or so they say), plus recurring markers and new duty-exclusive actions to keep the gimmicks fresh without adding more shit to your hotbar.
Yeah, healing+dpsing is a lot less stressful now since cleric stance is kill (I used to be like you, scared of fucking up as a healer due to all delays between the button press and the actual healing effect, plus stance dancing). Things are nicer for healers now.

I wasn't saying that they can deliver good MMOs, I just hope that one day they will find a way to do it and include their hot asian elven goddesses in the package.

Only if you have friends or a static raid groups to raid with. Otherwise, you can do it for the story and whatnot, maybe crafting or housing or whatever, it's worth buying and subbing for a few months for that.

Say whatever you want but korean are the master of MMO fapbait.
Also they are masters of create gun based classes. Yes i am mad SE

They acknowledged it in ARR and HW from time to time, except for things you are "supposed" to solo like Sohr Khai and Bardam's Mettle.

>Eorzeans cry oppression when they subjugated the Garleans and drove them into an icy wasteland of a continent because they couldn't use magic.
>Eorzeans cry foul when the Garleans invent magitek to make up for the fact that purebloods can't use magic
>Eorzeans whine about rape camps when Lominsan pirates do it as a hobby

Mettle has a comment about you bringing people with you to it in the description for DF.

I loved when you do the Ultros and the other fucker fight and the Coliseum's MC says something like: "yeah, they are quite powerful so I think you and other 7 fuckers would be an entertaining and fair fight

So we either cheated the system or Lyse found three random lizards to help her with her trial.

SE should just stop that.

Why are red mages such douches?

Don't forget that the Garleans are suppose to be the Nazis and/or Roman Empire. Both of which are good guys if you see how shitty our real world has become with the lost of the Nazis and Roman Empire, and how shitty Eorezea is compared to Garlemald which is full of law and order while Eoreza is still getting their asses handed to them by beastmen and Gridania is a bunch of libcuck hippies scared of boogie elementals, Lisma is full of degenerates and rapists, and Ul'dah is full of rapefugees and kikes. And the only reason they're still around is because the WoL is reluctantly having to save their asses.
