/Sonic Mania HYPE/

Just preordered it now. Get in here lads!

>tfw you can only play the game on the 17th of august because you'll be hiking in the mountains when it releases

>Aaron didn't post a fucking video yesterday

"New uploads every Thursday" my ass. Fuck!







>tfw starting to get burnt out because the wait is too long


18 days, user

Can we slow down on the Mania threads until we get more new info? I'm not sticking around to bump these any more until then, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I'm getting a little bit like that, trying to keep myself distracted so i don't think of it as much.

I plan on getting the Switch version. Can't pre-order it

I beat S3&K with all super emeralds last night under the influence of Sonic Mania hype. I'm really looking forward to see what Flying Battery is gonna be like and hopefully Hydrocity as well fingers crossed.
Blue Spheres is a fun special stage.

Same. There's a point where waiting turns to drudgery rather than hype. If they had delayed it one more time, my intetest would have dropped like a stone.

>pre ordering games
>paying for sonic games
>playing sonic games
>all of the above

You are a genuine mongoloid and you deserve to lose your money.

so what's the update on Marble Garden?

A zone is gonna be using Marble Garden's pulley things. It doesn't mean Marble Garden is gonna be in Mania.

fuck off retard

If you're messing with me i am a dangerous weapon i am the sharpest of blades i'll cut you down in a second

Well my dudes, I went and preordered my first game yesterday. This is speaking with your wallet right? Sega will save Sonic because I did this?

Yes, you are directly responsible for Sonic's salvation
Thank you anonymous man

Yay now I am an hero.

Depends on how well each sell. Doesn't help that Mania is digital only while Forces has memes and an OC creator on it's side.