So, after knowing that SFIIU was a success, Capcom decided to start making games for Switch. Any bets? Probably they will start with RE4.
Capcom finally realized their mistake
eshop megaman 9 & 10. have the amiibo unlock music. boom
It's a trap, it will kill them in the end. Like every Nintendo console after the SNES third parties don't make much money as Nintendo fans and players buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo ganes. Capcom seems desperate if they don't remember this.
How funny is it that current day Konami of all devs were smart enough to make a half-decent launch title for the Switch? Capcom could have made a fortune with a REmake or whatever port as launch title on the Switch...
>tfw if they release darkstalkers I'll have to buy a switch
>tfw knowing they hate darkstalkers they'll never release it anyway
Capcom did fortune with a port of over 15 years old game. Can't you read or hungry for port?
>Konami of all devs were smart enough to make a half-decent launch title for the Switch?
Really? What game? I am not a Switch person so I have no idea what's on it besides Zelda, Snipperclips and 12 Switch.
This and the Disney Collection would be nice.
MHXX for west
Wow. This shitty broken, laggy and overpriced version of an old game is selling even faster than SFV... This is why the industry is going to shit and you only have yourselves to blame for it.
Super Bomberman R. Passed 100k in Japan and is at like 1 million WW
Bomberman R sold exceptionally well.
I hope you're implying the answer is to not buy either game
Super Bomberman R, which sold more than any previous Bomberman titles before it
It's sooner buy another port of 2 than 5. Luckily I don't own either because my tastes aren't shit
Time for Unlimited Street Fighter 2 Infinite Edition
nintendies are starving and would buy anything
It wasn't a launch title though and it won't sell as well as Bomberman R.
Like how Monster Hunter and Disgaea 5 sold far more on Nintendo systems than others?
They probably repent MHW already
i'd buy alpha 3 max
Thanks for the replies Bomberman dudes. So...are they still making games or is that it?
Because people actually love SF2
the sequels not so much
>is going to shit
haha, the industry already went to shit many years ago.
You have said that for 8+ games by now. How many until they are no longer "starving"?
MHXX sold more than SFV and RE6
I think the first Megaman Collection sold more on 3DS than PS4 so I was surprised they didn't put the second one on a Nintendo system.
Considering the great success of Bomberman, and that Konami didn't just drop the game but also listened to criticism and fixed problems, chances are that they will make more games from now on again.
I wouldn't be surprised if they got some sort of ultimate Mega Man collection that is both collection sets for all 10 games.
>it won't sell as well as Bomberman R.
Who said it should? Game doesn't have to sell gazillions to be multi million dollar profit.
Not to mention it was a cheap and overpriced port. Resident Evil remasters on multi platforms at reasonable price sell over million and that's more than Capcom's expects.
>selling a 20 year old game port at full price
>learning anything
It's always the same with Capcom. RE Revelations sold best on the 3DS, and those idiots decided to put the sequel on everything but Nintendo systems.
It didn't bomb? Huh. Color me surprised.
>old 2d ports
I'm sad that this would improve their library tenfold
USFII is a better game than Shit Fighter V though. Don't forget to buy those $4 costumes.
Doesn't Monster Hunter sell whereever it goes for some reason? Also just because they sold well on the console doesn't mean the game sold well, look at Hitman, that's like saying it sold best on PS4 but the game did poorly overall according to SquareEnix.
No it didn't.
>SFIIU was a success
wtf how? it was the quintessential cash grab with zero content, literally how the fuck did that piece of shit manage to sell? is SF5 that bad?
DDA re-re-re-release
wow can't wait for resident evil 4 ultimate super duper HD edition not with HD ashley rumble
The base game is still good. Can't say the same about many current gen games despite all of their "content".
MM Legacy Collection 2 seems like a good bet.
sf5 is "eh"
it's decent but there's some weird shit going on, like akuma looking like a fucking Lion and combos being easily imputted by a child, plus there's the whole game feeling like a F2P game with a pricetag, you have to earn money to unlock shit or you can pay upfront, it's a really shady business
I love how you conveniently pretend every Nintendo handheld ever doesn't exist in order to make this argument
The Switch is just starving for games. SFIIU sold 450k which may not seem much but it's insanely good since Capcom put zero effort and money in it.
>Ultra Street Fighter 3
>Ultra Street Fighter Zero 3
>Justice Gakuen Ultimate
>Tatsunoko VS. Capcom 2
how could they put it for 40$ is beyond me, I've seen 6$ games on the e-shop made with more effort, violent ken my anus
Fuck that Jew shit, just release 1+2+MM&Bass in one disc.
You mean card?
>>Tatsunoko VS. Capcom 2
One of my dream games
Quick question:
If it means we get "ultimate versions of newer SF games like Third Strike or Alpha or even other ports of fighters I'd buy them and probably look back on Ultra 2 as a decent start to this.
Switch could do with a good roster of older solid fighters.
If it wasn't released for £35, and was instead £25 at most, I'd have probably bought it.
Look, we can debate the validity of USF2's price all day but its one of the better ports and gives you just about every option that SF 2 has ever had so I don't know what you're talking about. Lots of people still like SF2 as well, its an iconic game
>A rerelease of SF2 sold about what SFV did in the same period
Konami really doesn't make games at all these days.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point.
EX Troopers seems like the perfect thing to port and finally localize.
I'd say they should do some free character DLC as a thank you or something, but it's Capcom.
>10% of Switch owners own USF2
Why the fuck do I keep getting the same scrubs online
It probably tries to match you up with local players for a better connection. If you live in Europe then good luck.
Nintendo fans still like Capcom and Square Enix. It's Nintendo that's been trying to ditch them.
>port of a $15 dollar XBLA and PSN game for $50 sells more than the current Gen sequel for the PS4 in that same quarter
I can see Capcom is already starting to sweat with MH world not being on the Switch now.
>Capcom games always make tons of money on Nintendo consoles
>they always skip Nintendo consoles on games that would be sure to be massive hits on it
I'm looking at you megaman collection 2 and Disney afternoon collection.
MH sells very fucking well as a Handheld game because 15min/30min hunts are great for Nips during train rides.
I like how in the Gematsu comments, they're asking for more ports instead actual new games. This is what the industry has reduced consumers to.
>wanting modern capcom to make anything
Ports are all you can ask for from this company
>he doesn't want to play his favorite games comfotably in bed...
>realise their mistakes
They could revive old IPs or, hell, make a relatively low risk new IP.
I don't see why they can't outsource a new, say, Final Fight, to a small indie studio the same way they did Strider a couple years back.
I already can. Between having a hacked Vita, hacked 3DS, and hacked Wii U, I can emulate a lot of old shit I want to play.
>This shameful cashgrab sold this much.
Holy shit that's sad.
>They could revive old IPs or, hell, make a relatively low risk new IP.
After seeing how they're handling marvel vs capcom, one of their safest IPs, I'm still going to ask for ports instead of new games
One step closer to Nintendo vs Capcom.
>port of a 25 year old game did well
fuck capcom so fucking hard
MvCI looks like trash graphically, I get that. But in terms of roster, it's more Marvel/Disney fucking up their side than Capcom fucking up.
>Capcom decided to start making games for Switch
Sequel when?
Mistake? I thought this was about USF2 failing but you guys ACTUALLY bought the shoddy port whose only real suprise character was Violent Ken. Capcom didn't seem to make a mistake making you hungry for scraps. This is just pathetic.
The only reason it sold so much is that it was one of the few games released at launch. All of my friends who bought a Switch got this game even though they don't play fighting games. Unless they have stats that say people play online very frequently, I can't believe Capcom would jump the gun like this.
I would actually buy this.
They should throw Mega Man Powered Up on there too.
>yfw ports of Rev 1 and 2 with pointer controls
I'd buy TvC2 and even just a port of TvC1 with online capability.
>Letting Chris & Spencer in
>Making the roster unreasonably short as well as one half of the antagonists, Sigma, DLC
>As much new characters as MvC2, so like 9, COUNTING THE DLC THATS BEEN ANNOUNCED
>Reused assests up ths ass yet they make half the vets looks like gutter trash
>UI also looks like ass
Don't try to paint them as the victim.
>Tatsunoko VS. Capcom 2
DIdn't part one sell well on the Wii?
>450k for a $40 SNES game in 2017
What the fuck?
>Tatsunoko VS. Capcom 2
>Capcom doing anything fun again ever
You people are so god damn delusional. This isn't even adding the fact it'll even play like a fun game like before.
It literally says "Switch versions" you autist
Finally getting good updated ports of Third Strike and Alpha 3? Sign me the fuck up.
Also, since they're not releasing MvC:I on Switch and the franchise is apparently not dead, why not re-release MvC2 (or hell MvC3 if it could handle it, the Vita could) on Switch?
Does Fox still technically have their Jewish claws on the X-Men or can they re-release it?
Considering Hori's making a RAPV fightstick for it, it'd be nice to see the Switch become a new home for fighting games.
So that's LITERALLY a port. Do you not know what a port is, you dense fuck?
They'd have to get Marvels approval. Which at the state both companies are in, is likely impossible.
I'm willing to excuse the use of HD Remix's assets. I just hate how there's literally no new characters besides lazy palette swaps. Why couldn't they add some more Alpha or 3S characters at least?
Sounds like you're dense. Capcom says they will bring more ports, so people are discussing which ports will be made. It's -that- simple.
I mean, they just re-released MvC3 on PS4 and Xbone a few months ago so that shouldn't be an issue, but 2 hasn't really seen anything since PS3(?) and it has way more Fox-owned characters so I can see why.
>USF2 sold almost half a million
Goddamn. I expected like 200k at best for that shit. It's gonna be a really bad look if it manages to get even close to SFV numbers eventually, what a dumpster fire SFV is.
>it has way more Fox-owned characters so I can see why.
That's exactly why. A majority of the Marvel assests that are in that game are Mutants. Then there is Doom who adds onto that. Marvel (Ike Perlmutter) doesn't like to give Fox free advertising, & Marvel (Ike Perlmutter) is petty.
Honestly I don't even know why they don't just delay MvCi already. They have to make the next few announcements big if they want any costumers buying. Even add in last minute characters, who might not even be in the story as a whole.
The lacking roster and fumbling of character designs is what solidified my decision to not get Infinite, on top of the fact that it runs nearly identically to MvC3 with minor tweaks and one less character. Disney really dug itself in on the MCU style, so much so that it really ruined iconic character designs (see Cap, Hawkeye, Thanos, Iron Man's weird chinese face).
Was anyone really asking to get rid of the now-standard 3-character teams?
I understand that certain character in 3 were broken, but the decision to regress back to MvC1's playstyle is just plain dumb.
>Was anyone really asking to get rid of the now-standard 3-character teams?
I was fine with it because it look like it played similar to TvC which was 2v2. That didn't bother me, & apparently it worked because I heard a lot of good things about the gameplay, I understand MvC2 made future titles seem unrealistic with the large roster being basically a sprite dump, but (U)MvC3 proved that a large enough roster still was possible with also a lot of new characters. MvCi's problem is with the lackluster roster (I was seriously against Spencer & Chris), jank models (Half the vets looks rushed meanwhile new characters looks fine its weird their focus was on new characters but they didn't bring enough), & Awful UI (The UI is why a lot say it looks Mobile despite the game not looking Mobile at all, just ugly). Add that to the baffiling DLC decisions, the .zip leak, & combofiends terrible interview about functions & disregard of the popularity of the Xmen, Doom, & Skullomania, you got a recipe of disaster.
Agreed, I could see Chris if they decided to update him to match the RE7 appearance, but Spencer and Arthur could have just been left out in favor of better choices.
They have so many other characters that were left on the backburner in SFV concept art, including characters not from the SF continuity, why not just rework those?
The jank models suck too, I especially hate how they handled Jedah by not giving him any blood effects and making him look like a matte finished action figure.
Maybe fucking legends 3 ?
You just invalidated everything you just said. Capcom never owned the EX characters. And Arika is making a new game with the EX characters anyway
Marvel vs. Capcom Collection when?
>yfw it's only Resident Evil 4
Maximo would've been a better choice as a replacement.
I'm okay with Jedah since he doesn't look jank & looks okay for the most part, but I see where you're coming from.
I know that, but I was hoping when Skullomania was brought up they would at least finally put that to rest a maybe mention Arika EX. Not Pic related.