Why do we hate Undertale so much?
Why do we hate Undertale so much?
Because normies like it
I like it
I dont
People on Sup Forums universally love undertale undless theyre homophobic or part of the "I hate the fanbase" crowd of insane people. How does the fanbase affect you playing a game alone in your room?
Because it's popular.
If a game's fanbase is annoying, it makes that game's flaws much more noticeable.
It's kinda like how hardly anyone would notice all the tedious backtracking in TTYD if that game's autistic fandom wasn't trying to make Miyamoto look like the anti-christ.
>judging a game based on the fandom
You must be a special kind of retard
Because it has lot of issues like a general lack of content and stupid time wasting puzzles that everyone ignores because "le deep metaludo commentary about games" and weeb jokes
>Everything is an Undertale reference XD XD XD
Nothing is sacred.
you're on Sup Forums so yeah
That's right, it's not even Miyamoto's fault. Tanabe's the one who destroyed Paper Mario forever.
because of shit like this
Same reasons Sup Forums hates Naruto in that one copypasta.
Isn't the gameplay of that game designed around not doing anything? Is it just a glorified walking simulator?
No, its based around dodging projectiles and it has a fail state so its not a walking sim
its shit
what the fuck man
If you only dodge the projectiles without killing anything the game gets harder actually
It's good so lots of people like it, which is enough of a reason to dislike it.
The game isn't really that great. It's different and enjoyable at times but literally the only thing that is a 10/10 is some of the songs.
It's really overblown.
Friendly reminder to all kickstarter hopefuls to NEVER accept donation incentives from furfags and/or the furfag mafia.
But don't you get the best ending if you don't kill anyone? So is it just a glorified qte? I'm sorry if I seem toxic, I just hate games with shitty gameplay
We don't. It just annoys us that people like it so much. We hate it when people like things.
But not as hard as when you do kill everyone.
There is more to gameplay than killing stuff.
>Dev had no choice to put his character in game.
>Dev tries extremely hard to bury this character. To the point where you can only see him at a specific day and time.
The whole story behind this is pretty funny desu
Because it's bad.
Wow that was tough.
in Undertale? like what
Dodging stuff
I know, I am asking if there is anything to do besides read text and do qte's.
Reminder that Chara was the real hero of the game, no matter what route you take
it spawned droves of puke-worthy fanfic and "art" that would sicken even the most jaded oldfag.
It's a bullet hell game.
Do you not know what QTEs are?
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Really, really sad that I never got to RP with him before he deleted his profile. The little game he made is cute. Contacted him like half a year ago but we never did anything.
no matter WHICH path you do you get gameplay through combat
I was told you get to dodge shit. I'm assuming that means you have to press a button at the right moment. That is basically a qte with no big button on the screen telling you which button to press.
Thank you for telling me this. I am now informed on the gameplay of undertale. Thank you.
no dude it has bullet hell dogfing shit not press a button to dodge shit
So you don't know what a QTE is than. Okay well that was simple
For the record a QTE is when you press a prompt onscreen in order to progress something. Undertale does not do this.
>So Sorry slams his magic drawpad down on the combat box, multiple times. If he hits you with it, your soul will be stuck to a piece of paper that he then wipes his ass with. (Instant Kill)
Because it got popular and the fans ruined it by associating their porn, fanfics and cringey art with it so strongly that it's the only thing you can think of when you think about that game.
>Quick time event
Someone told me it was a bullet hell dodger. That's an actual explanation. Some retard told me you dodge shit. I came to my own conclusions on that vague fucking explanation. I do know what a qte is. It seems like you don't. Holy shit this was so convoluted.
>the only way you can dodge shit via a QTE
I think you're just a retard for coming to that conclusion desu
this game actually exists?
pls no, holy fuck
Nah. It's just roleplay. Not an actual game.
In mgr you press two buttons to do a move which dodges shit. In DMC you press a button to roll. In any game you press a certain button to dodge. I clearly fucking stated that it was a qte with no prompts. Are you half paying attention or something? I now know it is a bullet hell dodger which is not a qte. I had to ask 3 fucking times to get that answer though.
>someone told me
>someone told me
>someone told me
>someone told me
How long are you going to shitpost like this?
>dodge roles are QTEs
You are so retarded
>Someone told me = shitposting
What the fuck are you smoking?
>someone told me what are you smoking
Fandom of course. Incest, Gay, Bone Sex.
By your logic any time you hit a button it's a QTE but without a button prompt. Dude just stop posting, you are really fucking stupid.
post em
I am gonna make you dig yourself your own hole here with these questions.
Question 1. Do you have to press the dodge button in a certain time frame in order for you not to get hit?
Question 2. What do qte's require you to do?
Question 3. Did I not say they are basically qte's with no prompts?
Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend
frick off
If the action requires you to hit the button in a certain time frame then yes. Obviously if its a menu or something than no. Nice strawman though.
Did you send Tem into college?
perhaps you should try thinking for yourself and holding your own opinions, my dude
Too many people like it
Who is "we"? I like it.
Sup Forums has a deep hatred for anything video games. You just haven't let go of undertale yet user. Join us. Get angry with us.
Where is best gote?
Asriel is below Tem
Just gas the dog fuckers.
>Anything time sensitive is a qte
Naw, I fell into that a long time ago. Started hating everything with Sup Forums. There was some little game that came out and I hated it because Sup Forums hated it but ended up downloading and playing it so I could shitpost better about it. Turns out I fucking loved the game. Ever since then I've not let Sup Forums color my opinion on anything.
Turns out I enjoy just about anything. Yeah, there are a few things I just don't like but I don't shitpost about it if that's the case.
>tfw enjoying things
>So Sorry pushes his anus over the entire combat box, trying to swallow you whole.
That's really hot
I hate Mother and I generally don't like bullet hells
The combat is bullet hell in name only. Theres zero resemblance to the jap game genre.
No it isn't. It is like a qte. Can be compared to a qte. Is in the similar style to a qte. Could be seen as qte. I never once stated it was a qte. I said it was like a qte with no prompt. God you are an ignorant son of a bitch aren't ya?
I don't hate Undertale, I just didn't think it was the greatest game of all time
>it can be compared to a qte, but it lacks many of the fundamental things of a qte
>it has once similarity though so "That is basically a qte"
Why is semantics shitposting so effective on Sup Forums
People can just say "I define a specific word my way" and get dozens of replies.
>a semantic disagreement
The game is okay. Had fun playing it when it came out, haven't replayed it since. I still have the soundtrack in my phone tho
Yeah, either you use a commonly agreed definition of a word or you are funposting.
>non-transitive linguistics in the year of our post-modern lord 2017
>uses wew to make himself feel cool
Alright buddy sure, it does lack many things that makes it a qte. I never once said it had all the things that made it a qte. I said basically. Basically meaning that in it's purest definition it was similar to a qte. You press a certain button in a certain time frame so you don't fail that event i.e getting hit. In mgr the enemies glow red promoting you to react to said attack. It might as well put big buttons on the screen telling you to press a button. You keep twisting words so you look like the bigger man with the addition to wew in order for you to puff your chest out. Keep acting cool user.
>attempting further communication for the purpose of mutual understanding
so basically if you have to react to anything then it's a quick time event
>Doesn't understand that arguments aren't won by walking away from them.
So you accept you are wrong. Alright good conversation user, hoped you learned something today.
Maybe just fucking look at the trailer or some gameplay, huh faggot? It isn't hard.
>implying the highest form of victory is not to subdue an enemy without fighting
You twisted my words yet again. You are a shitposter to surpass Metal Gear my friend
I genuinely enjoyed the game when I played it a month ago, and am currently doing that one no-kill run in between other games. Fanbase is pure and utter cancer, but such is life. At least on Sup Forums there's a semi-decent chance of civil talk about it.
We don't.
Some of Sup Forums does because they are contrarians.
And I don't mean it as "everyone has to love this game", because it can simply not work for someone and you can think it's mediocre, or you got spoiled and then the game lacked all impact, but to hate it is to just want to shit on something popular.
There's some cases when shitting on popular things makes sense because it's legitimately bad and you got "tricked" into playing it by plebs, but a lot of the people who hate this haven't even played it.
i didnt twist your words, i restated them
>You press a certain button in a certain time frame so you don't fail that event
this is almost every video game in existence
>Dodges are QTEs
And then there's this retard,
No, words don't mean what you arbitrarily want them to mean, a QTE is a QTE.