Who is your main in Overwatch?

Who is your main in Overwatch?

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I main job arbuckle


I main support.... all support..... because people refuse to play support....

I fuck man ass



he is the only fun one besides every other defense hero but they are not meta

I fuck man ass?


No, I fuck man ass!

Mercy and Reinhardt

My back usually hurts from carrying the rest of my scrub team

>another 3dpd slut in a lazy bodysuit
>cant even make gloves so theres skin colored fabric between the glove and top
game is shit, community is shit just like every blizzard game
Widow makes my dick hard tho

>white bitch cosplaying as an asian
never fails to trigger me

You should grow up.

D.va is the only reason i wanna buy overwatch.

t. can't aim

>My inability to aim means I'm handiCAPABLE!
I bet your mom even loves you you stupid piece of shit.

Koreans get surgery to look like white people

She is essentially Dva in her final form


Ah yes I'm sure if she came right up to you to suck your two inch penis you'd turn her down like the alpha you are.

I'm just not that blown away when I see a hot girl anymore. There's so many hot girls and so many sluts out there, I'm not that excited when I some hot slut being a slut. I'm more excited by a sexy voice, or nice feet.

How do I get a girlfriend that looks like that?

McCree because he has a nice CONSISTENT 280 dps.

Work on yourself, do what you like to do.

It's much easier to find women when you're not somewhere for that express purpose. I get more female attention when I have a girlfriend than when I'm single. It's weird.


not saying she's ugly
just that she should cosplay someone more suited for her, like tracer

just because she's attractive it doesn't mean she pulls it off. She looks nothing like D.va.

Very comfortable with: Zarya, Zen, Ana

Also good with: Mercy, Lucio, Reinhardt, Winston

>implying a fat neet could ever get a 10/10 girlfriend no matter how much they worked on themselves

>can't aim

that double fucking finger trigger discipline triggers me....

brown cutie of justice

I haven't played Overwatch since year of the rooster but in comp I played Mercy and D.va mostly.

Well a fat neet could try losing weight and getting a job. But that would make him a wagie cuck right?

Nah it's better to live off the government, masturbating to anime and video games until the welfare state becomes totally insolvent.

DPS - Reaper

Tank - D.VA/Rhein

Support Zen/Mercy

You explained the reason yet called it weird. People can pick up on that shit, and you have more confidence obviously when you're dating.

I hate push up bras, especially when the girl already has a nice set.

that is like nothing you fucking autistic retard
this is the real cringe:
>furries (especially the bad amateurish ones)
>most of fat people (if it ain't funny, don't bother)
>people who put zero effort to their costume
>tryhard losers (I don't mean actual good cosplay, it's the ones in shitty costume that think it's a good one, it's just sad to me)

>Nah it's better to live off the government, masturbating to anime and video games until the welfare state becomes totally insolvent.
It is and that won't ever happen, because our government can keep printing money indefinitely.

most cosplayers look nothing like the original character face wise

The girl in your pic looks nothing like Dva either
>But they arr rook tha same

I mained Reinhardt and roadhog from seasons 3 to the beginning of 5... now I'm a no brain monkey main.
I also play the other tanks if needed, at a lower skill level, and I can play a mean Reaper because he's like the easiest DPS to play right now.

Also, playing Winston is what finally got me to masters. You guys should try playing the meta if you can't increase your SR; dive meta shits on what I've seen in the lower ranks in terms of team composition.

Also, I have a really low winrate with all support heroes (like less than 40%) so my team never asks me to do that. Kek

>he thinks the fed bubble can last forever
I wish that were true.

>our government can keep printing money indefinitely
That's not how it works. We're not immune to inflation.

>zenyatta player demands that we protect him like he's a bitch ass Mercy

>It's a "guy instalocks Hanzo/Widow in a comp game" episode


Torbjorn. Both attack and defence.

>107 trillion in unfunded liabilities
>lmao we gonna print our way out


If they wanna do a genderbent D.Va make it a cute trap boy.

No one wants this shit.

He hasn't been good since the lasagna nerf

How old is that bitch? Why is she getting lip injections this young?



looks like she's pursing them

go to sleep tonight remembering that youll never look even remotely this good

what is going on with that bulge

Junkrat, followed by Sombra.

Looks like a tumor

It contains your hopes and dreams

Depends on the kind of aim. I'm not good at hitscan but I'm good at predicting and leading.