Hello, we are the worst confidants in Persona 5

Hello, we are the worst confidants in Persona 5.

I don't think anyone could honestly think that. They give you the most useful abilities in the whole game.

If you want to talk about Ohya, I'd certainly agree with that.

Remove Hifumi, Tae, Chihaya and you're correct

t. Makotofags hating on actually good girls


With Persona Q 2 coming, I hope you're all ready to see your favorite cakes get Chad'd

do people actually enjoy confidants/social links? i always just skip through them and look up the right answers so i can be more OP

but those are all the hottest ones

Yeah, they're terrible, with a few exceptions where they do something interesting like with Kawakami with all the twists. They need to come up with a new way to develop characters.

gonna cop this game soon, why are chihaya and ohya bad? terrible rewards?

Chihaya isn't bad, you just need to pay her 100,000 yen to start her slink.
Ohya is a sleazy drunk with a terrible reward.

>Yeah, they're terrible
Well that's just a blatantly wrong blanket statement
>with a few exceptions where they do something interesting
Fair enough
>like with Kawakami

Chihaya is great
Ohya's link's rewards are useless but at least the sideplot itself is decent

Is there any punishment for dating everyone?

They are usually pretty bad, but Persona 5 took it to a whole new level of bullshit. You now need a Persona of the same type and need to score a perfect answer just to stand a chance at advancing to the next ranking. It's bullshit.

You get a special item from maxing a link that makes NG+ easier, but if you romance two girls they both break up with you and you get nothing.
Also their feelings get hurt you monster.

What does the item do

But they're not a good way to convey story. A 30 second snipped of story with no voice acting and arcs that are forced to bend to the overarching narative to they don't contradict it. It's jarring whe the events of every link might as well have not even happened outside of the narrative bubble. Choices that you make during the conversations don't matter and there is no way to fail.

Seriously, who the fuck looks forward to doing social links?

Gives you all the benefits of the maxed link.
So with Kawakami you get to go outside at night instead of having to listen to the faggot cat tell you to go to sleep.


user, what an absolutely shit taste.

Thats been the case since three.

>but if you romance two girls they both break up with you and you get nothing.
That's bullshit though. The only "punishment" is beatdown after valentines.

You mean
>Hi, we are the most interesting girls in Persona 5 despite having leagues less screentime than all of the others

They might all have the same exact formula for their SLs but at least they have character. Which is more than I can say about the party members.

Whatever you say, faggot
More Tae for Me.

Guest confidant soon.

I hope not

You can't even reverse confidants like in P3/4. P5 is the most streamlined

It's the only time in this game where most of these characters are even interesting at all. Some of (but not all) of the party members are interesting around the point where they're joining the PT but that's it. The dates that Sup Forums praises endlessly are all fucking dull though, yeah.

>Not including Futaba
user how does it feel to have irremediably shite taste?

It's also 100% the easiest game to max all SLs in the same run.

I enjoy them a little, but the best written characters have always been the ones not stuck in a SL. Like Junpei.

Not to mention the crazy bonuses you get from leveling these four specifically make the game way too easy.

how many times are you gonna make this dumb thread? what is even the point of this?

The game has always been easy as shit, but you're right.

Hello, we are the best girl of Persona 5

They're both good, although Ohya's has shit perks so everyone writes her off (though with the game as easy as it is already I don't get the fixation on this personally). Chihaya's plot takes a couple ranks to really get going too.

>showing her pits off like that

To shit on P5 of course. What else?

Yeah, P5 was the easiest of the social link Persona games.

I did like it because it was fun to play, but never did I ever really feel like anything was really challenging me. Kamoshida's dungeon was a little tough because it has the same first dungeon woes as the other games with limited time/items, but you get Mementos immediately after and you lose any semblance of challenge if you spend one whole day grinding for money and XP.


Nice try.

You're missing Makoto, Ann, Ohya, Shinya, Morgana... really most of the confidants outside of their abilities were pretty lackluster.

i like makoto character but her confidant is really weak.

This meme again

Some poor guy who is playing still playin P5 will take what OP said to heart and level them up last.


>not Yu'sed up


All the game confidants are really blend, this include the main party too. Putting outside the main history the character development is really a mistake, none feel like you did something (mishima one was really shit, you can be a asshole to him his entire confidant and in the day to say goodbye to him you can still be a smug fuck and joke about him being incompetent, hifume goodbye is really shit especially if you romance her, she don't even get up to say "i love you kbye" and so on) and the main party is the worst offender.

>being a pedophile

She is simply the best

I'm pretty sure there combined age is much older than me.

Legal lolis are still pedo, you piece of shit

Makotofags start these threads all the time. Just cope with it.

Okay user you can enjoy your loose roasties while I enjoy my fresh and untouched meat. Sounds fair?

I hope my bitch ass yes. P5 needs their android character.

>Denying love for a girl just because she have petite body
You sir are worst kind of asshole and I hope you'll step on a lego

She's not real

>who is Makoto

You're not real

Chihaya had the best rank 10 romance. That romantic ferris wheel ride and that way she moves close, aggressively grabs your arm and leans her head in her a kiss was kino.

She's a robot, not an android.

The only actual bad one there is chihaya, the rest have enjoyable personalities, story arcs and have great abilities for the most part, especially Hifumi in my opinion.

She's a robot, not an android.
Why did it clicked ?

Fucking Shoji girl lets you switch party members mid battle which is fucking tremendously important at the final boss of the 5th palace.

arguably the best as she counters the faggot cat telling me i'm sleepy

>ms. chesswizard is worst

You must be a faggot to not get attracted to that silky long black hair.

this is a fucking lie

Hifumi became instant wife when she turned a game of shogi into D&D and Yugioh

>Just noticed the little Iwai head in the image

Is there a morgana edit of that smug cat face?

I think all the persona girls are cute

Which part?

Sup Forums said otherwise.
This is official list of Sup Forums's best persona girl.

>bottom right

Whost is this?

>Came here to laugh at terrible bait
>Stayed for Persona 5 waifus

Post more waifus, anons

I don't think I ever used it outside of once in a random battle just to see what it's like.

>No Liz
>No Yukari
>No I Can't Believe it's Not Butter

This is a bait image.

Modern Cleopatra.


Most popular girl reporting in

tfw Ohya is the kind of girl I would date irl but has unarguably the worst perk in the game and that makes me lose all motivation to level her

Something about the idea of a woman's alcoholism rivaling my own just appeals to me

Fuuka and Natsuki are cute!

Cognitive Wakaba.

>*most popular toaster reporting in

Nah, they're ugly.

>No Fuuka
Okay, keep fucking with me user

Hello I am best girl in Persona 5

there's very few decent ones but most are just pretty bland

Why does Chie look like a non-virgin here???



That picture is from the ending of P4G, after she got the Chad dick.

Sorry, you posted the wrong picture. Let me fix that.

>think Ann is cute as hell
>has real character early in the game with her identity crisis plus caring for her friend.
>go on a confidant date
>she's a fucking retard

For what porpoise?

Jack Frost canonically hates children

Because she met Akihiko.

Jack Frost is the best Persona girl.

I'm politely asking you to delete your posts.

Social Links kill characters, simple as that. The only characters in this franchise who actually develop properly are people like Junpei, who were written without one