>Splatoon 2 is a fucking stupid game.
What did he mean by this?
>Splatoon 2 is a fucking stupid game.
What did he mean by this?
it means he's bad at it /thread
He also says the single player campaign is dope as hell. So even if you don't like the main turf war gameplay it's still worth buying
He means that you don't need to aim as much in Splatoon as you do in other games like CS and COD.
And thank god for that because it's a Thrid Person Shooter.
>Let's discuss some random person's opinion that isn't part of the discussion, nor do we actually know in person!
Youtubers really are surrogate friends for children/losers, aren't they?
He was bad at the gyro controls and decided it was the games fault.
He did dumb stuff and decided it was the games fault.
He didn't even cover Salmon Run or any ranked modes.
Think about how many of those 1 200 000 watchers would buy the game and now won't. All the money you're dear Nintendo lost.
nintenbros are actually fucking insane. they're so worked up about a youtube video.
Yeah but you just know he's gonna shill Mario Odyssey to kingdom come so it breaks even.
>one person has one slightly less than glowing review of the new nintendo game
>this is the big news for the week
holy shit
>"If I say it's shit I can get those controversy bucks"
he's thinking smart. Nintenbros are the easiest to trigger
>random person
>isn't part of the discussion
What did he mean by this
nintendo haters are making these threads, though
He meant that he doesn't like the game. Is no one not allowed to have a opinion?
Oh shit a YouTube funny boy said this game I like wasn't good I guess I don't like it anymore because I never actually think for myself
He probably couldn't play salmon run because his busy adult life doesn't align with Nintendo's permission to use the mode.
And manchild fanboys seriously defend it by saying "it keeps it from burning out"
>Complaining about talking about random people you don't know on an anonymous image board.
He isn't wrong.
Can you not decide for yourself? Do you need some one to decide for you?
Why is he not allowed to have an opinion? Why is everyone so fuckin mad?
You do realise it's open for 12 hours at a time, right? Usually on evenings?
I'd rather you were able to play it whenever to increase your paygrade and only earn points towards bonuses at set times to limit constant grinding, than not be able to play at all but still.
He said that he likes the game in that very same video. What did (you) mean by this?
Dunkeys videos are becoming more and more predictable honestly. When I first saw the title I already knew he would say he hates it because it is conflicts with the majority of players. It's an attempt at attention through shock value.
but it's the WROOOOOONG opinion :(((
Woah so there's people getting buttblasted by Dunkey. Holy shit I thought I'd never see the day
>very popular Switch game that's selling extremely well
>"guys it sucks"
nice clickbait, dunkey.
I was actually matched against him online. He sucked so much ass. he got like 0 kills. Played like 3 games with him, and he lost all his games.
He isn't all wrong. Some of the unique ideas in the campaign mode are completely ignored in the multiplayer, and overall the game doesn't offer that much different from Splatoon 1. Now that isn't a BAD thing, if you liked the first you are gonna like this one, but it stands that it's not all that different.
>losing money
If you weren't a retard, you'd know Nintendo almost always prints money, even on flop generations.
>it sells well so it's good and no one can ever think differently
you're mentally ill
Sure, video was funny, and of course. But he got wrecked playing online and he took it out on the game
It actually is to avoid burning out, but also to make sure the PvP modes are still populated
Problem is Rainmaker is fucking shit in pubs, needing an immense amount of co-ordination including loadouts to work, since it's akin to playing TF2 instead of some arena shooter, but the progression system locks guns so you can't actually pick important roles too like anything with an ink wall.
So basically between Salmon Run and Rainmaker, Salmon Run would see a spike. Honestly they should swap Tower Control and Rainmaker around so you have to play League for it. Fuck these sub-minute games.
stick to youtube, dunkey. no ad revenue for you here.
< /thread your own post
What a pathetic, pretentious post.
kill yourself.
>It actually is to avoid burning out
Maybe they should have made a better game mode?
If the game mode is that boring or repetitive that people will get burned out by being able to play it when they want, maybe it should be designed better.
>all these autists in this thread who can't recognize when words aren't meant to be taken at face value
At least you're all in here instead of shitting up the rest of the board. Keep it up.
He was looking for a generic shooter, clearly. I mean, the guy can't use the gyroscope properly, which really does help.
Sony ponies can't use game quality
Sony ponies can't use game sales
So sony ponies start e-celeb shitposting thread. they are QUITE lucky theyre not stuck shilling Jimquisition this time. Dunkey is somewhat likeable.
Because it's Sup Forumsntendo son.
People here are actually defending the bare-bones multiplayer mode.
And they're gonna charge for it soon!
Reminder that sales determine quality.
hey, sony negus spotted.
Why are you this assblasted?
>What did he mean by this?
do yall remember when he shat all over the Last of us.
Oh, so this youtuber is posting in these threads as part of a discussion? My bad, didn't realize.
He is influenced by e-celeb
Does anyone here genuinely dislike Splatoon? If so, please give reasons why.
>implying there aren't a healthy number of Sonybros in these threads pretending to take the b8
I'm betting the OP probably doesn't even care himself, but just made the thread for the (you)'s.
remember to read the whole sentence when shitposting
It's one of the ugliest games I've ever seen, at least from a major developer.
The Last of Us does suck, though.
I fucking hate getting disconnected for 1/5 of my matches.
Dunkey himself said that he likes it too, so I don't even know what the point of this thread is.
A children's game for a generation that refuses to grow up.
simplistic and repetitive
character designs are puke
Consolewar sonybros hate it because it destroy their narrative. Personally i find it pretty fun
wtf i hate spla2n now?
that's not the game though
that's on your end
Spot on.
your character design is puke
let us see you do better faggot
I don't get paid to do art in videogames faggot
2 cents have been deposited in your bank account.
everyone knows he is going to suck Mario Odyssey's cock when it come out
i'm really sorry that me playing videogames hurt you so.
We get it you're a big boy who's too mature for fun
Go be 16 somewhere else
Could you explain why you think it's ugly?
get better internet you third worlder
Oh boy I love Splatoon 2! It's much favorite game!
*watches Dunkey video*
What the fuck? I hate Splatoon now! Thanks Dunkey for showing me th error of my ways, you're my favorite eceleb!
I don't dislike it, but just like the first one I don't feel like it deserves full price. It's only fun (for me) in small sessions from time to time, and really does not feel the least bit rewarding to get good at, due to the low skill ceiling.
It's fun like random indy games are fun, where you play for an hour or two here and there.
>listeing to dunkey
he played LoL for like 5 years, that's proof enough that he has SHIT taste
It's a boring youtuber sucks at game and says it's bad even though it's obviously he's own fault episode
What made him quit?
Go shill your conspiracy theory elsewhere.
>The nintenbro can only communicate through images he saved
I hate their faces, their permanent smug little faces and their little thick eyebrows
I hate their ears
The choice of colors is absolutely garish, I know it's for visibility but that doesn't make it look good
the characters actual proportions are shit, big hands and limbs and head on a tiny frame but not small enough to actually make them look like cute kids, they just look like freaky little people
>in most of the gameplay footage he showed he could barely break 300 points by the last 60 seconds of the match
wew lad
Riot banned him and he got pissed that he wasn't exempt from the rules.
They look like gangly tweens, which they are.
Really i AM sorry that people enjoying a videogame on Sup Forums triggers you
I don't want to play as a gangly tween, it's not cute or appealing in any way to me
Whereas if he told a guy to fuck himself there would be no problem at all
Really makes you think
It's basically a accessable improvement of a game over the first. Accessable to new and old fans. They done well.
Your loss.
Who fucking cares what this retard thinks, jesus christ
it's really not my loss though
fair enough. I still want to fuck them but i can understand you not wanting to and i respect your sexual tastes. How do you like lizard girls?
I've only found 1 weapon I like using, the rest either have secondaries that are absolute garbage like the stingray or just janky like the autobomb.
Just using the 1 weapon all the time could be fine, if the game modes/maps didn't rotate to make the weapon unusable at certain times.
>I still want to fuck them
this is what I suspected. it's the only reason I can see liking the designs.
>In the first week in March, PlayStation 4 exclusive open world title Horizon Zero Dawn outsold the heavily anticipated Switch launch title The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—at least in the United Kingdom.
I heavily disagree with all of that but I guess it's understandable. You seem to really enjoy realism so this game definitely isn't for you.
He should stop reviewing games. It's downright embarassing to see him trying to find any argument that doesn't sound like it was formed by a child.
im not ashamed to admit my dick decides like 80% of my vidya purchases . Yes i've fucked a lot of money away, no that doesnt feel good, but no matter how much i beat my dick nothing helps
:D hah
he got banned for trash talking a girl though. as in she cried to neoKEK and they white knighted to Riot for her and got the dunkinator b&hammered. Yeah I'd quit too.
>You seem to really enjoy realism
no I just don't like trashy looking things where it appears that children chose the colors at random
it's like in TF2 when you see the guys running around with lime or pink paint, it's that same level of disgusting to me but at least TF2 characters have good base designs and that game has quality art design on the whole
It's a rarefied taste, like necks.
Don't worry, he would have managed to lose at the easiest difficulty of salmon run somehow, too
but the game is fun so who cares