Thoughts on this shit so far? They showed gameplay on Twitch/Twitter yesterday evening

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The literal copied animations bug the heck out of me

looks like shit

they showed Zaryadorf and that kid with the guns

99% sure they didnt show the other 3 because the wholesale lifts of Fox/Marth/C.Falcon were obviously not digested well and they brought them back to the shop

looks awful

They screwed up their opportunity to make a good impression. It's Free to Play, so I'll download it anyways, but I don't expect much.

The biggest problem (besides Unity) is the shit animations. I'm fine with them using modified PM characters, but there's no need to not change the animations. Have Goat Wolf use his horns and not his legs. Have female Marth use kicks for her Nair, which makes more sense anyways when you consider that Marth's Melee Nair didn't have tippers to begin with.

I don't really mind that it's a Smash reskin, but I do mind that the skin it uses is horrible

Fox clone was fine, honestly. His animations were shitty but at least he had some unique moves (like Fox Illusion being a viable option offstage)

Looks like trash. Also, I think an EA exec is on the team, so be weary.

Absolute garbage

I can't imagine that he's just in it for the money if he would've gotten tons more if he stuck with EA, though.

With ogre-woman being a dedicated grappler, it just reminds me that I want this guy in an actual official Smash game

Isn't DK, or at least Project M DK, pretty close to a dedicated grappler?

It has that ios game look with a mix of marvel/guardians of the galaxy. It's weirdly uncanny

They're going for the LoL/OW crowd, but their characters are somehow even less inspired and coherent. None of them look like they belong in the same game, especially Female Marth.

If fox is a goat then is falco a cat?

they look like OverWatch rejects

I love it.
I always knew smashfags were a load of autistic failures with nothing worthwhile in their lives.
>muh melee superiority!
>m-muh wavedash!
This is just the final nail in the coffin that proves it. It truly shows how creatively and mentally stunted they are. Hell, they couldn't even come up with an original name for their about-to-be short-lived company.
But, y'know, it's really to be expected of a bunch of retards whose favorite game revolves around a meta where you're literally only allowed to play two characters.

No Falco doesn't exist

>game is named icons
>not a single character is iconic
>most boring, typical, safe designs I've ever fucking seen
>literally copying smash every step of the way
It's shit.


In a platform fighter, you'd assume a "dedicated grappler" would have air-grabs and shit.

the only thing worse than smash is knock-off smash

Designs look like trash

>not a single character is iconic
Worse, they are stealing character ideas and making them even less iconic somehow

There's already a superior smash clone

Not even bait.
Just look at the trailer. Everyone thinks this game is a train wreck.
I just want to personally watch it burn.


>The biggest problem (besides Unity) is the shit animations. I'm fine with them using modified PM characters, but there's no need to not change the animations. Have Goat Wolf use his horns and not his legs. Have female Marth use kicks for her Nair, which makes more sense anyways when you consider that Marth's Melee Nair didn't have tippers to begin with.

They stated during the gameplay stream that they have started re-concepting those moves based on feedback. They have a new horn-based animation for Kidd's up-smash already.

iirc i think theyre rationalization for "icons" is that its about the people playing the characters, in other words, turning the screws on eceleb worship

>Shitty community
>Shit balance
>No grabs, ledges or shields

They'd have had a better time of it just coming up with their own aesthetic instead of trying to shameless copy League and OW. This entire game feels like a slightly higher budget Chinese knockoff fiesta.

>New horn based upsmash
Thank fucking god.

If they can actually make this work in the next six months or whatever I'll be supremely impressed.

That's even fucking worse.

I mean, technically they're not copying League. Because a League art director is already working on it.

If the game is in early alpha then they probably should have waited a while
People are also annoyed by the f2p thing
I think a f2p smash clone with a slow drip of smash characters with the serial numbers filed off could work well but I don't think most people would agree

Considering it's the main thing keeping Melee alive, makes sense they'll focus on pro-player circlejerking

One thing I've heard described was that they were taking the design problems of Melee and then designing mechanics meant to counter said design problems. For example, you can push-block with your shield in order to stop not-Fox's waveshines.

That is to say, instead of removing Melee's problems, they're keeping them and developing workarounds instead.

why the fuck doesnt blizzard go after the chinks for this shit? surely they can argue IP damages with THAT fucking logo.

I don't love the art style, but I think people saying it's complete shit are over-reacting. The characters look just fine. Yeah, they're kind of generic. No, the game was never going to look as good as a Nintendo product.

Where are the items?

Literally the only similarity is a orange triangle. It was probably inspired, but that's not good enough of a reason to stand up in a court case.

I would assume, since this is a PM derivative they'll come in an update, considering how much "casual" focused updates that game had. Getting the core characters out first is more important, however.

We'll get shit like All Star and Turbo Mode in a patch, probably.

You do know strong bad and most of the PM team were Brawl fags right? True meleefags will literally never move on unless an official smash comes out with melee mechanics.

Its china tier

why is heavy a burger?

Because why not

The worst part is those are all probably hat items in TF2 by now.