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What is a host? Nothing more than a miserable little pile of ports



What time is it where most RoR people live?



Right now desu, most hosts happen around the evening and noon in burger time

I never knew bandit was a manlet.

Probably just his clothing






Dead thread.

is not dead, its sleeping


>tfw the artist never made art for chef or loader

Wake up


>hopoo announced a list of characters that are confirmed to be returning
>enforcer isnt one of them
Its over boys, the law is dead. The bandits have won

No, this cant be happening. I'm in charge here!


I sure hope its not because hopoo doesnt know how to bring his shield into 3D. It's not like other games havent done something similar before

How am I supposed to play with honor/spite/glass/sacrifice/command solo? Usually I don't have any items yet by the time I find the teleporter, am I supposed to wait and farm some before activating it? Otherwise it's next to impossible to kill an overloading boss that isn't colossus.

help me bros how do I git gud

I'd say it really depends on your character. Some can get away with taking down wurms with no items like chef, loader or commando but just one hoof really helps in avoiding them. An early orange will make them almost trivial (THQWIB or a Shield with some characters can wipe out a wurm/vagrant in one use). I'd say singleplayer Sup Forums settings is easier because you can invest an early green into defense (like a heart or feather) and the first two stages are really the only hard ones.
You can probably get away with trying to farm for an early orange/green but dont wait too long or you might get double wurm next stage.

Anything in specific you're having problems with? Most of the time you want to play extra safe, have an escape route nearby in mind and play smart with the terrain. Also use 1x

Yes, I can easily take all the bosses down as a loader when I have a shield or a heart but the issue is when I'm five minutes+ into the stage and I have neither, sometimes not even a single white.

When does it end?


where's the list? Is miner on it?

>am I supposed to wait and farm some before activating it?
No, never farm in this game.
>Otherwise it's next to impossible to kill an overloading boss that isn't colossus.
Worms are manageable. You need to learn how to bait their dive, and with practice enough you'll find yourself guessing at which angle is going up and how to make it go almost vertical. It's a matter of practice, not even memeing with the "git gud" shit.
One tip, never go to a lower ground if you're fighting worms.
Blue Vagrants are the only true end-boss on the first stage: some characters can still kill it with practice, and you can even use a jumpad to avoid the bolts. But it's gg most of the time.
>I'd say singleplayer Sup Forums settings is easier because you can invest an early green into defense (like a heart or feather)
Still, I think it's recommendable to practice without getting free greens otherwise those who want to won't get used to play for Sup Forums-rules as they'll be relying on a first map feather or heart.
>when I'm five minutes+ into the stage
Never, ever pass the 5 minute mark.
3 min maximum to find the tp and 5 minutes to leave the map.
Those marks are especially important on the first three maps.

Well sounds like an issue with bad luck.
All I can really say is to try and be more careful where you choose to engage the wurm, you want a big flat ground and to always have an escape option available.

You are here forever.
Or until you decide to quit I guess

Check hopoo's tumblr

I find that I hardly ever have even a single item at 3 minute mark. I can dodge the overloading worms but if I try to hit it with anything other than drill charge I get one hit killed by the coils effect. And killing them with an 8s cooldown attack would obviously take ages.

Starting in 10(ten) minutes.


who /controller/ here? don't tell me you play this game with your keyboard

>I find that I hardly ever have even a single item at 3 minute mark
That's nomral with Sup Forums-rules. You'll get a worse time in later maps for stalling time, go try farming and see for yourself.
Miner has a "slow" time with Worm, but it's still very doable and one of the characters I can kill a worm in solo consistently.
>if I try to hit it with anything other than drill charge I get one hit killed by the coils effect
Hit it when it's going down, so by the moment your invulnerability ends his tail is gone.

>falling for Idol user's lies
Keyboard a best

no ropes reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oP:

Unable to find any instance for object index '107285' name ''
at gml_Script_step_player
stack frame is
gml_Script_step_player (line 0)


>ropes win again

shit gaem


careful with ropes

keyboard master

if you aren't playing on a controller you aren't playing the game right

>crashed upon strating the game

Yare yare daze~~

Except for the fact that the game was originally designed with keyboard controls.


and keyboards were originally designed to type words, just because it's what was first doesn't mean it's better dingus.


Why does coobie keep joining and then standing afk instantly the whole game?

But it's also better.

He has a poor internet connection please understand

He's not afk. He's suffering and we love him for that :3c

and open again

except it's not dumb dumb

Controllerfag pls, go to sleep already. Kids shouldn't be up this late.

never reply to me again

Can I reply to your wife's son though?

>Being this butthurt

9 bandits
1 enforcer
4 reds two stages in
Greed kills us


What does the future looks like?

Damn, what happened in january 2016?

Summer sale, most likely.
I remember buying ror for like 1,5 ameriburguers, but it was not durinng cristhmass.

o p e n

>ror has more players than battleborn


Open, last one.



Reminder that the composer for RoR did a commentary on every song he made for the game, it's a pretty interesting video.

I give up


Thanks, sounds interesting. I'll listen to it later

Level 4 just started with Enigma on. I use my use item, randomly roll Unstable Watch. Everyone except me and the host instantly DCs.

Did that ever happen to anyone else?

Enigma can be troublesome in multiplayer.

Fucking watch
It rarely crashes the game

no, it was packet loss



Host when?

>Hailstorm is mostly drum tracks put through a vocoder
Fucking neat


I have a better idea t.b.h

What did he mean by this


