Nobody in this game knows how to shut the fuck up more than 5 minutes...

Nobody in this game knows how to shut the fuck up more than 5 minutes? OMFG if they said something interesting but the game stops every time to spend 20 minutes talking about bullshit.

I love the gameplay but I do not even think it's half the game, more than half the game you spend the time talking talking talking.

How can there be so much dialogue in a game that has no fucking story

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a game for retards from Sup Forums that like slice of life moeshit.
Slice of life shit is literally the TRADEMARK of this shit.

nope. That's why the game is 100 hours and it goes ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE.

It's a game with tons of fillers smacked everywhere. And locks you out of sidequests and things.

My favorite thing about writers who make characters barf dialogue is that they never have contrasting characters who speak normally. It's always a novel or mute, no in-between.

>a game about a group of glorified mercenaries stopping a coup and proceeding to stop an mysterious society from using ancient technology to change the world appeals to slice of life fans

That plot is literally less than 1% of the game's script.
It's literally a fucking throwaway that nobody plays the game for.

Sometimes the amount of dialogue in this game becomes even ridiculous. Like when they have to escape from a military fortress but still gives them time to stop to chat like 4 times and when they escape the place they start to chat again next to the exit

>That plot is literally less than 1% of the game's script.
It's 90% of the game's script, pic related

The gray pages are the side stuff. The white pages are the main story.

This shit is flat out lie from the developers then since they must consider all the slice of life shit to be part of main story then just because it isn't optional.
Kill yourself.

I love it, it makes it seem so much more real, even if it's just unrelated banter or some NPC commenting on some unimportant detail.

I think I'd do something similar if I were to make a game. But I think I'd like to take it a step further and actually make the NPCs matter, because Trails actually makes them consistent throughout the games so you meet them several times, but the interaction with them is limited to just talking with them.
It would've been nice to take on some Bracer work for them, you know quests according to their interests or whatever they were talking to you about before.

I think that would actually elevate the immersion and give more time for silly, funny and light-hearted moments in the game, because it's really fucking good at those.

>This shit is flat out lie from the developers then
You can literally read the script, it's not a lie

>slice of life shit
I don't think running around the country-side solving local incidents, fighting monsters and climbing towers for 60 hours constitutes as slice of life, user. Do you even understand the buzzwords you spew randomly, or do you think slow plots are slice of life? The characters aren't doing mundane things, they're fucking Bracers and they're constantly doing their jobs.

>How can there be so much dialogue in a game that has no fucking story
>no fucking story

Pearls before swine.

They run with a reason ... those fucking penguins

my only issue with this game is how fucking EASY it is

did falcom forget how to make hard games?

>dad missing
>dad is okay, he say go fuck yourself arround the map in straight line for about 40 hours
>the last 4 hours of game are the most close thing to a real plot

Well al least dont have any deepshit fight against the FUCKING GOD like the rest of jrpg

in fact i enjoy the game a little

This is partly design but partly amateur localisation. If I remember right, a fan did the legwork, made it public domain, then watched the publishers use his stuff. There's stuff that just needs compacting into realistic english sentences and winds up stretched across 3 or 4 torturous dialogue boxes

I found plenty of challenge by just persistently chasing quests instead of content - as the game went on some tricky ones opened up that required real abuse of the unique character skills. But of course the ensuing quest rewards/experience made the maingame even more of a joke

it seems a story can only be a story when people are actively trying to save the world from an ancient evil that has awoken

>my only issue with this game is how fucking EASY it is
The difficulty ramps up with SC and spikes with The 3rd.
TiTS the 3rd is one of the hardest turn-based JRPGs I've ever played.

>tfw final battle arena

Why did you leave out 60 hours of plot for your bait post, user?
What makes the last 4 hours "real plot" when there's 60 hours of plot before it?

I'd be curious to see how many members of the Tales Defense Force have English as a second language.

don't ever play a Persona game then.

persona has less text than trails

I actually like that you don't help everyone in Trails. You help people here and there but you aren't some kind of savior that solves every single problem in the world. For example, you don't resolve the conflict in Ravennue village in FC and you don't decide who will be the next mayor of Ruan in SC because that's not your job. Other people deal with their problems themselves.

Not understanding the story or the annoying characters does make Tales more bearable.

Only P3 is 90% filler.

actually you're right, yeah I agree
everything in moderation I suppose

it would've been nice to at least go to the polls and have a vote you know, I meant things like that

It's just FC and to some extent CS2. The other games are very enjoyable.


Besides that, of course TiTS has a story. The story just isn't a typical JRPG romp with clear villains and action movie segments everywhere.
Shit's retarded. It's like a bunch of people decided that if the game doesn't have you collecting the 4 mcguffins so that you can kill god because your dead dad/king/mother/mentor/other god told you to do so, then there is no story

I love how nobody is debating these posts outside of assmad Sup Forums fags.

Back to /fg/ with you TIDF.

/vint/ confirmed most of them are leafs/BRs.

d a m a g e c o n t r o l

I hope that piece of trash game never gets localized and I know the rest of this board feels the same.

Bump for Shitseki ass pain

your not smart

You don't know when to stop, do you?

Sup Forums is shitting on your favorite shitty J"""""""""RPG"""""""""" RIGHT NOW and there's nothing you can do about it.

>the game doesn't have you collecting the 4 mcguffins so that you can kill god because your dead dad/king/mother/mentor/other god told you
That's literally Shitseki after FC. Enjoy!


What a tryhard

how fucked am I after reaching bosa I decided to stop playing for a month.

This 100% for Bravely Second.

>more than one person hates a series
>must be one person lol XD

That's the same exact argument you've used in previous threads when I've called you out desu. You don't even make an effort to hide yourself.

Your first ten hours have nothing to do with the "plot," and there's plenty of gaff after that. Even Dragon Quest VII didn't meander as much.

How the fuck do people like this trash game then? Is it fanboyism?

>The first ten hours have nothing to do with the "plot"
Your father going to Erebonia in the prologue (which plays a part in the backstory of Cold Steel) is a lot happening, especially considering he's confronting Campanella about blowing up guild branches throughout the empire, which is a distraction to keep him out of Liberl so that Oroboros can stage a coup using Richard.

Within the first ten hours you enter the towers, meet the villain in disguise, and chase the sky bandits to another city, which segways and builds up to the next few plot points, which in turn builds onto further developments in the plot.

You are pretty bad at this rpg thing. The 3rd was easy as fuck. The final boss was a fucking joke

It's not nearly as bad there, partially because there's 50% less text per game and partially because it's so formulaic you can tell when you can safely skim.

It's a huge problem for Persona though, you're right. Same with the likes of Xenosaga. Trails is way worse about it to the point that the parts with meaning are drowned in the sea of incidental remarks.

Trails/Kiseki is pretty much the most overrated of the underrated series out there.

The only decent one is tne unlocalized Ao/Zero series about detective in Crossbell and police squad.

Sky and Coldsteel are absolute trash.

They say it has no story because it's meandering, unfocused, and offers very little in terms of incentives to continue.

It's the web comic of JRPGs. It just keeps going and going, far beyond normal, feeding you poorly structured and unimportant details because it was written in sequence instead of properly edited.

I don't even understand why people say it was hard. I only get 1 game over the whole time playing it. It was against Cassius, but only because I didn't pay attention to orbal setup at all since it was so easy before this. Once I setup orbal properly I beat Cassius and this whole game pretty easily. That include the final arena match.

all the side stuff if what makes the game great and as wrpg love, Kiseki is the only series (along with Matsuno's games) that helps me to have hope in jRPGs

TITS games are ones of the best ever that only gets shit on this retarded board since the release of coldshit that attracted normies, reddit and other kinds of subhumans to the series who can't appreciate good writing and slow pacing

He mad.

>coldshit that attracted normies, reddit and other kinds of subhumans to the series who can't appreciate good writing and slow pacing
Coldsteel failed to attract normalfags and reddit because it's even slower, more text-heavy and convoluted than Sky.

Cold Steel's strange because it's setting alienated Trails fans, but the amount of dialogue it had scared off all potential newcomers

Is that Agate?


Tita shows up in Cold Steel 3 too

>t. didn't play on hard mode or did nothing but grind

SC nightmare was harder than this nigger. You are just bad at this rpg thing

You wanna know why I put quotation marks around plot?

Because backstory, foreshadowing and exposition on setting are neither plot not the progression of a plot. This is a common misunderstanding from beginning writers. These details can help flesh out your story, but they are not a substitute for storefront in and of itself.

The game moves at a blistering slow pace and spends its time defining, redefining, and re-redefining characters, settings, items of import and concepts. It doesn't introduce conflict or develop events or characters in anything resembling reasonable amounts or frequency. I mean for fuck's sake, look at what you just said: after the initial exposition is done you only really have a few things of import happen. Over TEN HOURS. I didn't even reach the last point that fast because I was taking my damn sweet time.

The point is, there's a lot of fucking gaff in the script. A LOT. To say it's 90% plot when a lot of that is backstory, foreshadowing/build up, and vapid, space-eating nothing sentences is disingenuous.

TiTS ain't a bad game (or three), but the writing is absolutely bloated and shallow. A complete novelization of Berserk: The Golden Age would clock in at less than TiTS dialogue, but a character like Judeau is more fleshed out and has a more intruiging arc thab Estelle OR Joshua, or any character across F/S/T. It's just too much to say so little.

>comparing SC nightmare to The 3rd hard
The last third of The 3rd's bosses are all considered as hard, and harder than the Loewe fight at the end of SC. What the fuck are you even smoking?

>many words make head hurt!
Also the plot is Estelle and Joshua's journey to become senior bracers which there is progression of in the first 10 hours.

Nah just admit you are bad at it. 3rd was easy. Easier than SC. Kevin and Richard break the game. Loewe was hard in 3rd? WTF are you smoking indeed

My bad, you are not talking about Loewe. But the only hard boss was Cassius and like I said once you set up properly he was easy.

The problem is that you seemed to have went into Trails with the typical JRPG mentality of shit hitting the fan relatively early which gives protagonists the incentive to go on a journey and have a ton of clashes with the antagonist throughout the series.

Falcom's stated that the story of FC is literally just about the protagonists becoming bracers and interacting with the world.
The plot picking up at the end of the game was meant to be the link between FC's story and SC's story, not the conclusion of FC's story.

How did we let cancer like this enter our board? Here's a (You) if you're just pretending to be retarded.

Motherfucker, I LOATHE that people think all dialogue heavy games need voice acting. Don't even start with that braindead excuse for sloppiness.

The number isn't the amount of words, but their function. Trails is long winded, and it doesn't do it in service of characterization, immersion, detail, or authenticity. Even in the first 30 minutes you have conversations that are in no way natural but fail to do anything other than repeat information or bask in its own verbosity.

It's not awful, but it could really use an editor.

Too little development and payoff stretched too thin, as I said.

>Nobody in this game knows how to shut the fuck up more than 5 minutes
Does it also have unnecessary moans, groans, and utterances that usually plagues anime as well?

It was literally SOL anime. What do you think?

You might have been able to get people to agree with you if you hadn't been fishing for (You)'s. The first game consists you of chasing villains and them always getting away to be saved for the 2nd game or beyond every time. Resolving pretty much nothing.

At the end of a good story you can be left wishing for more, it seems like trails takes this idea from the start by inflating everything you do. You spend most of your time interacting with minor characters doing irrelevant things, seeing all the content you'd cut out of a book. Like you don't need to know estelle is a dumb kind-hearted girl by saving an orphan down in a well 500 times. So yeah, you don't get much substance at a reasonable rate, and it seems they even delay grand happenings like villains being caught to prolong the story/sidestories. If you want a jrpg with a story you can stay with for awhile then this could be seen positively, you don't have to give up the adventures anytime soon. Yes it probably does kill what could've been a concisely told story that accomplishes the same thing.

Agree, trail was pretty bad especially with the villain. After beating them, they was just like lol good try, see you next time EVERYTIME. Not a single major villain get caught or something.

That's a great scenario you came up with.
Too bad you're fucking wrong.

DQ7 is one of my favorite JRPGs. Do you know how long it takes Orgodemir to show up? In case you don't know, it's about *40 hours*. The entire game before that is incidental adventures. The Aveh part of Xenogears is pretty good too, and it similarly is a 10+ hour prelude to the actual plot. And, hey, you think I mentioned Berserk for no reason? The Golden Age is the same idea as FC, but it has more substance than TiTS as a whole. Wanna guess why?

Structure and pacing. Audiences don't mind if you take a long time getting to the call to action, but the stuff before that has to be enticing and well structured unto itself. An example of another game that makes this mistake is Xenosaga, 1 and 2 in particular. See, people don't bitch about the writing there because it takes two games to get to the core story. They bitch because they have two games of background and foreshadowing as the characters clamber past the next roadblock to the plot actually starting. A story must balance its exposition and development, and FC doesnt really do a good job at that.

Coldsteel releases on Steam on the 2nd of August

bumping for more shitseki tears