Ding Dongs with Frogs
who is this and why should I care
"How many unborn female babies did you kill today?"
Why does the West need to make literally fucking everything they do political? Why can't you just make a fucking fun game?
Does anyone even play that game?
Does anyone even care about Marvel anymore?
I think the answer to both is "No".
>Caring about Marvel anymore
>Caring about a shitty mobile game
Sup Forums, you are trying too hard to start an offtopic discussion of 500+ replies.
No bump for you.
Who is this qt? Also I swear there's a blonde kungfu chick with a bird name in Injustice as well.
Literally who posting a literally who character in a literally who video "game" and you're upset?
>Minority-Man: Homecumming is the worst selling marvel movie in years on top of being destroyed by a C-tier DC movie with a woman as the lead role
>MvC Infinite looks like trash
>now this
if only. i can't remember the last time i bought a western-developed game. they're all shit nowadays.
What's her feminist agenda, bros?
Kinda bizarre way of thinking about it though, since she turned traitor and aligned herself as a double agent for Hydra.
>implying Sup Forums isn't the cuckest board
Ask her.
Hey most Westerners are sick and tired of this shit as well
It the entertainment industry that's doing this.
Reminder that the comic with that cover changed Mockingbird to a rape victim to a cheater that killed her fuck buddy because he was obsessed with her.
feminists = literally Nazis confirmed?
We are? I didn't notice.
>tfw dcfag
My favorite murderer who cries rape after cheating on her husband!
>admitting that you work on disney presents marvlel mobile shovelware #882761
Honestly need more people like you in the world.
>tfw no pegging gf
divide and conquer tactics from (((them)))
because when the tiny sjw group complains, companies think that means EVERYONE wants to see shit like that.
It's a very stylized version of Mockingbird, a Literally Who superhero whose comic is tanking hard. You can probably guess why.
Well everybody is sick from this shit and they don't buy it
Instead of the companies looking at the market, they just keep pushing this shit and then moaning when no one is buying their product
Do these people even fucking know what feminism is? Its not showing your tits to the world saying "hurr dee durr durr WOMEN CAN SHOW UR NIBBLES TOO!!!" Its not "MEN ARE ALL EVIL BAN PENISES BECAUSE THEY EXIST"" and its not fucking "WE GET LESS PAY HOW DARE THEY!!"
Its "How do we save the women in darfur from getting raped and murdered for just existing?"
Its "How do we protect women in african and islam from being raped and murdered and unable to go to schools or have anything because they are women"
Why is are the western "feminists" so stuck up their fucking heads. I am a goddamn feminist, I've done more for women than these fucking bitches who just want to bring destruction about, not help.
>You will never exterminate all Sup Forumstards from Sup Forums on sight
Why even live, bros?
Why are you getting triggered over a shirt in a mobile game?
>Marvel publically admits that comics pushing political agendas tank financially
>Keep doing it anyways
They think it sells. It doesn't, the people who want politics in games don't actually buy them.
To tell everyone what an enlightened centrist you are.
>dont like thing and find it detestable
>want to make sure others understand why such garbage shouldnt be in here but itll be popularized a la anita
>if there isnt confrontation it wont be as popular but itll settle as a tiny tiny piece of the culture
Last time I ignored something my friend turned into a furfag
>Ask me about my irresponsible lifestyle leading to inevitable misery for myself, my inevitable beta partner and the kids we'll have who will most likely be the kids of divorced parents
I can't tell which font was worse, this one or the original with it's comic sans like one.
>bet he's a fat balding low test nu male trying to virtue signal muh feminism for good boy pussy points
the alt-right are the REAL snowflakes!
It doesn't sell, actually. Marvel's tired gimmick of baiting ragesells has finally caused them to lose out to DC in comic sales.
Based Mahvel.
>there are people literally triggered by frogs
It's the same thing with animal activists
Why do they go after fur more than leather? Because it's easier to mess with old ladies than bikers
It's easier to bitch about trivial shit than to risk your life
He didn't say that!
Alt-centrists are the REAL snowflakes!
The hilarious part is that people whom Marvel have fully admitted that "diversity" is killing the comics industry, but the idiots in charge seem to be doubling down in it.
At least he didn't turn into a dumb animeposter.
someone post the tweet where they complain how people stopped buying their Marxist infested comic books any more.
>triggering polcucks
Based marvel
Everytime it rains the little bastards are all over the roads and my tires are covered in their blood and they never shut up
Simple. A need for self-importance. They don't care about change unless it benefits them personally. In other words, it isn't real feminism at all.
>Not being a delusional SJW or a delusional Trumptard means you're centrist
It's like saying you're a centrist if you don't want to murder/adopt all cats
>we've inserted political shit in our our IPs and as a consequence they sell like shit
they sure showed us
The actual game is more retarded than anything having to do with that shirt.
underrated post
My like month old account is blocked by her whoever the fuck this is.
>Using block lists
And you post anime, you're made for each other
I see, you're beyond centrism, a trans-centrist so to speak. You truly are the snowflakiest of snowflakes.
she's hot
That's what happens when you follow Sup Forums's "if you ignore a problem it will go away" mentality. You know, the same line of thinking that goes against literally every solution to a problem ever.
>plebs finally realize marvel is the cuck's choice and that DC is /ourguy/
what is her feminist agenda?
Because it's become more of a "My sports team is better than your sports team" mentality. Each side feels the need to shove their own team into the other's face.
It's some irrelevant game dev.
He's probably using a block bot. I've never heard of him before either and I'm already blocked as well.
Politics are about who you get angry at you
>marvel keeps trying to shoehorn feminism and identity politics into everything
>nosediving hard
>wonder woman has no progressive agenda anywhere
>wildly successful
>She's white
>She's blonde
>She's attractive.
Wew lad, the SJW's will NOT be pleased.
Ask her
Ask her
I'm tired of seeing politics everywhere I go. I don't give a fuck if its cringey kekistani redditors, or obese womanchild tumblrinas, nobody wants to see this shit
>inb4 le fencesitter meme
No, I'm just tired of everything being political in some way or another. The media has always been like this since goddamn Andrew Jackson, but I've never seen it plastered everywhere on this scale. I just want to enjoy things without any ulterior bullshitters telling me how to think or feel.
>man-baby mocks other man-babies for choosing the wrong children's literature
So I don't follow anything comics at all.
Is it true that Marvel is tanking badly?
>supporting feminism
If "frog avatars" we're the trend that sells, she would be wearing a maga cap.
>please talk about my game please even if you're outraged that's publicity please help me i need to keep this going to pad out my linkedin
I always wonder what it's like to spend all this time and energy trying to bust into the video game industry, and after all that you get stuck toiling away in some Disney mobile division pumping out match 3 clone trash.
Because neogaf needs you back, user. They miss you.
>intentionally antagonizing your audience
>said person thinks this is "good"
100% retarded.
>current Marvel is incredibly proud about driving their audience away
the state of this fucking company these days is just hilarious
What exactly were you expecting? Marvel has been carelessly inserting transminority genderbrown characters into their universe for years now, like black teenager iron (wo)man and sociopathic super latina.
It's black canary, and yes, they're both literally the same.
WHAT IS IT Sup Forums
inform ... me on what's habbedings?
Marvel is catering to the hardcore crowd.
you could probably just shorten that to "cowardice"
Do you people LIKE the whole tribal mentality the left vs. right bullshit incurs?
This is one of the reasons why Marvel comics is selling like shit and DC is dominating the comic market.
fucking hell, they know their audience
Funny thing is, any woman who wears a shirt like that only dreams of having a body like that.
C-can you show your nibbles?
you know im kinda glad that namco is shitting on marvel and will ruin marvel vs capcom with dbfz beta launching right before it.
feel bad for capcom but marvel cannot be allowed to continue any further
What they said that happened: right-wingers unfair critics made people interested in the comic
What really happened: drones started campaign on tumblr to people buy the comic because we womyn and shit
>ding song frogs
Frogs confirmed shitlords
>>wonder woman has no progressive agenda anywhere
Too bad that isn't what the public thinks. In fact many SJW, feminists and the like went to see it because they thought it pushed their agenda and also praised it more for it.
I mean they even went so far as to praise whatsherface's acting, which is pretty telling of how biased they are.