How much of a manchild you need to be to play this? Please tell me this board is actually full of kids

How much of a manchild you need to be to play this? Please tell me this board is actually full of kids

It's full of squids now

How much of a manchild you need to be to play video games unironically?
Fucking grow up.


How much of a manchild do you need to be to post on Sup Forums unironically? Fucking grow up.

>mommy said i'm a big kid now

These kids will be on Sup Forums in 10 years and shill MW3 because nostalgia

Go back to your kiddie games, the grownups are talking

Watch me play adult games
Now, the society will not criticize me, right?
I'll be accepted, right?

>Watch me play adult games
>Now, the society will not criticize me, right?
They will
>I'll be accepted, right?

>how much of a pedo do I have to be
Fixed that for you.

Believe it or not, actual adults who play games play them because they are fun or interesting not to make a statement about how mature they are.

>10 years
Hate to break it to you, but they are already here.

You are the winrar

>Implying those kids aren't on Sup Forums already

>Kids who bought GTA5 in 2013 will soon be old enough to post


check this 5

>Please tell me this board is actually full of kids
Why are hoping this board is nothing but kids? Is there something you need to tell us, user?

>mlp hat

So the Salmon Run runs for longer now? Next sessions seem to be 24h instead of 12.

Why can't they just limit the prize times instead of the whole mode? I know it's weird for someone on Sup Forums, but it seems like I'm always working or sleeping when Salmon Run is available.


I kind dig that they limit it so it's quick to find players. The previoous rotation for Salmon did suck, but it now it seems to be on offer more often than not.
