Tfw overwatch is trash and it's fanbase is cancer

>tfw overwatch is trash and it's fanbase is cancer
>tfw even splatoon 2 is better and actually more fun to play
Prove me wrong.
You can't.

splatoon is even more casual than overwatch
in fact, it's completely brain-dead

Titanfall 2 was the better fps last year anyway.

>people with take this bait

My question is how would you make overwatch NOT trash. The fanbase is irredeemable but is there any way to make overwatch good or is the idea itself complete trash.

You're right.

OW is trash though, and at least Splatoonfags aren't literal cucks.

The idea itself is trash.

It's a shooter for people who can't aim. It's just capitalizing on the overlap between MOBA retards and CoD babies.

You have to love how in the singleplayer campaign to Splatoon 2 in level 25 the Sunken Scroll is literally impossible to find while the other whatever you call it is incredibly easy to find.

Splat is best shooter of 2k17

If you can't aim you won't do very well in Splatoon m8...overwatch on the other hand you can just blow up the whole team by pressing q

That's exactly what I just said you illiterate fucking moron.

Or did you think I thought Splatoon has fucking MOBA elements for some buttfucking retarded reason?

>the only reason the splatoon fanbase stays well is because voice chat is nonexistent

That is actually similar to the reason they didn't add voice chat into the first game.

>Splatoon is even more casual than overwatch
And yet the movement mechanics alone have more depth than Overwatch in its entirety.

they're both shit.

I really want to fuck that octoling

Not many ways without a complete overhaul. Rework the heroes to work in clear ways with their roles being solidly defined for what they do and how they interact beyond the most general applications, remove 90% of the projectile weapons for hitscans, give it ammo and put abilities on resources instead of cooldowns, and total remake of the movement since its so basic.
But at that point it becomes harder and people leave in droves.

Nintendo didn't add in any features that screw over other players and they don't take themselves too seriously. Overwatch is bottom of the barrel, its not very difficult to beat it.

But that's wrong

>This is what overwatchfags actually believe

>look at an enemy and press mouse 1 to win
>skill based

lol mge me

Never played splatoon but OW is dead for sure. I played again for the first time in months and I said "gg" "ez" and got reported then the person added me and complained how what I said offended them

>movement mechanics

Fucking what.
I like Splatoon but that's just over-exaggerating.

>look at the ground and press ZR to win