
Are you playing the beta guys? What are your first impressions?

cliffy b always delivers

I played in the alpha tests and the game was laughably terrible. Genuinely one of the worst FPS and video game experiences of my life.

Been playing since the first beta. It's pretty much everything I ever wanted from a class based shooter. I'm having tons of fun with the Titan.

I played the first beta, I had a shitload of fun playing Wraith.
Until I realized how OP it was compared to everything else and I felt bad.

Despite the shilling I've been watching some streams and it actually looks pretty good

I played the last beta too, still really fucking fun.

I'm a little mad that they nerfed juggernaut so heavily and then barely touched Wraith - he's actually stronger this beta despite his nerfs because his biggest challenger in close quarters just can't cut it anymore against SMG+Stinger

It's OW with 0g gimmick, CoD TTK, "mature" stuff like blood and FUCK YOUs, and all the character and color sucked out. You decide if it's a good or bad thing.

>It's OW
stopped reading here

My personal GOTY

>hero shooters with abilities
>not OW clones
Go get some rest, Cliffy.

How old are you?

>OW is the first class-based shooter
This website is 18+ only

>Cliffy B in charge of female characters

>all these people praising the game
Holy shit. I know people will have different opinions than me but im actually flabbergasted. Did we play in the same alpha tests? On PC it was a fucking nightmare

found your problem

theyre shills. the game is DOA. Also, notice how many replies compared to posters. Some samefagging going on.

Cliffy, your game is shit man. give it a rest.

>12 posters
>17 replies
such shill, much jew

I didn't play the alpha, just last beta and this one

>It was a fucking nightmare
In what way? Bugs?

It's pretty fucking fun for me playing Jugg and Vanguard and occasionally Enforcer.

It also highlights how horribly bad modern gamers are at anything with quick movement, god damn

the streams look pretty smooth

are there any butts i can masturbate to in this game?

The black girl is the only character with a somewhat decent butt.

Not really, no.

The game has no waifus, which is why Sup Forums doesn't talk about it.

This. The screen is cluttered with particles and other useless garbage, the gameplay feels terrible and the balance is non-existant.
Trash game.

>everybody says its overwatch "for grownups"
>expect shit
>play it
>its actually good
>gives me the same old fun of the UT99 years
Is /Cliffy B/ our guy?

>This is what people say when a game requires actual skill

>Blizzard invented [INSERT ANYTHING HERE]
Every fucking time.

It's like you never played UT2K4, all women look like ass there

Gigantic doesnt have any and yet it still mentioned here from time to time.

it also is a much better game than whatever cliffy "fuck pc gamers" b can make in his entire life.

Your post has some truth to it, but Overwatch didn't create the genre, which is why you are being so heavily criticized.

>game requires actual skill
>just pick any hitscan character to win
Sure thing, buddy.

The game is bullying me

It's impossible to tell how much influence he really had but it definitely brings back the feeling I had playing UT

Which I really wasn't expecting after Quake Champions turned out to be a monstrous turd.

I-I can be your friend user
Give name

The flow of the game is completely different than overwatch and it doesn't have a heavy teamplay focus.

You might as well be trying to argue that Smash Brothers and Guilty Gear are similar.

its a shit shooter i wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot stick

>any hitscan character
user the only character without a hitscan is the medic

Why lie on the internet?

There's only 1 hitscan and it drops like a fly

Ebin could've afforded a few more poligons on the faces

Have they fixed Wraith?

Oh so you're just retarded. Fair enough.

>Quake Champions
Don't remind me

He got his health reduced by 25, slide kick does almost no damage anymore, and his stab range got reduced (along side all other melee options in the game) and you can't spam it to move farther.

>pick hitscan to win
>there's only one hitscan
I don't think either of you know what hitscan is.

They reduced kickslide damage but that's really not that big

They reduced his health by 25 which is nothing

Successive stabs won't all impart full velocity in zero G (you can still use it once or twice to change direction and shoot forward)

Wraith basically got lightly tapped.

Meanwhile Juggernaut, one of the only things keeping Wraith from dominating every close-quarters engagement, got nerfed into the ground because of synergy with a class that's unavailable for play

I'm still knife boosting pretty far. I don't remember if it's as far as last beta but it's still something you can abuse

It's fine but I'm sick to death of shooters.

Really liking it so far, winning most of my games as Medic. I play Assassin and Juggernaut too.
Excited for the game to actually release so there will be less shit players running around that are absolutely clueless.

I played the alpha and learned enough about the game to know it will never be good. They don't understand the bare basics of what makes an FPS fun.

Here's a sweet double headshot though

no one cares about your opinion

Anyone who only got to play the Alpha need not reply here. The current Beta has come a long way. It's a lot better than it used to be and feels great. I suggest downloading the Beta and giving it another crack

I'm better than all of you at video games, though, so I'm correct.


I enjoy video games more than you.
Who's actually better?

ok so its been a while but these were the main things:

>really terrible optimization at the time
>only like 3 characters were available to play
>only 2 maps were in rotation

thats all small stuff that can easily be fixed between alpha and beta tests, to be fair. however, the main issues that made me uninstall after a few hours were:

>no way to read a characters skills or learn what they do
you had to join a match, pick your character and use your abilities in the spawn in order to figure out what they did. there was no 'character info' screen where i could browse abilities and read about what a character does. likewise, there was no 'practice' rooms where i could get a feel for the movement system and demo my abilities. there were also no in-game tooltips when i moused over an ability. so theres no way to know what the ability does, how much damage it does, its range, etc
>premade groups of internal testers or people who have been playing forever stomping all over newbies
i guess this isnt about the games core features, but in the alpha tests there were teams of people who clearly had already put hundreds of hours in. they were grouped up and pubstomping all the new players, refusing to tell any of us what how our abilities worked, how the movement system works, etc. this lead to:
>spawn camping
since i didnt know what the fuck my character does, or how the map is laid out, or how the movement/flight system works, i would demo my abilities in spawn trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. within 10 seconds of match start, the entire enemy team would be flying around our spawn insta-gibbing our entire team before we can even move.

so in the end, i was playing on a game that could barely run, with barely any characters available, with only two maps, that actively made it as difficult as possible to learn the game; all while being unable to leave the spawn. game after game after game.

>just get good lol xd

>I enjoy video games more than you.

I doubt it, hitting a headshot is literally almost sexually gratifying. It's the reason I've played enough to get this good.


Right now they've got all classes available but one (meaning they have 8) and 5 maps

I'm on a GTX970 and I get 120+FPS at max settings

They have video tutorials and a sandbox mode for learning characters

You cannot enter or shoot into spawns

I'm sure there are still premades but I haven't run into any that were any good.

It's free all weekend, you've got nothing to lose by giving it another shot.

>implying anyone believes you when you say you don't bot
Your name is basically synonymous with cheating.

Wasn't aware that there was even a beta now

>Juggernaut gets nerfed into the ground because reasons
>Wraith gets barely touched
Get your shit together CliffyB

>OW invented shooters with classes

He's not wrong.

Wraith is so much more mobile than the other classes it's not even funny

25 health off is not enough. He does insane burst and moves like the fucking flash, he needs 75 health off, not 25

the only thing stopping him from being so OP he breaks the game is his relatively high skill floor

it's a little surreal and weird to see just how many people they paid to do sponsored streams

>120+ fps
>Game feels like 35

Please send help

It's also funny to see how many people they hired to do viral marketing on Sup Forums.

It's like a non-duplicitous version of video games journalism. It's always been happening, but now they're up-front about it.

My complaints

>classes hardly have an identity and some are wholly unnecessary to the meta of the game
>the zero-G gimmick is wonky and forced as fuck
>the maps are small and why does every fucking FPS nowadays have to be 5v5 or 6v6?

should have stuck with a more traditional formula, Lawbreakers is the end result of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks

Whose dick to I have to suck just to get a simple fucking server browser?

>juggernaut useless past 5 feet now
>wraith's nerf was extremely mild
peeking for a second then i get sent to half health. if youre not a gunslinger, enforcer or wraith you will be useless on most of the map

fucking love vanguard that just fly around and hold down mouse1 like how is that fun for anyone.

user right now Vanguard is considered DA BESS

git gud