What are some good video game related books

What are some good video game related books

Other urls found in this thread:


Ready Player One
King of Kong
Snow Crash

Boss Fight books divided into two camps:

1: Nerd essays
2: Historical research books

Mega man3 falls into category 2.

>Ready Player One
>King of Kong
>Snow Crash

Fuck off fictionshit.

>Ready Player One

>King of Kong


Video Games You Will Never Play

the spelunky boss fight book is really interesting as the dev talks about game development and hidden design mechanics

Fall of reach
Ghost of onyx

the deus ex human revolution and mankind divided prequel books are good

Ashen's "Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Of" was a pretty big and surprising disappointment.


Oh really? How so?

metal gear solid novelizations

ready player one is single-handedly the worst book i've ever read, right behind the kingkiller books

>defending "let me gloat about my power-level: the book"
>book nearly entirely made up of references
>all basic bitch entry level shit references
>literally relies on the reader getting a hit of feel good brain chemicals when they recognize a reference.


Where the fuck do they even play Vidya in that?

The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers.

>The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers.

Got tons of neat tidbits, including that Fujiwara was against making Mega man 2.


About one third of it are backer names, blank pages and thanks, a lot of the pages only consist of huge images of the games and thick borders made of sprites.
The actual content of each of the articles about the games wouldn't be enough for two minute reviews and most of the times basically consist of "looks shite, sounds makes your ears bleed, controls awful"
This honestly doesn't really work that well if you can't witness the games in motion like on Youtube and shit starts to get repetitive and boring after a while.
The best part was probably the chapter about SQIJ! where he showed the godawful source code and it's crazy background stuff like this that is sorely missing from most of the book.

Seriously, if you except dozens of stories of this caliber youtube.com/watch?v=ouvi-fwrfIY
then look elsewhere - you won't find them in here.

>old man giving away his vast fortune to the winner of a video game tournament
>also your best friend is secretly a girl and they're hot and also into you

The whole book is Second Life

Reading this right now. It's pretty well-written, though at the same time I'm skeptical about how objective it is as a historical source. It tries so damn hard to make Nintendo the bad guys.

Hopefully Seth Rogen gets off his lazy stoner ass and makes the movie already.

stay a while and listen

>Ready Player One