Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Machine Gun
__ drop shot ____
I want a new Metal Slug guys. Preferably not a fucking handheld title.
I want to fuck that
Have you played Mercenary Kings? It's a Metal Slug clone on Steam, it's really good. Had fun playing through it with a friend.
Rock-it lawnchair!
Gotta make those sweet money for the new King of Fighters, you know?
Nice tone.
Martian loli
Metal Slug has always been tongue-in-cheek but this is on a whole new level. Would it kill them to actually make a new Metal Slug game that's not on mobile?
How is metal slug advance compared to the rest?
I'll try it out my nigger thanks. My Switch is gathering dust and my PS4 is only good for Fortnite at the moment.
Is she bad or good?.
It kinda like heidern and heidern is trash
What's with the framerate on the Switch version of MS2? It drops to what I can only guess is single digits when there's any more than 2 sprites on the screen.
In before >Switch
MS3 on Switch doesn't have this issue. What version of the game are they using?
There's even a zombie grill to appeal necrophiles as well
Yoshino is the best
It's an issue with the game itself,not the Switch.
I don't know if it's on the eShop or not but you should play Metal Slug X instead. It's MS 2 with better framerate and a redone ending.
>all this garbage
Why did it have to come to this?
He probably means how the thread devolved from a Metal Slug thread to shit in only the first few posts
Posting Metal Slug to revive
Everything dies so horribly in metal slug even the oc donut steel in MSA.
easy on the carrots
Which Metal Slug was the hardest?
I still haven't got past the Robot in 3 without game-over
4 was the hardest fucking game in the series and I think it's pretty unanimous on that
4 was also the shittest
>Garter belt and no thong under mini-skirt
My dick didn't know he wanted this
Oh by far
I mean, it's not a bad game at all, it's just a bad Metal Slug game. I have the Metal Slug collection for my Vita and love playing every game whenever I have free time
Hey, i wasn't shitposting, i was just showing how the series died because of waifu pandering. The thread would have died without me.
Or you could've just, y'know, posted Metal Slug
This guy was pretty fucking hard
He was pure fucking RNG, fuck that boss
her mouth looks weird
At least the sprites are alright
Also oh hey, I can't believe my Metal Slug collection is still up. I used to do daily MS threads and posted compilation packs of all the MS pictures and stuff I could find
Warning: contains lewd and like the only 4 Metal Slug doujins ever
Pretty meh. Its the same thing except with health bars and hunting for hidden stuff.
Post YFW playing Metal Slug 3's final mission for the first time
/u/ stay and please stay.
How do I git gud at metal slug with a ds3 pad? I already beat it in arcade, 1,2,x and 4 single life.
I think its really hard to blame MSA or MSD for killing the series when the series was already dead.
If only I could post the nude version of that picture
I remember back when I could get away with posting lewd Metal Slug on Sup Forums because the mods loved Metal Slug. Not anymore...
everything after this begins playing is 10/10
Is fine in game.
>Replay Metal Slug 3
>Notice they gave alien Morden the eyepatch on the wrong eye
post it in imgur and link.
Too lazy for that. It is in the pack I posted though further up in the thread