Why has the soul of video games rotted away? Why did we let it happen?

Why has the soul of video games rotted away? Why did we let it happen?

>paid mods
>ads in free versions of mods
>devs hiring modders to fix and create their shit
>mobile gaming taking over
>day 1 dlc rampant
>season passes are popular
>censorship encouraged and defended
>sjw politics forced into games
>games no one wants continue to release
>games people do want are mobile only
>episodic remakes
>games getting more casual and easier
>900p 30fps
>mid generation "HD" console releases like PS4.5 and new Xbox and "new 3ds"
>japanese companies bowing to western pressure to censor their games
>companies refusing to bring back popular highly requested dead ip's
>more and more games needing a kick starter
>every game in beta early access for months to years
>VR dead before its even a thing
>ridiculous DRM in games like always online and cutscene streaming
>broken games and bugs and shitty errors disguised and defended as unique game features and art direction
>micro transactions mandatory in every game

Will video games ever recover or will they become like every other field of entertainment?

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None of that part of MGS2 pertains to the video game industry.

Because it got popular. The lowest common denominator can eat this shit up no problem now, and they dont know any better.








Like anything good that gets too popular, its fault lies on the userbase
rest is just suits milking money off until it dries
same with this board, went to shit right around 07 like most of the web

I need proof of this.

Some video games adhere to some of these. Others do not. Monster Hunter 4U released with a pile of free DLC, no incentives for preordering it, no censorship or SJW garbage, is a full package, and doesn't adhere to any cancerous nu-dev memes like early access, survival, etc. The only obligatory checkmark on your "List of things I don't like about the industry" it follows is that it isn't super duper high-level 4K 120FPS graphics. Which apparently means that the game itself is irrelevant because 16TXAA is absolutely necessary for a good video game.

Videogames used to be for jobless autists who played all day and cared about them as a result, now they are for wageslave normies who play 1-2 hours per day after their 9-5 and will buy anything as long as the commercials tell them to.

Isn't that a mobile game
Fucking lmao

Why are you so mad, even if what you say is true for a western perspective IT IS predicting it. I dont get why people that hate japanese culture in general comes to a board created for the sole propose of discuss that, fuck off new fag srsly

MGS2 was written in 1999. iMode didn't even launch until that year, let alone exist long enough for any effect it had on society to be observed. Stay mad, dumb nigger.

The younger generation of kids, who began gaming circa 2007, have never seen the industry without DLC + Episodic Content + Early Access Trash + Season Passes. They think of these anti-consumer, nickel-and-dime praactices as not only legitimate business but GOOD business. They will defend their favorite corporation as if they were a friend, instead of scrutinizing them like a consumer. The new generation of gamers normalized and incentivized shoddy game-development practices because they made it PROFITABLE to do so. 15 years ago, half of the business practices today would be laughed out and companies like Valve and Bethesda would have been forced to shut down due to poor sales.

Parents in their 30's, 40's, who never played games and didn't really know about it, also assumed all of these shitty practices are 'just part of the hobby!' and thus continue to fund the inevitable death of creativity.

This. There hasn't been a single game released this year or the past decade that hasn't been lowest common denominator shit that's a total scam.


Tell that to the redditors that came here and unironically say that 2017 is a good year for vidya.

We have fallen.

since when did a handheld game mean a mobile game


You should've used the MGS2 quotes discussing made-up marketing/reviews to control what media people flock to, the one you picked better reflects political-correctness and the Internet in general.

Also to answer your question: it got big. No successful economy wouldn't exploit that into its natural money-laced conclusion appealing to the lowest-common denominator, whether it be Microsoft, Sony, EA, Bethesda, Activision, Ubisoft, Nintendo, etc.

Also Israeli Goldsteins controlling every facet of the media and having their own agendas, likely towards the eventual downfall of western civilization.

>what is the entire souls series
fuck off pc cuck

This text has nothing to do with phones.

This is the truest post I seen on Sup Forums all day. Vidya is dead and so is the West.

Fuck off cuck.

>Also Israeli Goldsteins controlling every facet of the media and having their own agendas, likely towards the eventual downfall of western civilization.

How DARE you dishonor the six trillion with this antisemitic garbage? I'll have you know that all of my great-grandparents died in gas chambers.

this i don't get, why destroy something you have built?
polfags point to jewman but never gave a actual motive besides lmao nazis dudes

>>devs hiring modders
how is this bad are you dumb

haven't you played new vegas you fucking cuck

>>what is the entire souls series

Getting more and more casual. DS2 and DS3 do everything possible to hinder invasions. DS2 in the form of soul memory and lack of permanent invasion orbs, DS3 in the form of the ridiculous number of summons

I think the biggest victory of vidya marketing was naming unfinished games, "early access". Boy, don't that sound exclusive.

Because they don't get 'hired' hired in the way that gets you dental and a living wage, they get `````````hired'''''''' in the sense that gets your creativity wrung out of you for pennies then your husked corpse tossed to the side.

See: Dota 2 workshop. reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/62991t/the_dota_2_workshop_and_its_ecosystem_are_dying/

I don't eat shit, now go back to choking Tyrone's BBC while giving Shekelstein more money.

>new vegas
how much of a KEK can you FUCKING BE

>It can't be that people actually like it, it must be some sort of brainwashing conspiracy! That's the only thing that explains my taste differing from other people's!

You guys don't actually believe this, do you?

>he hasn't seen the mass herd mentality towards garbage shit like BotW and Nier 2
>he thinks herd mentality doesn't exist
Wake the fuck up and actually look at these cashgrab for what they are.

It's more-or-less controllable-transformation, taking over said nation(s, counting Europe) and initiate Jewish-Communist dominance over the planet, naturally.

Nazi-Germany being the aggressor in post-Weimar conflicts and starting their own Red Scare gone horribly wrong isn't something I'll defend, but the absolute stretching of facts and numbers Jews have done is certainly a red flag regarding fear of the world getting "any wrong ideas".

pleb as fuck how can you even live with your shitty opinions

It has lots of fanservice so it's a good game. :)

You really think people can't be made to like things, that it's impossible to manufacture success? Do you really think the most popular things represent the best in literature, film and video games?

Sure, people do like it. But media sure plays a role in what gets to be easily heard, read and played. There's also a cultural aspect of invalidating the unpopular (hipster music, pretentious movie etc) .

Also, Sup Forumsirgins are not excluded from it.

give me 5 reasons its bad you contrarian FUCK
i'm waiting on you and the FUCKING RETARD that had THE BALLS to shittalk new vegas

People would like Donte too if he had a different chromosome and a larger ass.

You fell for the mob mentality.

This. This is exactly the driving force for that trash game's manufactured success. There's basically nothing to it otherwise.

Which perfectly explains why all unpopular opinions on works of fiction (I.e. vidya) are ostracized to hell.

Sexual gratification is as valid of a reason to buy a game as any other reason. Sexy characters make endorphins release in my brain, good gameplay makes endorphins release in my brain, a good story makes endorphins release in my brain, etc.

It's all the same. The sex instinct runs deep so you can get a lot of endorphins that way too. There are political groups (primarily feminists and conservatives) that don't want sex in entertainment, in feminists' case because it decreases women's sexual bargaining power, and in conservatives' case because 2000 years ago we needed more humans on Earth, but we don't anymore.

you fallacy slinging contrarian fuckwad, give me reasons, FACTS that prove automata is bad
Otherwise, shove it and fuck off

Herd mentality only exists when everyone is physically in proximity to each other. It does not occur when talking about millions of people spanning ages ranging from 4 to 40 and residing in all corners of the planet.

You can't trick people into believing they are having fun when they aren't. I bet you believe everyone just pretends to like alcohol too.

>You can't trick people into believing they are having fun when they aren't.

That's not the argument, you fucking retard.

Bad graphics, bad story, bad gameplay and always online DRM.

It was true for everyone browsing the internet at the time, and to an extent also true for people watching cable news.

The only difference is that those "small ponds" are much bigger, but still heavily gated to match the ideology of the users. The media is better than ever at serving up custom versions of reality tailored to your narcissism, while making you *feel* informed. However you feel the world works can be validated by a mountain of articles and social media hot takes, every morning

>nugamer is reaching peak butthurt

You forgot about the fact that incessant fanservice came at the cost of everything else. It's a hollow shell of a game.

The only reason BotW got popular is because it's a Zelda game but with muh open world meme. So of course brainless Generation Z idiots who seek "muh gaymurr" cred without having to play Skyrim would eat it up. Like Nier it's a shell of a game that has nothing to it.

This. You can use this to describe every other game released this godforsaken year. Bleh.

>>companies refusing to bring back popular highly requested dead ip's
This is a good thing

>bad gameplay
Holy shit how wrong can one man BE
Name calling eh fuckwad? at least pleb number 3 over there tried
C'mon motherfucker, TYPE IT

>Do you really think the most popular things represent the best in literature, film and video games?

The world is not populated by snooty art connoisseurs, film buffs, hardcore games, etc., etc. You should never expect the most popular to be the best of the medium, merely what has the broadest appeal. And that is exactly what we see, the most popular shit has the broadest appeal.

They don't manipulate the public. They focus group. They test screen. They play test. They try to find out what has the highest level of appeal to the most amount of people and make that. That is the tried and true method, not brainwashing on a massive scale.

It's not a centralized conspiracy, it's just some weird natural/social phenomenon

>You forgot about the fact that incessant fanservice came at the cost of everything else. It's a hollow shell of a game.


New Vegas is pretty shit though. Its funny how NV fags will agree how terrible FO3 mechanics are but then still defend NV because of a few good quests, even though 90% of the game plays exactly like 3 but with a more bland world


I mean it is used by Shekelsteins to manipulate the public and distract them from the destruction of civilization.

No, people are manipulating themselves

What's next, fallout 4 is good?

>You forgot about the fact that incessant fanservice came at the cost of everything else.

How? If the main character was modeled to be less sexy, would there be more maps to explore or something?

It could just be that people like it.

Why are you guys so desperate to explain popularity you don't agree with as being something going wrong? It's not like all the "normies" all agree on everything too. Take any individual and there is going to be some popular shit they do like and some popular shit they don't like. This idea that the world is just a giant flock of sheep being herded to unanimous consensus by "the man" is utter crap.

Nah but the most important gameplay elements (the ones you engage with the most) like the shooting, ai and exploration are much improved compared to the shit show that is 3's mechanics.

>nobody debating this
Topkek nugamers. So glad summer is over so we can have more threads redpilling the shit out of then like this.

>pre order dlc
>season pass
>micro transactions
>dlc in fucking general

These are what killed gayming

Oy vey that is absolutely correct Goldstein! Remember the six gorillion!


Also note how nugamers are being awfully silent ITT. They lost already?

What's there to debate? It's just a series of personal opinions. Also the list is missing a bunch of games


I miss them bros. Now it's just SJW and Cuck yesmen eating up every new game coming out.

What do they have to do with industry practices? The only lasting impact they had was getting a bunch of gaming websites and the FTC to update their disclosure policies

They had FullHD tvs in 1990.
So yeah

was it autism?

Who's more autistic?
>After analyzing recent trends in gaming, I have found out that gaming today is exponentially worse than gaming in the early 2000s and 90s. Saying that it's better now is like saying dog shit smells better than horse shit
>everythign us good lol 2017 best year evar!!!!! dlc and early access rule! please insert more PoC and attack helicopters into muh games gaize!

The first guy, is this even a question?

nice strawman. do you even know what exponentially means?

Gamergate's purpose for existence was to prove that the Gaming Industry was corrupt, and they did. Along with Cuties Killing Videogames, it proved that the people running every single review and authoritative firm are all in the same little bubble. All of them.

Gamergate only sought to point that out, and prompt change from the inside, and the only thing it did wrong was try to accomplish more than that.

Modern Sup Forums users have no actual idea what GamerGate was about. The censorship was so thorough that you can't have a clear picture unless you were there as it was happening.

>Gamergate's purpose for existence was to prove that the Gaming Industry was corrupt, and they did.

That's only half of gamergate's purpose. The other half was to remove SJW from gaming and they failed abysmally at that because the reality is most people who play games don't get triggered by seeing a minority character or a female character that isn't scantily clad and 11/10.

>devs hiring modders

how the fuck is this a bad thing?

>buys terrible games from shitty devs
>blames the entire industry

Exactly. Nowadays most recounts of Gamergate are from third parties who weren't there, or first party revisionists who only saw what they saw.

That's a gross oversimplification of their tertiary goals. Their guns were initially turned on people like Zoe Quinn, who exploited social justice and its various orbiters to make a quick buck, and squelch/censor all dissenting opinions thusly.

Say what you want about the radical right wing, they're at least not the side that tries to censor shit. At least, not nowadays.

But you're wrong. That's not what Gamegate was about.

>Say what you want about the radical right wing, they're at least not the side that tries to censor shit.

You say that like they aren't constantly calling for the censorship of "leftist politics" in videogames. You just mean they aren't the ones calling for the censorship of fapbait.

That's correct, no one cares about politics being removed from the game because politics add nothing to it. Sex appeal does add something to the game, so people care when leftists attempt to censor it.

Leftist politics in videogames are the ones that actively try to censor shit right now. Removing censorship isn't censorship.

In fact it's literally factually the opposite.

I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish here.

>implying Nier Automata didnĀ“t single handely save forever the videogame industry


>put female/minotory/whatever character in game
>have "ugly" female character

Make no mistake, both sides are actively trying to dictate the content of video games for everyone.


and what evidence is there that oddysy is "mario 06"? can you show me a single game breaking bug? what i saw of it looked pretty fun

When was the last time a politically neutral, or right wing game ever got released in the west and was taken seriously?


The difference is that one side wants attractive characters because humans like to look at beautiful things and it only adds to the experience. The other side wants to add ugly characters for political reasons. In feminists' case because it decreases women's sexual bargaining power, and in conservatives' case because 2000 years ago we needed more humans on Earth, but we don't anymore.

The content one side wants is pro-consumer and anti-politics, the content the other side wants is anti-consumer and pro-politics. Please stop falsely equating them because I've already explained this to you earlier in the thread.

if you want to worry about the death of video games worry about the dishonest horseshit like this

forgot image

Videogames need good looking characters, like movies, because its fucking fiction and can use eye candy.
If sjw fat commie whore wannabes ( cus no one would fuck them lol) wanna see ugly they just have to buy a mirror.

All the fucking time. The vast majority of games don't really have strong political bias one way or the other, they are just supposed to be fun.

>The difference is that one side wants attractive characters because humans like to look at beautiful things and it only adds to the experience.

No. Sup Forums is a bubble, not everyone in the world is as sexually frustrated as the people around here are. The top selling games are not just somewhat lacking in sexual content, most are almost utterly devoid of it. For most people who play games they do so because they just want to have some light entertainment, not jerk off.

Its been like that long before video games. Do you really think music groups like The Beatles could be famous on their own?

not him. but by platinum standards the game is bad. okay at best. especially by it having more budget to work with than their previous games. The plot was also really bad. the story was worth of an forgotten and bad anime of the season. even had the retarded shota going "berserker". the ost was also really lame compared to the first one and drakengard 3
Platinum's gameplay have been getting simpler and worse since Rising. Bayonetta 2 is an offense to the first in terms of gameplay.
Stop dick riding platinum just because people meme them into oblivion.

>The top selling games are not just somewhat lacking in sexual content, most are almost utterly devoid of it.

The top selling games all feature nominally attractive women. There is no one who is deliberately ugly.

Your way of thinking is so childishly black-and-white that I wouldn't be surprised if you're underaged. You can't look at attractive characters and realize that it's the same appeal as what you're thinking of as 'masturbation bait', just subtler and more palatable for the casual audience.

>vidya just started to be a shit industry recently
The industry has always been bad, it's just been filled with bright spots over the years.


>people are genuinely upset at hot women in games now

>g-guys do I fit in yet?

>not playing indie and AA games
What are you even doing