Who plays this?

who plays this?

I do. I'd forgotten how great the game was.

what is your soldier? im looking for people to play with once the game is done downloading

Haven't played in a couple of years. Got over a thousand hours in BF2 and 20142

I have few hundred in BF2 but never got to max rank

500+ in 2142 and max ranked a few times

Try squad if you want a somewhat familiar gaem

>got into bf2 after patch 1.5
>played the shit out of it
>but literally 95% of my playtime was on a 24/7 s@k io no nade server
>see rbf2
>get really excited
>play game
>no more fun because no more no nade server
man those fucking nade spammer really are cancer


ive played squad and its nothing like battlefield

Nice, vietnam and bf2 were my go to games through college and high school. Participated in Euro clan battles for a couple of years.

i miss those sniper only servers on dragon valley
or pistol/knife in 2142

I dont play it but im glad its there if i ever do

Squad is somewhat like organised BF2 play. It's a spiritual successor to BF2's project reality mod (same devs)

me and my neighbor a few houses down used to dominate back in the day using vent/xfire. i used to even carry PC over to his place.fun times

>bomb jumping
>dolphin diving
>shooting someone with the M95 and finishing them off with a pistol
>being raped by J-10's on wake island

dudes I miss those Wake Island 24/7 servers

BTW you dont ned the original disc anymore, or have to fuck around with patches, the revive project provides everything needed

i play BF2 more, it seems like you need a squad of friends to get anything done in 2142. anyone want o play it?? did vietnam and 1942 get revived or just 2-2142?

sadly the closest thing to classic battlefield we'll ever get is the b2k expansion in bf3. Dice have completely abandoned conquest assault & double assault

>be on PLA
>tfw swimming to US ship
>tfw squad leader just hides somewhere with claymores
>tfw rapping the shit out of the carrier


B2K was the most played for me

karkand is timeless even though it's missing alot of the original map
i really liked sharqi even though most people hated it
oman was nice but shame they used it again in BF4 instead of something else
wake island was pretty fun

just 2 and 2142 it seems

does anyone want to play? i'd play 2 or 2142


They butchered Dragon Valley in BF4 by removing conquest assault. The whole fucking point of the map was slowly moving up the valley, carrying out an amphibious invasion on the Chinese

theres no reason why CQ assault isnt in every BF by default

enemy taking main and ending game>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting raped for 10-15 minutes while tickets slowly bleed

I think 1942 is free on origin. I logged in a few years ago and it still had active servers

my nigga


>community map

all that time spend on that fuckery instead of just redoing a BF2 map

they wanted to dumb it down for casuals to draw in the cod crowd. Started consolizing and "stream lining" with bad company even though bf2 modern combat was a completely different console specific game with much of its pc counterpart's depth intact.

Now in bf1, they've dropped the ticket system altogether

the community map ended up pretty decent though

Damn i missed this game back in the good ol days.

reinstalling through the revive site.

>dummbed down for consoles
BC2 was quite fun, the mistake they made was making BF3 more like it than BF2. im still triggered at how bad the modern battlefields are. main series should have been PC only whilst spinoffs PC+console

>that shitty BF3 edgy style

BC2 was a lot of fun. I reached rank 50 on both pc and ps3.

That said it's not a very good Battlefield game. Nothing in it resembles the team focused, large scale, combined arms of the mainline series until then. They should have kept it entirely seperate from the mainline series.

wait, where is that from?

Thankfully J-10s were nerfed in 1.50

>not a very good battlefield game
yeah, it focused on the infantry, smallish maps and had class "gimmicks" -medic-LMGs, assault-GL underbarrels, snipers-bushwookies and technicians having silencers. it wasnt BF but was still a good game. is it still active i might get it if its cheap

Origins official website, its quite hidden for some reason, have to fuck about to find its path

full pic

>still no BF1942, 'Nam or 2142 remake

Battlefield 2142, and really battlefield 2, both have the problem of really bad shooting/gun-mechanics.

Perhaps it's because I prefer the red orchestra method of freeaim/aiming deadzone/etc, but the spread mechanics+gun-recoil/sound/etc left a lot to be desired. Perhaps that's asking too much from the developers or the engine/for the time, but it's a pretty valid feeling thing to say/point out.

The "future aesthetic" feels pretty dated.

I do like the crater/artillery mechanics, just wish some more tactical games had them.

Have you looked at Angels Fall First OP? It's UE3, and has an entirely different premise, but if you liked BF2142 you might like it too.

It had around 600 players online on pc at any given time as of Jan last year. Haven't played since then. bfbc2 stats website doesn't seem to be updating the pc player count at the moment


top zoz

Give up hope on a futuristic Battlefield, all people want is modern warfare or historical warfare. Futurefags like us are a tiny minority

>nam remake
>unfunny faggots shouting IT AINT ME every few seconds
i'd have to say no on that one

>ywn storm isla innocents with your squad ever again

if it had more clases it would be better imho

Bfbc2 still has 485 players on ps3 as of now

bad company 2 has 527 peeps on right now. You can easily find German or US servers

>ywn storm isla innocents with your squad ever again

>yfw there are still servers going

Why the fuck don't they do 1942?

The servers are dead and theres literally no way to play except on one shitty hacked private server where everyone is cheating.

yet CoD has been doing 2142 near-future shit for like the last 6 games

No reason to play this when PR doesn't require BF2 anymore

Bf2 aged the best of all, you still have a competitive scene there and people who play mixes daily.

Play on the DOG no explosive server, it uses to be full every evening like 2 months ago. But be warned, many highly skilled people play there.

I remember some map on 2142 where people would c4 themselves over walls you shouldn't be behind and spamming nades back over the wall.

they're rumored to be doing that,

but you know what it's going to be.. it's going to be like battlefield 1.. That means common pool weapons, no mods, no user-hosted-servers, no airfields, no limited vehicle ammo/reloading stations, bolt-actions reserved for "scout"/"sniper" only, medic gets a semi-auto

(probably M1, Pedersen, G41, G43, SVG-40, some prototype canadian, or british SLR's, no french rifles beyond perhaps as a "fedora tip" to BF1 in the form of a "reservist" RSC1918 or something, add in some swedish or czech guns from the 1930's-mid 40's).

Planes will probably fly horribly, they will still not allow you to look around and make maneuvers at the same time, ammo will probably still be unlimited, the ground-attack capabilities either A. useless, or B. overpowered, with no option to balance through things like airfield-reloading, or other "boring" stuff.

At the very least they'll have some homage to Secret-Weapons of WW2 as a DLC, it will be more "cinematic", more "balanced" yet somehow less wacky or fun due to these factors.

probably gibraltar