Why are the Japanese incapable of designing an Asian character that 'actually' looks Asian?

Why are the Japanese incapable of designing an Asian character that 'actually' looks Asian?

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Because asians are the third ugliest race, just behind niggers and sandniggers.

>what are latin americans
They're prone to be short, round, and tend to be generally ugly.

>it's a "white person thinks stylized anime characters look white"
inb4 you post that fucking picture of k-on/naruto with white and asian skulls

White worship

Because real Asians are pie-faced, flap-eyed monsters who realistically look kinda like white people with jaundice and down syndrome.

Spics at least get lucky once in a while.


They don't think about race as often and just make a character they think looks nice.

They are not really "incapable" it's just that they know that characters with huge eyes are more appealing to look at.
Not kidding, they actually learned that from Disney. It's just their default art-style nowadays, but there are artists who draw asian people naturally, Naoki urasawa for example. That's for mangas tho, for videogames there is Tekken and Yakuza for example, they are realistic in there.



>dat Revy
Why is she so perfect?

Maybe their bored of seeing the same faces. If I had to see people who look similar to me every day.I would want to make characters who look different them me, then add to that Character instead of just making that character's apparance their character like a lot "progressive" Characters.

Its Ironic, how the country that has the least diversity has the best diverse characters

She's american

They have their priorities straight.

>this is definitely a white character :333

>Maybe their bored of seeing the same faces.

So then they turn around and make 95% of anime/manga faces and game faces done in anime/manga style the same generic shit, with only a few artists being genuinely unique. Makes sense, moon logic.

Actual Japanese here.

No. We do not make our characters look white. Westerners are blind and dumb and do not even know what white people or asian people look like. If you think any of these characters look white you need to get your ugly round eyes checked.

Sore ass chink detected

>diverse characters
>Japanese media

This is what weebs actually believe. There is no country in the world that loves tropes more than Japan.

Kind of this, actually. I've heard from a couple Asian friends of mine (specifically Korea, China, and Singapore, if you think it's important) that when they first come to a western country it's surprising to them how different everybody looks.

Herro davido

>Lilly still best girl
All is as it should be.

hol up senpai

iz u be sayin

we wuz

anime n SHIIIEEET?

Your entire culture is based around white worship, that's why all your women love BWC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Japanese don't want to look Japanese so they give all their favorite characters very Caucasian features, it's wish fulfillment.

Anime character don't look white or asian they look anime.

>Le same face meme
Just because you have the attention span of a goldfish, it doesn't mean everyone else cannot recognize character when they see them.

PS: i think the character on the right is Kanna, correct me if i am wrong, they all look the same.

That's not fair, user. You forgot the half of nip culture that's literally just an inferior knockoff of Chinese culture.

>this is a gook monkey brain
That's a hapa at best

Then what does that make black dick to them

nah gook boi they look WHITE N SHIET

For "diverse" he meant SJW bullshit, not different plots, learn to fucking read.

This. They should make White characters with close set eyes and negative canthal tilts, and poor submental angles, you know, traits most commonly seen in Anglos.

BBC is the next step in their enlightenment


isn't Revy like half hong konger and half white


>cherry picking a couple of the few unique artists while responding to a post that specifically stated there are a few unique artists

Try again, that attempt was genuinely shit. Probably because you know what I'm saying is true. For every 1 Jojo or Guts, there are 1,000 indistinguishable animu blobs.

If you only watch anime yeah. Manga has a lot more distinctive art generally.

Funny, but Katawa was made by Westernized Weeaboos from Sup Forums.






>posts a half americunt half chinese (not even pure han or mongol chinese but a mongrel)

>a mongrel of a mongrel


yeah whatever, rascist much, fucko?

>not buttugly

sure thing friendo

>muh cherry picking
kys retard, the generic always sells the most (just like white dudes with brown hair sell the most in the west) but that doesnt mean that theres no variety

because she's fictional, DUH

You can tantrum all you want, and yet these characters still look closer to white than Asian.

>putting pointy corners on a white character's eyes totally means they're a super Asian design

Guess that's all it takes.

of course my white friend. white people are known for their round faces and flat noses

stay woke

Half of those are cherry picking though. They're taken at specific points within said anime where their faces change to be funny.

What are you trying to prove?


You're right. It just means there's 95% no variety. Which is what I said. So, glad you agree. Did you think you were making a point? Maybe calm down a bit, your big boy words are hurting my feelings on the internet.

Please reply again.

they can

anime characters are not white, sorry.

If those 4 shotas dont rape that girl/trap shota, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

I feel like Capcom has the opposite problem. Rainbow Mika looks like a gook despite having blonde hair and blue eyes.

Yakuza Zero has the most Japanese looking people of all time

They tried that in FFX.

They characters were so horrendously ugly they had to make X-2 as apology fap-material.

they're still indicative of the overall artstyle

kaiji looks like that
hidamari looks like that
tweeny witches looks like that

>In a post titled "Why do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?", blogger Julian Abagond argues that the Japanese do not draw themselves as white. Rather, Westerners (Abagond specifically says "Americans") think that they do."The Japanese see anime characters as being Japanese. It is Americans who think they are white," he writes. "Why? Because to them white is the Default Human Being." To illustrate his point, Abagond says most Americans will look at any anime character and see a white person, because, he argues, Americans see the white as the default. However, in Japan, white is not the default. Japanese is. Thus, there is no need for them to "look Asian", because no matter how ridiculous the characters look, everyone will assume they are Japanese.The same thing is true in America. To make his point, Abagond points to Marge Simpson. "After all, why do people think Marge Simpson is white? Look at her skin: it is yellow. Look at her hair: it is a blue Afro. But the Default Human Being thing is so strong that lacking other clear, stereotyped signs of being either black or Asian she defaults to white."And physical features like huge round eyes, yellow hair and white skin are inconclusive in Japan for "whiteness": The eyes are unrealistic. Hair color is not limited to yellow as there is blue, green and purple hair. Small noses are not indicative of "white" or Westerners in Japan — big noses are. And white skin is not exclusive to Caucasians as it has been a symbol of beauty in Japan since before Japan had contact with Europeans.

TL;DR Americans are dumb and self centered

name 5, protip you can't because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


It's from a depressing manga though.

Just like Asians are known for having tiny black dots where their noses should be, right?


She doesn't look like any real human

They just look white.

>Look at me I'm so edgy and cool amirite?!

Fuck off back to your containment board.

white anime characters have big noses, that's their stereotype


I love how hard butt flustered weebs and Asians are taking this bait in spite of the fact that it isn't even good. Weebs are even easier to troll than sjws and anti-sjws.

But user, she has pointy eye corners. She's clearly Asian.


keep being mad reality-denying pancake face

you actually have face blindness

>Replying to OP's question is bait
What the hell are you talking about?

>i was merely pretending to be retarded


>blue eyes
>big nose
ah yeah clearly asian features


Serious question, what is it with the weebs on this board specifically and ONLY this board specifically? All they do is try to insert nuh white pride in everything

>nuh white pride
Translation in english please?

>white pride
Come back once you've learned what words mean.

I agree.

The art style at the bottom right is moe-ish why not compare races to other art styles

I read it, most people are here to shitpost not to learn something man. You're dealing with literal teenagers which is about as subhuman as you get.

Seriously user, it's all we3bs that do the WE ANIME N SHIEET THE JAPS LUV US AND WANT TO BE US N SHIEET
Sorry i meant muh

That is a retarded response.
>Hurr durr they're not white you just think they are even though some of them have clearly defined white phenotype features
>After all, why do people think Marge Simpson is white? Look at her skin: it is yellow.
gee dunno retard . Maybe because there are no white colored characters in the Simpsons? Maybe because that black guy and the indian are clearly drawn brown.

Hey, if you autists consider cartoons to be 100% bound to reality, does that mean that americans have square faces?
Pic related.

You've got it backwards, friend.

I'm just gonna leave this here


>Chinese halfy
>Taking the bait is calmly taking it seriously.
Man, you're just proving the SJWs right in us being giant manchildren with no sense of reality.

>even though some of them have clearly defined white phenotype features
Like bug eyes dot nose and high pitched cat voices?

>gee dunno retard . Maybe because there are no white colored characters in the Simpsons?

do all anime characters have bug eyes dot nose and high pitched cat voices? Like man look below.

You picked one white character and the rest have those features i stated or clear fat Asian man face

Shut the fuck up OP.

Black Lagoon game fucking when?

Only the chinese are drawn with slanted eyes in anime. The japs are xenophobic towards other asians

>create a asian character
>call it White

Why is this allowed

>Chinese halfy

It's almost as though people make filenames like that on purpose.