TFW huge movie star

>TFW huge movie star
>TFW want to tell everyone I go on Sup Forums but I can't because some of you dirty filthy retard peasant pricks would think you were on my level
>TFW too hollywood for you dirty fucking pieces of shit
>TFW I could fucking buy out sony and stop all you dirty peasant fucks from playing any videogames for the rest of your lives.

I swear to God, its fucking hard being rich, its fucking hard being famous, its fucking hard being a celebrity, this shit is all your fault. I hope you all burn in hell.

stop being a faggot and actually buy Sony, Otherwise everything you just said is just a fart in the wind

Take it easy Dane, why are you so mad?

Stupid bastard.

Don't you realize how hard it was to even make this post, even if you don't know who I am, you still don't understand, I bet you bums just got an ego boost from knowing a big star like me was here.

I swear to God, it makes me so fucking mad that you dirty fuckers get to please yourselves from a sliver of my glorious presence.

So this is a bait thread right? shit why am I even replying.

Fake and gay

>on my level
You are a faggot. Nothing more.

My name isn't dane, you silly bitch. Jesus, none of you pricks could ever understand how famous I am or how rich I grew up. It was hard, I felt like I had NOTHING even though everyone was acting like I had everything.

Do you know the club I was at last week? You need to get your head examined sir, You're not on my level, you don't know who I know.

Oh shit, is it the real Civilian #46 from 33% score on rotten tomato movie?

Sup Forums is not for LARPing.

Even if true, Sup Forums is anonymous for a reason. We don't fucking care who you are in real life.