
Kind of annoying I guess

Anyone else felt like the game has gotten too shooty? The previous one still felt reminiscent of an RPG, but the beta for this one felt just like call of duty.

>press forward

Come the fuck on. At least give us dialogue options, even if the character doesn't actually speak them. Why did I guardian only speak in vanilla of D1? That was 3 fucking years ago, lads.

Yeah, maybe it was the overabundance of assault rifles and smgs with the barrage of enemies? But then again we only saw the opening mission and and a strike which should be combat heavy so who knows.

These button prompts are getting out of hand

Shit game, who cares.

I'm really excited for Activision to spin the MORE THAN 50% drop in sales compared to the first title.

Let's see:

>unhappy community
>casuals who felt ripped off
>current gen only, no longer on last gen
>PC is DOA

This is going to be Titanfall 2 tier compared to the first. And I cannot be happier, Activision deserves nothing but failure and contempt, it's just another franchise and property destroyed by their incompetence.

It's mainly because there was hardly any PVE content, which isn't entirely unexpected. The beta was mainly to test out their servers and matchmaking.

I mean, they muted the guardian in the dlc cutscenes, and even then didn't talk much in the vanilla ones. It's a bit disappinting but eh, not like a big deal.

If the game was more like Mass Effect I think that I'd prefer a voiced protag with dialogue wheels but since we're not I can deal.

It feels like Halo. It is a change though, and not one I'm fond of. For better or worse, Destiny was unique and they're going away from the stuff that made it that way rather than fixing the problems that arose from the things it did differently.

As far as mute guardian, good. Destiny shouldn't be a super narrative heavy game.

>current gen only, no longer on last gen
But this is a good thing.
PS3 and 360 held D1 back a ton.
>PC is DOA

>preorder sales already come close to D1's sales
>it's being brought to a whole new audience that was previously unavailable which increases the amount of people who will buy it
>it's on blizznet, so it'll get healthy advertising

That's a spicy cognitive dissonance

The primary damage is shooting enemies, same as in the first. It feels exactly the same level of shooty, but the enemies are more interesting so I'm not really complaining

What meme is this

>PS3 and 360 held D1 back a ton.
Yeah I know, I played it.
But D2 isn't improved in any appreciable way, I do not see more enemies and the only thing I have noticed is some better vistas. This is not enough to sway casuals or people like me who spent over a hundred hours and felt like I wasted my time.

Out of ten people I know who played D1, none of them are even interested in D2.

Financially, the game is going to be a Titanic failure. Its going to cause a huge drop in Activision stock when the shareholders have sales projections not met by half.

The planet where I played Destiny 1. There's no way for you to prove that PC will be DoA, if it lasted this long with a community as large as it has I don't see it just being a flash in the pan, like it or not. It's been several years and currently PS4 has the largest install base of anything, there's plenty of cheap ways to build pcs and cheap versions of bones and quads. You're clearly a retard. Majority of people didn't even play on old gens.

The enemies are more interesting, they literally have more variations and those variations have new abilities if they were old types. Like, that's just a fact.

Out of the fifty people I know who played d1, most of them are interested, and I know at least 10 people who are pc only gamers interested in it. Here, now we've both said anecdotal shit. I swear the people who can't see the differences in the game are either blind or astroturfing. You can't actively be this stupid, at least criticize things that are present, like no Rumble.

DOA is less than 1 million sales, which is a guarantee. D2 has negative hype and is seen as a bloated console mess.

I played the demo and was thoroughly unimpressed. I fail to see how a new player would be interested, I gave it a chance from all angles but it is just a shitty rehash with no effort put into it. Sorry for your luck.

You can't guarantee anything at all, especially without the beta reactions for PC. How is it a bloated console mess exactly? Don't make claims and then fail to back them up.

I am making a judgement call based on decades of experience with videogame releases. There is no interest in this game for the average PC player. Destiny is a known quantity and everybody knows there's nothing different here. Also, everybody now knows that Activision will delete all of your gear before the next game so why bother? You've played one, you've played them all. The only OC players will be former console Destiny players, so, the audience is shrinking.

These are always really interesting to me, the rehash statements, cause I never see anyone posit what they wanted to be different. Wouldn't you want the game to stay the same for the most part so it could be identifiable with the game you enjoyed originally? I know I'm happy the game plays and has similar architecture to what I played before. It just looks nicer, and has more things to do. People threw fits when the "sequel" to FF11, 14 released cause it was nothing like 11.

I'll make a judgment call with decades of experiences with game releases and call your claim bullshit. It'll sell like all Triple As, and get itself a base on PC cause it's on Battlenet. You've played one mmo/moba/hack n slash looter so why bother? At least admit you're just spouting shit at this point. Give me some real criticisms for a discussion cause all you've got are baseless claims or anecdotes. Cause I could argue that due to the lower prices on next gen consoles the player base is either stable or growing due to the predecessor game and the fact that it's a "Fresh start". Debunking your point about "deleting your gear" is easy cause would you be shocked if WoW 2 didn't let you carry over your gear and let you be level 110?

>I'm making a judgment call based on anecdotal experience that isn't relevant to this release
You wrote up a lot of text to admit that your opinion is no more informed or intelligent than most others here

>market trends cannot predict sales!
>response to Destiny as a series is not a predictor of sales!
>please be excited!

WoW is a platform, you do not lose your gear in between updates.

Destiny takes away your gear in between major releases. It does not appeal to the same audience.

this wouldn't be a problem if the didn't turn the Ghost into a quipbot and on top of that add Failsafe, which is just a female quipbot for the Qhost to bicker with

Right. Destiny 1 was a platform. There was several concurrent releases that brought the players up and up.

If they released a full sequel to WoW, do you think they'd let you start the game at 110 with all your gear?

If you were so smart with market trends you'd probably not be saying stupid shit.

Please don't shitpost with steve images, thank you

>If they released a full sequel to WoW
By now they have, several times over.
Destiny punishes players who do not play every day, therefore it is limited to child and teenager audience. You haven't played Destiny in six months? Too bad, you now need to buy 40 dollars of DLC and you have weeks worth of "play" just to catch up.

OOPS! WoW never had these problems. Different people.

Is it the same Guardian as the first?

This isn't really true, I never played regularly and catching up to raid-usable gear never took more than a day or two at most, usually just a few hours, and buying the expacs would give you gear close enough to only be playing catch up for another few hours to two days depending on how far behind you were.
The real grind was going from common raid gear to top tier light levels, but that's not even necessary, I got to the lighthouse multiple times without it.
t. Callcenter wagecuck with like six hours of free time a day

They have huh? So where's WoW 2? I'd like to play it or try it out. Got a trailer? You're so damn stupid.

>getting behind without playing everyday
What? The only thing I can think is anything like this is iron banner weapons when they are really good and thats just one week every so often.

The problem with Destiny is there is literally no reason to log in each day. There is barely anything worth doing.

How does it make you feel knowing that a company is literally selling you the same game twice with little to nothing to justify the $60 price tags and you retards are going to let them get away with it

Wait to buy this game before they release any expansions, I guarantee they're already looking for ways to cut content from the game to resell in their $20 "seasons pass"

Then they'll release a full collection of the whole game and dlc for only $60 and people who bought all day one get absolutely fucked

I don't have a console so it's all new to me. Go fuck yourself console scrubs.

>implying i bought the first game
still doesn't make buying it any less shit for the industry as a whole