Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Why not both, if i had to pick i'd say UT, just for the amount of content, especially SP, it was the first i played when kid, still quake had really simple and polished mechanics and was a ton of fun as well.

Unreal Tournament was my gateway drug

UT99 will never die in my heart.

UT is more unique, quake 3 had the same general weapons as quake 1 and 2 multiplayer did like shotgun or rocket launcher.

UT sux

Q3A, I've always preferred how Q3 handles and shoots, UT looks nice though

quake 3 arena is my favorite multiplayer shooter of all time and nothing else comes close.

Q3A has a higher skill ceiling
UT is more fun

While Q3 was a great adrenaline pumper, UT was more diverse, interesting, original, and by modern standards an overall better game.

I never liked UT. It felt like a Quake ripoff that wasnt quite right and they added a bunch of mediocre features.

yeah sorry kid you're just so stupid and wrong that I'm not even going to bother arguing with you about this sorry

UT was my introduction to first person shooters.

quake 3
>better movement
>better maps
>better characters
>better SOUND

yea ut had more guns but it just pales in comparison imho

UT2K4 > Q3A > UT99

I like Q3A more but the flak cannon is pretty baller

Q3A, by far.
That said, UT2k4 had fun weapons and nice environments.
UT99 is just eh.

UT is more fun
Quake 3 is more skill-demanding
I've played the shit out of both, movement is too slow in UT, but assault maps are a blast.

Quake 3 for rocket arena mod

UT for everything else.

UT had literally the same weapons as Unreal, tho

>he can't aim for shit
Guess blaming the game for your own lack of skills is a good idea.

>everyone saying "UT was more fun"
Yeah, it was more "fun" to you, because it had lots of team-based modes and vehicles, which made you feel like you accomplished things and did well, despite being shit at it.

>mfw i went to my first quake lan because i thought i was good for dominating all my friends

Back in the day I always wanted to play Q2 and later Q3A in net places but local fags were fucking obsessed with HL DM and later CS, so I always ended up playing against bots since no gud pee see at home, or some poor souls I somehow managed to trick into playing every now and then for a few matches until they gave up after losing over and over and went back to CS with the rest of the fags.

A bit later when I got a decent computer and high-speed internet started to be more of a thing me and all of my normalfag friends started playing UT99 through the internet for whatever reason I can't remember, but they were so abysmally bad I was treated as some kind as environmental hazard, and ignored in the scoreboard.

I was never that good, what the fuck.

But yeah I wish I could have found people to play Q2 and Q3A, and now I'm way too old for this shit, my reflexes aren't as good as they used to be.

Is this the guy from that mde teacher thing

Good, because nobody cares about your shit opinion anyway.



>it's this thread again
it's like comparing gothic 2 with morrowind. both are great games for different reasons.
Q3 has better raw gameplay and ut better maps and gamemodes.
so go play Q3 if you want duels and play ut if you prefer team modes.

UT. It has actual weapon variety while everything but the grenade launcher in Q3 is the exact same tryhard damage in one spot weapon with a different texture.

Also team games in UT are much better (fuck, it has game modes, plural, in the first place) plus Q3 never had mutators. I rest my case.

>i've never played it but i will talk shit
lel go play warsow and come back when you get your ass handed to you

UT99 is like cs 1.6, it will always be good.

i had pretty much the same experience. quake was too hard for my friends and i had too much experience so no one wanted to play with me. we all moved to cs because it was more fun and 5v5 tactics was a novel concept at the time

fuck ut 99 though, no idea how people can actually think its better than quake when q3a does literally everything better.

quake 2 dday > ut99 > quake 3