Each playtester is required to have 1000h of poe experience

>each playtester is required to have 1000h of poe experience
>1000h of mindlessly oneshotting mobs
>nerf all the good stuff
>never look at all the unused and bad stuff
>"a game about killing trashmobs is supposed to be 'balanced', not fun!"
>if u want to aquire currency the best way to do so is literally spam the same 1-2 maps with mods with some op aoe clear build over and over and over and over
>literally nothing else to do besides some endgame bosses

yep, this game is fucking retarded

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah. I am very dissatisfied with all these retarded changes as well.
>Chris then starts damage controlling saying that people asked for this latest set of changes and they're delivering
>Completely ignoring the fact they never delivered on showing the build that warranted ANOTHER nerf to Poison/Bleed after a week despite assurances that they would last Saturday from Shitsmear Wilson himself
>All our internal testers are professionals and all these changes are good for the longevity of the game, you have nothing to worry about
>Some cock-knob that works there then goes on to say that the changes to Chill and Freeze are currently too weak and the 50% max impact threshold was used primarily for ease of showing how it works in theory before they "tweak" the number on Beta for Live
>new League also features FIFTEEN new currency items and to compensate, they made the Currency Tab (Pay to win Tab) have 9 additional random currency slots AND a Perandus coin slot
It's baffling how little they actually want to make a good game anymore.

the whole game is pointless. i cant recommend more than 1 playthrough to anyone. if u have a large amount of hours in this game u are mentally ill.

i bet you niggerfaggots have 50k hours logged into fucking league of faggots and/or dota2.

I stopped playing MOBAs years ago when I realized how shit they are.

ITT: People who only know the game on a superficial level and have no idea about why other people may like the game.

i love the game and fuck around in it for about a week every new league, i'd be able to keep going if you didnt have to autistically optimize your build/gear to progress after like tier5 maps

it would be a pretty shit game if you could just faceroll through them but it feels so impossible and repetitive i get bored as fuck

it's so disheartening to be average at best and then see that theyre nerfing the shit out of everything

>this game is shit
>b-but I bet you play x or y!!!!!

mentally ill confirmed

and no, i dont play mobas, tho dota 2 is certainly better than path of mentally ill

>50+% of all players play one build
>"Nah, there's nothing wrong with that."
I'm glad you're not a game designer OP.


>nerf all the good stuff
>never look at all the unused and bad stuff
What's the problem? If you nerf good stuff, the bad stuff will become more useful in comparison. PoE is a cakewalk in its current state so nerfing makes more sense than buffing.

everybody in this thread shit talking POE died to piety on there HC

>everything strong getting nerfed
>game becomes fun again

mfw enjoying whiny reddit bitches' tears

>sure is fun fighting a bloated to 200% health value shitty boss with no mechanics to the fight whatsoever

You forgot:
>All your damage is lower too, so it's effectively 250% health

And yet it's better than Diablo 1 2 or 3

OP is a noob lol

I'm making a CWC stormburst character for sure come 3.0 :- )

tons of new acts coming out soon and i just started playing a few weeks ago and actually enjoy it sucks though theres no real reason to play for a week pointless to grind when the new league is coming might get kingsway or something

>Nerf the ability to face tank and roll all content by day 3

>shitters who copy builds who trade more than play start to cry out in anguish at the thought of having to learn the mechanics of bosses and monsters

Get fucked. these changes are going to separate the mindless shit players from the best.

>i'd be able to keep going if you didnt have to autistically optimize your build/gear to progress after like tier5 maps

>game is created from a company called GRINDING GEAR GAMES

So the thought of GRINDING for GEAR isn't your thing? why play ARPGs?

You can so fucking clearly tell people like you come straight out of Diablo 3. As soon as Mommy lets go of your hand you fucking quit because a challenge is the last thing you want to deal with.

you do less dmg
the enemy has more life
isn't that the definition of artificial difficulty ? i mean its not like this game takes skills at least up to t10 ... it just takes longer now

Then dont play it

is the definition of poorly balanced game, or "balance through spreadsheets"
a thing that GGG is doing since beyond league

>i only play pathfinder: the post


>game is about getting new gear
>character barely ever changes ingame
Yeah progression seems pretty fucking boring when 99% of the items look exactly the fucking same. I get they need money so pay for your character to look different, but jesus christ man have at least some of the items look different in the game. It really kills the feeling of leveling up in my opinion.

>Ree why don't bosses have less health and I do double damage
>why don't my procs make every hit deal a shit ton of free bonus damage or slow my enemies to a crawl
>why isn't this game easier REEEE

Please leave if you don't like it. PoE is going to move forward without you casuals.

>players killed bosses so fast mechanics had no meaning
>GGG increases boss lifepool as a result

yea i hate grinding gear so much i level up to about 85 each league and beat my head against tier 7-9 maps without getting any drops for a day and then give up

i've never traded in poe and dont want to


In what arpg ever has the game not been balanced off of numbers primarily

Calling anything to do with number scaling artificial difficulty is shitting on the genre as a whole

Supposedly they're working on 3d art, I imagine there will be quite a bit rolling out after 3.0.

Meanwhile in Grim Dawn

>99% of items get buffs

I'd play it a lot more if it wasnt so unoptimized and made with piece of shit engine that can't handle multithreading.

Well I can't see myself behind 50 summons so I don't care about my looks.

>PoE before 3.0
>PoE durring 3.0

I hope they have actually tested poisons thoroughly enough to warrant this much nerfing

I like poison builds and i want them to be mediocre at least

something give me the quick rundown on the changes that are dropping with oriath

anyone know how to fix my lvl 74 scion archer after the skill reset? or could recommend a good scion archer build?
last time i played was in 2015, im coming back this week
>pic related
i spent the 6 points on maximum life, currently sitting at only 2.3k hp and dps is at 3k without auras, 4.5k with an cold aura

They haven't.
>Inb4 Ribbit
GGGtracker is your friend to filter out 99% of the cancer and link directly to the only things that matter.
This was last Saturday. GGG only works the weekdays with Chris also doing PR on weekends. NZ Friday is over by many hours. They never delivered this build because they physically couldn't. They're nerfing it solely because they want to and not because they want to make a good, fun game.

ES is finally balanced and cannot be life leeched anymore cause ghost reaver is gone

Shitloads of dot changes and overall nerfs to bring them either in line or to murder them

Lotta new acts and new currency items/skills/supports

I never actually checked what I'm saying.png
Ghost Reaver is untouched you literal retard. Vaal Pact can no longer apply to Energy Shield under any condition.

Made bosses not melt
Made you not unkillable with a gorillion shield points
Made you not always double your DPS automatically because you 'dubbledip'
Made it so procs don't instantly win the game for you
Made it so all the new acts so you don't have to redo the same shit 3 times and kill your enthusiasm and quit everytime you get to lvl 40
New skills and support skills

also new league soon that will never ever be as good as legacy. I don't get why Legacy league isn't just a standard and every new league just adds one new mechanic to the pool. How do you come back from legacy league and actually get hyped. It really feels like they HAD to release 6 new acts otherwise no one would ever come back to play non legacy league PoE.

Ghost reaver is gone in the form you knew it then you spider monkey

No, it's untouched. If you allocate the Ghost Reaver notable, your Life Leech applies to Energy Shield. The combo of GR+VP is gone, you howler monkey.

if standard was made into legacy league i might actually play it

I admit the game has its flaws and its unfortunate, but there is currently nothing better out there that scratches this kind of itch. I will keep playing it for that reason

But can you still danmaku?

>if standard was made into legacy league

This is a fuckin great idea



This is why you play Titans Quest.

specify it next time your fucking baboon i never even got a damn beta key

This is the only reason why I prefer Diablo over PoE
The gear look like shit, you're literally a walking trash can

Dude, they are making tons of money off of small ass Fx tricks.

Aren't you fucking bored?

Ghost reaver is NERFED, it reduces recharge speed now

I want to like PoE, but I find the gameplay in grim dawn more fun.

Hope the patch changes it up. Everything in poe feels so stiff.

haha what

are you trying to convince me to not play PoE or something

No user, sorry, go have fun.

best post on v today

good game poetards

i generally dont even look at my characters aesthetics but it can really catch your eye in a bad way in this game
this is from 2 years ago I dont even know if characters look better than this now

nice game poetard, good deflection

this would have been even better if it was a screamer desu

>80% of players play one build
>lets make that build utterly useless, entirely dependant on the same skill tree and key items and skill gems
>and lets put it behind a riddiculous grind wall in order to be of any worth late game
>and lets leave all the other shit tier or worthless tier gems and uniques untouched

I'm glad you're not a game designer user.

do what u want lol i aint paying this repetative grind shitfest :)

only mentally ill people do

>talking about skill in a game where the ONLY redeemable skill is learning descriptions by heart.. and spamming 1-5 ofc

ur literally a fucking pleb

>This projection
He's clearly saying "Buff other builds to be competitive with the only good build."
I'm glad you are not any person in a position of power to decide these things, user.

I didnt even mention any of that stuff, you are literally retarded. whats worse is you seem to think you are some kind of hardcore player playing this mindless, contentless, boring grindfest.

mentally ill is what you are.

It seems to me to be that GGG balances biased off trends and what players are playing. So you make a bunch of changes to poison then GGG says "oh shit 10% of players are playing poison, it must be op. nerf"

>ree why are you spending a lot of time doing something I don't like you better stop it or else
>reee I'm going to spend a lot of time telling you how bad it is to spend a lot of time doing something


Nice samefag, retard. Ofc I agree with build diversity, that is not what my post was ever about. My post was about them ignoring many parts of the game which have been in a pitiful state for a long time.

It doesnt warrant any replayability unless you like to fuck around, waste time and do the same shit over and over again.

>"ree ree ree"
>using memearrows wrong
>implying I want the game easy or whatever retarded crap you project to my post because it fits ur retarded narrative

you are mentally ill senpai.

>first three lines padding because nothing to say
>specifically addressed 1000 thousand hour grind fest

you are mentally handicapped lel

I can assure you I'm not that user.
That said, it would seem we're actually on the same page. My apologies.

looking forward to 3.0 like mad. played tryhard (for me) elementalist golemancer early legacy, got shaper down for the first time. going raider blade flurry in Oriath, gonna go fast.
point is, you dont need to play poe for thousands of hours or grind strand exclusively. if you use poe.trade, the endgame is accessable even to shitter casuals like me.

me too
i'll make a summoner witch again, first time since 2013
back then it was slow as fuck, but i enjoy sitting back and chilling while my zombies and skeleton totem clear everything for me
with all the added stuff in the necromancer ascendancy it will probably be less painful this time than it was back then

what's the joke here? this looks like pretty shitty Java code

You spend a lot on nodes with no real impact. You wanna pick up a LOT more life nodes, such as the Scion wheel, which I assume is what you mentioned.
Get Path of Building, it'll help you plan. Aim for ~200% increased life, I guess. I usually go a fair bit below that because I'm a shitter.

>no difficulty levels
I'm sold

Start a new character in Harbinger league when it come out. Don't play Standard, the economy gonna fuck you over and you won't go far without trading in this game (i.e Varun is 25 chaos in League but 500+ in Standard)

Scion is the worst class right now, her ascendency is pure shit, even Duelist has better bow build than Scion. Play melee and Life for the new league. Everything is nerfed or going to be nerfed

I don't get how items are more expensive in standard than in the league desu. Shouldn't there be a lot more supply?

>Diablo 1

>Diablo 2

>Diablo 3

These threads started to make more sense after I noticed that about 4/5 of the people complaining about PoE were complaining about FOTM builds and facerolling shit and realized these people don't make their own builds

And I just imagine these people saying that Zelda sucks after looking up every puzzle on youtube, or Myst sucks while they have a 100% completion guide open.

>Sup Forums is casual shitters
not big surprise

>TFW already theorycrafting fun stuff with shown skills that'll probably end up being flavor of the month despite being made by me with no other's inputs

i must admit i ruined the game for myself by looking up a build for starters, at the same time it helped me understand a lot more a lot quicker tho.

but i quickly came to realization that unless ur doing 100% ur own thing and its fruitful, the game really doesnt offer much else. there is no mechanical requirements, only grind grind grind and the way the game is designed u must rush to spam whichever map is meta in 3.0.

multiplayer is rather discouraged for the most part, pvp is trash, tons of skills and uniques are worthless.

really, if u pull more than a 100h in thsi game, u might wanna check if u didnt turn into a bot.

thanks user i remade my skill tree using the same amount of points
I had to pick shared evasion/life nodes

idk yet, i barely trade or used to trade before, but thanks for the tip
>mfw having 4 stash tabs

i think people rush more in leagues, therefore more demand. but i dont trade anyway.

The supply is higher, but the amount of currency is also several magnitudes higher as well. Inflation is a bitch.


Fuck off. I played Est Flicker Strike and my build is near garbage because of the crit nerf. With crti multi nerf, power charge nerf and crit nerf in general, even niche builds are getting destroyed

a) its a stupid /agdg/ meme where a namefag can't code so they post his character over bad code
b) iirc GGG had code that checked the state of items dropped on the ground every frame so people with complicated items filters actually caused the game to slowdown

or something like that, it was fixed when they noticed the issue.

What skill are you using and what ascendency are you picking? Since you are going life you are gonna need sustain? Are you using dodge, leech or regen? Why are you skipping Vaal Pact? Why are you picking up chaos damage? Dots are pure trash in 3.0, you gonna need to dedicate a lot to make it work

Scion IS buffed for 3.0 tho

>dude lmao just double the boss hp xD xD
>oh and dude just nerf everything too, it would be hilarious rofl xD xD xD
This is your average GGG meeting regarding balance.

>nerf every other class
>throw Assassin into the gutter
>destroy PF
>kill Dots and any related ascendency
>lmao Scion isn't bottom 3 now

>*laughs at complaints about unused skills*

i havent had this much schadenfreude since bumblast was nerfed

They did an amazing job making regular gear look like shit so you feel like buying cosmetics. After buying some i cannot fucking play without them.

I agree completely. Nerfing everything that breezes thru content even high tier maps is anti fun. Why dodge mechanics when I can make a build to completely facetank the entire game?

The fucking game engine is so shit you get fps drops constantly. When they nerf something the fucking overdo it all the fucking time

Frenzy charges are busted as fuck and should never have been so beneficial for how easy they are to get. If not for attack builds being so inferior to spell builds I would have said this change didn't nerf it enough.

Power charges make it possible to have almost capped crit with just a flask and some very minimal passive investment. Crit is way too good as it is, the nerf is justified, and the addition of more spell damage is probably too good and should be reduced.

Deal with it you fucking ascendancy-babies.

Then nerf how frenzy charges are acquired instead of making them easy as fuck to get for FREE DAMAGE

Then maybe make power charges harder to get, and crit should be powerful it's a fucking crit. It's not way too good as it is they should just buff non-crit then instead of making all options trash.

Fuck off dumb dumbposter.