*Cancels Her Preorder*
Shut the fuck up OP.
tits or gtfo
>Weeb trash
never had a preorder to begin with.
>too cheap to pay voice actors
>It's a feature! You can self insert as the mc!
>cancels xir preorder
What did he mean by this bros?
*Cancels Her(Male) Preorder*
Probably that she's a her.
kys tranny
what was stopping you from using the word "my"?
Are those both girls(boys)? Left doesn't look so bad
Voice acting is only good if it's made FE style where each character has a voice and says one line/grunt before each sentence. You get the mood and feeling of the characters without requiring tons of money for voice actors and being able to change text whenever necessary, adding new quests and shit after development and making mods fit with the base game much more easily.
Voice acting also has a place in bastion/transistor/battle block theatre style games where it's all based on that.
Other than that it's just to cinematize games and turn them into movies, spending unnecessary amounts of money that could instead go to play testers, optimisation, ports and all kinds of marketing.
it's literally just a dude with long hair
granted, an okay looking dude but still a dude
(You)s, dumbass.
Hahaha now Americans have to read. Priceless.
>No voice acting
I might actually end up trying this
Voice acting is useless in vidya.
Because having voice in Fallout 4 helped so much.
Oh no, this JRPG isn't going to have voice acting just like all of the others I've already played and enjoyed over the years. This sucks!
Fucking good. Fuck voice acting
The majority of JRPGs I played didn't have voice acting and it's fine to be honest. VA is a meme.
It would be a nice return to form.
>>too cheap
Voices really are a terrible idea for games of grand scales like this and is incredibly limiting.
Partial voice acting is the absolute most any such game should go for. If even that.
Not if you expect the player to give the slightest shit about the characters and story which are at least as important as combat or exploration.
I want to leave this planet
I don't even care that two dudes did it, don't give a fuck about all that garbage. What pisses me off the most is that if anyone else had done it they would've banned them so fast. GDQ go after people for stuffed animals and somehow the people running it are okay with this? If it's not about the money then what? Who's fucking endgame are they playing towards?
I see the average age of Sup Forums.
Let me tell you children a story. Games didn't always have voice acting.
>Games didn't always have voice acting.
not an argument
Scripts not limited by what their voice work budget can afford, leads to far more engaging stories and characters. Than when everyone have about a third of the lines of an average game without voices, and than when side characters and bystanders barely say anything of note whatsoever because investing in their voices isn't financially viable.
It works for certain types of games that have small casts and or don't feature much dialogue/narrative to begin with. But for grand scale worlds with countless of characters and a narrative spanning however many hours as players traverse the game world for a good real life season or whatever they're aiming for. Then voices are just needlessly limiting and everything ends up more subdued.
It's not more engaging at all.
I like how nobody bats an eyelid because its so embarassing to watch.
It's like watching cripples have sex
Maybe the just mean for the MC?
I really won't buy it without VA because DQ8 spoiled me
Fuck voice """actors""".
For what purpose? Why do this?
Fuck you, i'm 31 and grew up with Resident Evil, Fallout, Baldurs Gate and Half Life. But i would never say that any character in any of those games, and games like them, had the same impact as a (nearly)fully voiced, well animated and story driven game like The Witcher series, Dragon Age or even Mass Effect.
If you want me to feel something for or with the characters and story then well animated and voiced interactions with are crucial.
Games didn't always have graphics either
So fucking what? Your intolerance and condescension of someone else does not change their very valid criticism.
The sound design for this game WILL be criticised by many if it does not hold up to the quality it set before. That isn't knocking it, or even praising it for being different. That is a just a fact.
>But i would never say that any character in any of those games, and games like them, had the same impact as a (nearly)fully voiced, well animated and story driven game like The Witcher series, Dragon Age or even Mass Effect.
I guess we'll just have to disagree to disagree then. Or something.
I am at a complete loss of words. I just can't. Reading your post made me feel sick.
I kind of doubt our opinions could even be further apart.
>off limits
>teki tou desu ne
what did they mean by this?
Shit taste
>doesn't remember Resident Evil's choice voice acting
What?! Don't come this way!
>The sound design for this game WILL be criticised by many if it does not hold up to the quality it set before.
Doing something and doing something poorly. Should be criticized.
But if you aren't doing something, and said something had no reason to be included in the first place. Its exclusion doesn't detract from the quality whatsoever.
Even the Remake had more voiced dialogue and animated cut scenes. You viral cultured freak.
My view of voice acting is that it should be like Planescape: Torment or Baldur'sGate II. Some voiced lines, when you meet a character and a few voiced lines in really important conversations here and there throughout the game. This way the player can imagine the voice he knows saying the rest of the lines. Failing that, voiceless is best, so that the amount of dialogue isn't compromised. The poor quality of voice acting I can overlook usually.
Reminder that we need to purge the fags who think they're women
Fuck voice acting, and fuck you if you're part of the people that made that shit a mandatory feature.
>caring about voice acting
>caring about voice acting in a jrpg
So fucking what? Your intolerance and condescension of someone else does not change their very valid criticism.
The CGI for this movie WILL be criticised by many if it does not hold up to the quality it set before. That isn't knocking it, or even praising it for being different. That is a just a fact.
So every movie from here on must have fully rendered fully CGI creatures as part of their films. Fact.
I would never complain about the lack of story/va'd dialogue in a game that is purely about combat but, again, if the creator is going for lots of story or makes the story a significant part of the game then it has to be well made and, for a lack of a better word, cinematic. You know, camera angles, zooms, facial expressions and gestures - basic shit.
>had the same impact
On what? The vidya industry? The vidya community? You personally?
RPG's suffer from voice acting. Without voice acting you can actually have dialog that voice actors don't have to say, which lets shit characterization not be so goddamn trite all the time because you can actually write characters instead of write for the sake of how many lines the voice actor gets paid for.
>Literally only one Mainline DQ had voice acting
>Now it's a problem to not have VA
Of course on me. I can't deny that hundreds of titles without any significant focus on story, characters or dialogue had a massive impact on the industry or culture. But to me, emotionally, no games story or characters really grabbed me before back then as they do now, at least as some of them do now.
Fuck off shit taste pleb faggot
VA is literally just wasting money away. Fucking based.
Prose is a thing.
Not an argument? You think people weren't invested in videogames before voice acting came along?
Wew lad.
Everytime I see two trannies in the same room I get this gross awkward feeling like when you see two people wearing the same outfit
why does the protag look like a DBZ douchebag? why didn't they make him look like Trunks?
final fantasy 7 is regarded as one of the best games ever and the characters are widely popular despite the fact that there is almost 0 voice acting in the game
>almost 0 voice acting
uh? i tought it had none
tranny on the left did the breath of the wild speed run and they don't allow comments on the youtube video.
claude screams "what am i fiteing for" when aerith-chan [spoilers]dies
>i can't follow the replies to have my question answered
Does anyone on this thread even give a shit about Dragon Quest?
Just as expected of a prissy female with the depth of a puddle of water.
Tell me how DQ8 suffered by having VA.
No voices is a great filter for people who have no business playing the game anyways.
I know i don't but i thought this was an RPG and considering how starved i am for a good story driven AAA RPG i had to take a look.
>Hurrr duur I dun wanna read!
Either you are a retarded faggot or a woman.
There's no difference.
I'm developing an irrational hatred toward nierfags.
i didn't ask a question, sweetie.
Almost nobody in these threads does, it's just like how most of the Dragon Quest threads from immediately after DQXI was first revealed were full of console war shit.
Good. Not every game needs voice acting. Also, I know how to read.
>sees artstyle
>*cancels her preorder*
I want normalfags to stop pretending to care about MY series
Not like the voice acting was ever that great... KOR BLIMEY!! XD XD XD
they wanted to make script changes at will and release the game quicker
Y'all motherfuckers realize they're only talking about the Japanese version, right?
I can only pray that it transfers to the English version later too.
Dragon Quest is better without voice acting. Final Fantasy was the same. JRPGs work better without IMO.
You don't like double standards ? silly user haha
I was seriously considering starting the series with VI a few days ago. I know nothing about the series. This is a good time to ask, would this be an okay idea? I don't need it to be an accessible one gameplaywise, just if it heavily relies on knowing the plot of a previous title.
Would not surprise me if it's another DQ8 situation where they localize it with voice acting.
*notices your preorder is cancelled* OwO
People actually mad about this are serious fucking cancer to video games
Perfecto! I hate voice acting in jrpg's
They weren't even going to buy the game, they're just idiots who want everygames to abide by their rule, even more when when they don't play it
*Raises paw*
But didn't most of the rest of DQ not have VA?
I'm playing the mainline games in chronological order, just finished 3. It's cool seeing the very beginnings of the genre and how quickly the games evolved at the start, but the first two don't hold up as enjoyable games.
The snes remake for 3 was really fun and holds up about as well as other jrpgs from the 4th gen imo, but maybe I'm just easily entertained. It's the third game in the original trilogy, though I'd say it's a good place to start since the story of 1 and 2 is minimal.
I know 6 is the third game in the second trilogy which starts with 4. I haven't played any of those so I can't give an informed opinion. From what I've read, every mainline game is more or less self contained and they're all good apart from the first two.
>I'm playing the mainline games in chronological order,
That's probably the best way to experience them, have fun user
Good I dont want DQ to get popular in the west
Start with 4
4-5-6 are related background story wise
With no voice acting you can have the voices match whatever your imagination chooses which to me has always been the best part about no voices