Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?

Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?

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Banning everyone from the speedrunning community would be the right thing to do for the speedrunning community.

Wait they banned him

someone explain this image to me

Yeah, he's a fucking faggot and I'm pretty sure he has some form of legit autism

What was his endgame?

Just two bros hanging out

Do you sympathize with autistic people, bros?
We probably wouldn't have STEM if not for them

$10 says that's a picture of two dudes.

so hes dating a tranny now?

is he dating a tranny?

if you consider a tranny to be a dude.

chibi looks like my dad kinda

What did this faggot do again, his name is familiar

Was posting this thread again the right thing to do for the Sup Forums - Video Games community?

that's old, last time i saw anything from him, he was dating a autistic blonde girl

Your dad is a cuck? Top kek

This, the whole speedrunning scene needs to sort its shit out. The grassroots speedrun gatherings (aka NOT AGDQ) are considerably more entertaining and less toxic simply because people who pull harmless shit like what Bonesaw pulled in his Jak&Daxter run aren't getting banned for no reason.

Mike Uyama needs to quit and do something else. The rest of the community needs to pull itself together without the help of a complete buffoon. Prevent Cancer Foundation is lol, though MCF is legit through and through, they just need to cycle through better charities instead of wasting NEETbux on PCF's scams.

No, Chibi. You are not looking cute

Put on your speed pants and gtfo

But that's not a tranny though, right?

It's bait to imply he's banging a tranny when reality it was just an ugly chick (female)

Stop this meme. Only a tiny minority of STEM is actually autistic.


PCF is a total scam, I avoid giving them my time when it is to give these retards money.

I'm happy for him

no way that's an actual female

>i know its bad but maybe its not bad

>unironic use of toxic

opinion discarded

I mean even just to extent of falling farther on the spectrum than most

does Sup Forums have the worst mods on Sup Forums? like why cant we have mods like Sup Forums. they even fucking take down twitch anime stream within a minute of being up

Yeah... Heh... Heh, hey chibi, why don't you put on your moon collar! Haha damn that's good!

totally ecelebs yeah

>when you have no-one to call you a cute on social media so you do it yourself and look even more pathetic

What is with speedrunners and trannies?

it's an easier decision.
100% of the users on Sup Forums do not want to watch an anime stream

I remember being in a tumblr-tier sjw clique back in high school half a decade back and people who post pictures like these and everyone would go like "totes adorbs"and other stupid shit. And I remember trying to pretend that shit was actually anything but revolting. Mentally repeating the mantra that "everyone is beautiful in their own way".

Speedrunners are literally the lowest of the low on the social ladder and so they accept everyone into their ranks.

I used to have empathy for autists, until I got a job at an institute that deals with them frequently and realized my empathy way a one way street. Also everything wrong with genre fiction is because of autists.

Forced SJW acceptance crap. It'd be fine if it weren't for the fact that they're forcing it like an old tired meme that nobody wants to see.

mental illness brings them together

I would really prefer I'd you'd stop posting

do people that complain about e-celebs contribute to the shitposting of Sup Forums?

>Also everything wrong with genre fiction is because of autists.
Everything wrong with genre fiction is the fact that it's genre fiction

>speedrunning community
You can't make this shit up. This has got to be the most autistic thing I can imagine.


There has been a speedrunning community for fucking long but it used to be just SDA forums and shit like that. Not this attention-whoring. It was about finding optimal paths through games not about getting twitch viewers.

I thought speedrunners were a bunch of people that played games as fast as they could and uploaded it to youtube or streamed it.
How does one ban someone from doing that?

Because someone always feels a need to force themselves into a position of authority

I guess they can't stop him from streaming, but they can ban him from submitting records to leaderboards

Why would you donate a penny to any cancer foundation? They've made enough money and nothing has come out of it.

>video game community






quads check

>trannies who use shitty or no plastic surgery and think that using only hormones is good enough
I don't care about trannies but these people need to be gassed.

the lack of dick makes it worse, not better!

I like that jump


Yeah I'd really prefer if this guy would just be quiet

are there any legit girls that are good at speedruns? So far i've only seen guys and trannys

Trannies like to weasel their way into communities and into position of power where they'll never shut the fuck up and can censor anyone who makes the tiniest tranny joke. Speedrunners are too beta to stop it from happening to their subculture.

What would even be the point of this? If Hitler was a world-record sprinter, we'd still keep his world record.

If you're really into speedrunning, say Mario 64, how could you possibly be happy with yourself saying "Yeah I'm the second-best, but at least I'm the best one that's non-racist/transphobic/homophobic" or whatever this dude did to deserve being banned


Autism is like a prerequisite to being a speedrunner in the first place

I don't think so. For example I've gotten deep into Goldeneye Speedrun Lore the past couple months and out of the thousands of world records set over the past twenty years literally 0 have been from females.


>Chibi got a girlfriend before you

Was this guy the one who cheated in a speedrun?

Even mods at Sup Forums are faster at taking down those BLACKED threads, which is saying something considering that Sup Forums is bigger than Sup Forums

Hes the kind of guy to go for any girl he can get and doesn't care about the quality. And she looks the same way. Don't take it so hard.

No its not, threads expire quicker on Sup Forums. Sup Forums covers everything except for video games including political shit, so everyone seems to gather here for that reason.

Autism is somewhere between 5 to 15 times more likely in males than females.

Listen dude.

He might have gotten a girlfriend. But atleast you have 180 IQ, funny, 6'2 good looking white male, and you're on the supreme board.

Don't take it so harshly ok?

They ignore all his record attempts on the grounds he may be cheating again.

It was certainly the right thing to do for Chibi.

>cheated in a TTYD speedrun, got called out by the pro at the game who was watching live
>has to constantly be reminded to shut the fuck up in public
>brings condoms "j-j-just in case heh heh"
>got pegged by a tranny
>for whatever reason thought that submitting his disgusting voice for yooka laylee would instantly propel himself into celebrity status and make him millions

short answer: yes
long answer: but wait, there's more

Can’t find his twitter, where is it

he got banned because he cheated

At least you're not a pedophile

This is his current gf.

she is insane

Cmon if chibi can get a gf you can too. You're not more autistic than chibi right?

no, but lately I've only found women that fall into one of three categories
>attractive and taken
>attractive and mental/uninteresting

>>attractive and mental/uninteresting

Those are always taken too.

Pretty sad, right user? Think of all the posts you see on every board by lonely virgins.

Literally doing worse than Chibi.

not where I'm at, but it would honestly be preferable.

>180 IQ, funny, 6'2 good looking white male
He's a thal?

Where do you live? I'm an Ontariofag and the great grand list of women I've ever met single for more then a week consists of relatives.

protip: when a girl says shes not single it means you fucked up.

>attractive and taken
This is mostly a meme, Women just don't like associating with ugly men

So recently Chibi just got fired from his job at Tim Horton's, and is having dreams where he ships other speedrunners together.


I dunno, she's got that psycho look. but good for him I guess, whatever boosts his self-esteem

No fucking way.

us, texas
social cues are an important part of interacting with people. practice on recognizing them.

Considering most women refuse to speak to me until they can jump into a conversation I'm having with someone else present to mention their boyfriend or any I make the mistake of being friends with have a new boyfriend within a week of crying to me about breaking up with the last, I'm doubtful of that being the case.

was there ever a better moment in speedrunning?

Just saying. Chibi has been playing the game for a long time though.

A lot of people here are like herbivores.

Goose is the only good speedrunner because he is self-aware

tfw sape

Goose is /our guy/