Who here remembers this map?

who here remembers this map?

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Reminds me of a Half-Life single player map pack I played, started off in an area like that after coming out of a pipe. Pretty vague description but I'd like to play it again.

I don't know why, but this just makes me want to play unreal tournament 2000 on objective mode.

If it's not de_ it can go suck a dick

Post more please.

>not cs_assault
>not cs_militia

I thought I was looking at that harbor map from banjo kazooie for a second. Fuck you and fuck your thread OP.



assassination was the best gameplay mode

prove me incorrect

Now that is effort, kudos to the mapper

Something pleasing about these old games. Less is more. Being a kid and using your imagination.
I love the big blurry 2d mountains in the background of old HL1 maps.

No argument here, I loved that map.

>hugefuck map with tons of ambush points
>only have to kill 1 guy to win

how the fuck were cts supposed to win that shit

I liked the rats maps. Also remember that one "house" map, was a hostage map set in a, well, house.

What happened to map making? It used to be so cool and love was put into these maps.

dunno but it happened

>big blurry 2d mountains
cliff skybox for life


cosy af m8

>no more as_crazytank

I'm sad

Dude, Nipper house XMAS was the shit. They had a really good song playing on the upstairs radio.

USN in Pearl Harbor had a structure like that inside a hangar that I think was used for SRF-B classes. I think I took SRF-A around it.

>mfw nobody played Aztec or Assault in Source

Plus they had the GI Joe Aircraft carrier upstairs.

I was admin on a zombie server that was 24/7 this map, lol.

I was a little shit back then, had to be at least 10 years ago.

Holy shit user, you've triggered a flood of zm memories

>it's been a decade

there was one zombie map that i desperately want to remember. the center of the map was this big silo with a crane. if you fell down the bottom had a thin layer of water so you didn't die from it. any ideas?

>mines of moria
>helms deep

The custom as_ maps were great. as_oilrig was unbalanced as shit and then there was that other one with the crashed plane, that was alright.

>awesome maps
>awesome gamemodes
>awesome community
>today is just about getting in queue for """competitive""" with 4 autists and basically playing for winning and not for having fun
why live

What was that pro-league map everybody loved?

So many great maps that stopped being played


cs was alright but it could never ever hold a candle to QTF or UT

pure NIPPER kino

never played this map, but just seeing the goldsrc engine makes me remember all the fun i had playing half life mods and cs 1.6
>the specialists
>sven coop
>they hunger
>cs 1.6 deathrun mode

>Vooooolaaaare... Oh oh... Caaaaaaantaaaaaaareeee... Oh-oh oh-oh...

I was playing this map the exact moment of 9/11. The mod turned on all_chat and we sat in our spawns slack jawed.

we gonna have a 1.6 server again? last time it was fun

Nothings stopping anyone from playing 1.6 right now. Go play it

>Sup Forums
>playing games

>search for servers
>oh look, a server with 15/16 players
>it's fucking empty

every fucking time

forgot about this map that nobody played and made my Riva TNT choke like hell

>there are people who never got to enjoy cs funmaps

I'm not autistic enough to learn spray patterns and what not. Every time I feel like chilling with some CS I get my ass whupped and I quit.

>servers can change your config file
Why is this allowed? I got kicked from a server for spam then checked my config and realized my chat was disabled and every keybind had a bind added to it to spam a russian server.

whatever happened to this one

>Not setting any important config files to read only

to think what my life would be if I didn't waste so much hours on CS

I got my old key VAC banned for cheating in a single player game, back then when Steam was in its infancy and shit was retarded.

Not throwing more money at it, gabe is fat enough as it is.

>play as_crazytank3
>drive tank into a sloped wall
>it clips and falls into the map killing half the CTs and traps a couple underwater who drown

I miss the Glock from 1.6

Why does CS:GO have to be so fucking lame?

that jurassic park map where you gotta run from the dinosaur

Can you tell more? What was said?

why dont we play some 1.6 Sup Forums?
y-you do want to play it r-right?


I liked Action Half-Life and Firearms better

I do want to play it, just never with Sup Forums. It's just memes and stupidity with you twats


Thanks for the nostalgia trip my friend. I haven't thought about that map in about 16 years.

Was good until you get two retards 1v1ing each other who keep walking round opposite sides of the map and who won't plant the bomb and the admin set roundtime to ten minutes.

Please give me a list of the best maps. I want to make a server someday.

But then people might not buy the map pack for $19.99! They probably would, but what if they didn't! Think of the shareholders!
>Mfw fuck the cancer gaming has become and only bought three based games in the past five years

What vehicle was your favorite?

when sven co-op was made free for all i remember having a lot of fun on the Sup Forums servers playing through tons of those old goldsrc maps.

>its just memes and stuoidity
last time i played with Sup Forums it was fun, no memes or anything really, people just played the game

Why can't gabe just do what id did with quake 1/2/3/4/ and open source the goldsrc engine? I don't want to use steam, but if I pirate a pre steam copy of half-life and use counter-strike as a mod I won't be able to play with anyone who uses the steam copy.

I played zombie on that map a lot. I'd probably been on your server multiple times.

this was my fave map when i played cs against bots on my xbox

this map was great too.

also the one in the football stadium.

knife only maps were the shit. That's where boys were made into men.

Even this pic makes me feel old as most of my busses we're the older variety.

*breaks glass below teammates feet*

ahahha, I remember this one.

What was that one witht he destroyable blocks, and you had to like, dig under a wall, to come up on the other teams spawn?

What's your proposal?
Also we need a good selection of maps, that's for sure.

This map had a DJ Shadow song, a Radiohead song, and a Gorillaz. This one CS map is the reason I have my current taste in music.




I used to play on zm server it rotated maps such as zm_castle_siege, zm_anekin_house_v3 or some shit, zm_toxic_house, zm_toxic_house2 and a few others I can't remember. It was the shit.



not really, pic related is why.

*glitches and kills half of your team*

maybe a Sup Forums server? or if we cant get one join an empty server. some maps are pretty cool, cant remeber what they're called but they're made by the same maker? one is a museum where you jump into the paintings, theres techno and flashing lights, you have to plant the bomb under a brian. anone know what im talkig about? i dont seem to have any screens of it

There's a bunch of them called like blahhh huhhh wahhh etc.

Anybody else really miss the early 00's Counter Striker days? Everybody played on fun maps and there wasn't any matchmaking. I enjoyed playing the game a lot more back then. Matchmaking is great but nowadays nobody is playing on fun servers anymore

i forgot, i still have them downloaded

Games following universal formulas and trying to conform to the same standards ruined it, man.


This guy finds obscure BSP maps and tweets screenshots of them every so often. Very nice.

>tfw no cs_estate remake for cs:go





very nice

I hate this map so much

A little off topic, but to this day no game has ever been able to come closer to the VIP mode in SWAT 4 in terms of epic gameplay.

If you've never played it before its basically like this;

SWAT team vs. Terrorist Team

Every round, 1 random guy from SWAT is the VIP. He only carries a pistol, no body armor, no helmet or anything. He has to make it to the end point of the map.

Terrorists have to first capture him (there were zipcuffs in the game) by use of non-lethal force such as pepper spray, stinger grenades, flashbangs, gas grenades or bean-bag shotguns or tazers.

Once hes subdued, you have to keep him zipcuffed for 2 minutes, the SWAT team has to free him before that timer is up. Once the timer is up, Terrorists can kill him freely and win the round.

If the Terrorists kill the VIP before capturing him for 2 minutes, they lose.

So it was more than just find the VIP and hold down left click. It was pretty tactical. Like I said you had all these non-lethal options available and you could use either light armor or heavy armor (heavy is slower but protects more against stingers and bullets) and kevlar helmet or gas mask (gas makes you almost immune to gas nades/pepper spray. Helmet is armor + flashbang resistance).

The gameplay was top tier for VIP mode. Run and gunning was almost non existent.


>Run and gunning was almost non existent.

Holy shit dude. Thank you for the rush of nostalgia, user.

anyone do those prison/jail maps, with the guards and prisoners?

That shit was so fun.

You would have hated the Hostile Intent mod. It was impossible to run and gun as there was no hipfire

jail was lit



Haahaahaha good times. Jesus the feels. That fuggin driver window.
