Dark souls iii was trash

dark souls iii was trash

All souls games are trash.

Switch 3 with 1

have fun desu



Get ready for Dark Souls IIII though

Hey look it's this fucking thread again


But you can't roll forever, take sippys instantly, and spam r1 to win in the others!

Wouldn't it be IV?

>not D4rk Souls


What happened to actual souls threads.

Those were fun.

Bou can block forever, sippys are OP as fuck, and you can spam r1 just as much as in DaS3. Same shit.

Do you faggots get mad at chess for not stopping you from throwing the board and declaring victory? If it breaks the game don't fucking use it, lmao

they're all the same

wait I thought 3 was the one that DIDN'T have op magic?

>block forever
>OP sippy
Only in DS3
>Spam r1
Enjoy getting raped

Keep dreaming faggot, the Bamco contact is done and Memezacki is literally head of the company now, there wont be a DaS4 until they are desperate and bleeding money, and thanks to the fame Souls gave FROM, there is no chance that is happening this next decade.

TLDR; Never ever.

Yeah, for some reason, Fromsoft thought that tying your damage output to the amount of Estus Shards and Undead Bone Shards you find was a good idea.

1 > DeS > BB > 3 > 2


two is absolute shit

>I like to post bullshit on the Internet

What are you talking about? Maybe my play style just changed but I found myself relying on blocking way more in DS1 than in 3.

>there are people who unironically defend the absolute laziness that is Dark Souls 2

Most of them haven't actually played it and just watched the hbomberguy video
I would know because I used to be one of them

>using block
Scrub tier

flip ds2 and ds3 and u pretty much have it right

I liked all souls games

>Attunement only increases your max amount of mana, majority of spell uses still come from the Ashen Estus Flasks instead of your attunement unlike the previous games
>A warrior with only 4 estus will still do the same amount of total damage as if he had 15 estus if he can dodge every attack
>A mage with 4 estus will run out of spells faster than if he had 15 estus, thus less total damage, no matter if he dodges all the attacks or not, thus must rely on shitty melee dps that is entirely dependant on boss resistances to schools of magic

>dork souls
sounds about right.

no, it will be Dark 4 Soul'

Dark Souls II happened

>mfw I beat the 3 Souls games on PC but cant get into bloodborne because of the shitty FPS


you mean Dark Souls prepare to die edition happened

And that's assuming you don't include Undead Bone Shards. The difference between 80 FP regen and 200 FP regen.


I don't hate DS2 like a lot of people seem to but it's easily the weakest game in the series and shit like pic related is indefensible.

kek. pathetic. you don't belong on slash v if you actually like games you cuckeroo

The only one I can see people calling trash is 2 and even then you need to calm down nigga.

No, I don't mean that at all, kid. If you were here around that time you'd know we still had plenty of quality threads, but you weren't and so you don't.

I like DS2 and yeah its full of retarded shit


That's normal, 1st you start hating them because you are a casual and cant adapt to the controls, then you start to like them when you get a hang of them, then you start hating everything but your 1st souls game because they are different from the 1st you played, then you start liking them again since you can appreciate the little differences each have make a different experience, then you start hating them again for the wasted potential they have for either cut-content or development hell or other reasons, then you like them once more since they are still more fun to play then 90% of shit out there, then the hate comes back because etc...

It's a cycles thing, you are in the good phase.

Why Souls series is the only one where anons make a thread every day, fanatically trying to prove which game is the best/worse?
You don't see shit like this when discussing pokemon, zelda, megaman or any other series.

Why do people listen to this retard again? His only notable accomplishment is shitting on Fallout 3, which isn't exactly hard or original to do, he's consistently wrong on pretty much everything else vidya related.

Can someone explain the bloodborne hype to me?
it's just a souls game without shields, nothing special about it.

Come on user, shields were godmod plain and simple. You could tank multiple boss hits and still have stamina left. Sure you could two hand a weapon or something, but the default gameplay was always one handed sword+shield always raised. That's one of the things that made Bloodborne feel so fresh and liked by souls fans, it got rid of the shield. You can't go back to the mind numbing gameplay of DaS after playing BB.
>only in DS3
I fail to see how estus is more OP in DaS3. Sure you can move while drinking (which kinda makes sense if you ask me), but on the other hand bosses and enemies are way faster and more aggressive than they were in DaS, where you could afford to stay still because bosses were slower and heal windows were gigantic. Not to mention many enemies and bosses of DaS3 are scripted to attack you as soon as you heal, so no matter how you look at it, DaS was more forgiving.
In the end it's exactly the same, the only relevant difference being that you start with 3 sips in DaS3 and get more and more over time while you can have acces to ALL the sips in DaS. If there's an OP estus system, it's the DaS one.
>Enjoy getting raped
Enjoy also getting raped in DaS3 I guess? Not sure I understand what you're trying to say here.

Nah man.

Playing DeS for the first time. Pretty great and I'm hitting my stride with it. Why is flamelurker so mad?

It is already well established that Pokémon Sapphire, Zelda: Mejora's Mask and the original Megaman are the best in their respective series.

they want gamer cred for liking a game with a reputation for being hard

>Why Souls series is the only one where anons make a thread every day, fanatically trying to prove which game is the best/worse?
People like bait and console shitposting. If you can get into souls threads that aren't blatantly this they are usually pretty great and full of knowledgeable anons. Just learn to ignore apologists and s0nyggers.

That looks too much like the first spot in the Ringed City

Anyone who prefers any other Pokemon game belongs in a fucking death camp.

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Dark 3 was just boring as fuck to me, sorta like how Persona 5 is. Yeah 2 was lazy as fuck in many areas, and most of the new ideas weren't thought out too well, but the team tried to differentiate it from Dark 1. They at least tried new stuff, and that will always put it over dark 3 for me. I only finished Dark 3 once and never looked back.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 both misunderstood what made the first game fun and are only really saved by improvements on the technical side.

>let's compare the worst game in the series to the second worst so it doesn't look as bad

You can drink 10x faster in DS3 compared to the other games

>tfw emulation can't save us because physics are tied to FPS
Why are all console devs such hacks?

One thing I can appreciate about 2 in hindsight was that it attempted to be it's own thing and tried to stand on its own when it came to the story. DS3 on the other hand, especially in the last dlc, decided that it was their duty to completely explain or rewrite all of the lore the first game. The level of bullshit that the ringed city started throwing out nearly gave me a migraine.

Not him, you can drink faster, but you still get a lot of recovery at the end of your heal.


Nothing to discuss about a dead series

>Other series

Dark Souls 2 also did a shitton of things better than DaS desu. Also why exactly do you spam your pasta everywhere, no matter how much you memeloving fucks sperg out, objectively speaking DaS is the weakest of the three games.

I'm just hoping that the theory that Bloodborne was a ps4 exclusive so that they could get rights to release demon souls for pc. But I know it's just wistful thinking.


I don't think Miyazaki would allow a remake of Demons Souls, it's downright archaic.

2 was shit op you have done a bad thing and you should feel bad.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little hollow? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Darkwraiths, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on The Kiln of the First Flame, and I have over 300 confirmed PVP kills. I am trained in DEX warfare and I’m the top sinner in the entire Book of the Guilty. You are nothing to me but just another Ember. I will gank you with precision the likes of which Lothric has never seen before, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with Dark Sword R1 spamming? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of gankers across Lothric and your Soul Sign is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Ganksquad, Casual. The Estoc that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead. I can be anywhere, anytime with my Red Eye Orb, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Uchigatana. Not only am I extensively trained in buff combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Blacksmith Andre and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable soul off the face of the continent, you little Aldrich faithful. If only you could have known what occult retribution your little “clever” parry was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have black crystaled out. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you "MLG Pro". I will Great Combustion all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, casual.

Yes you can drink faster, but this just makes sense, the whole game is faster.

Shit controls dont make a good game :0 i agree with this nigga: all soul games are trash.

>rewrite all of the lore the first game
What exactly makes you say that? The way I saw it they tied everything together perfectly.
>The level of bullshit that the ringed city started throwing out nearly gave me a migraine.
Any exemples in particular?

How exactly was it shit? I thought it fixed a tons of issues DaS had.

You're wrong if you think any of this is not true.

DaS3 is absolute laziness.
DaS2 is just letting things get out of hand for too long before attempting to stop and start again properly.

All the soulsborne games have this kind of shit, it's just the most obvious and largest progress barrier. Wading through seas of blood to surpass petty obstacles is a staple in these games.

DaS is definitely the strongest of the 3, what are you smoking.
1/3 user is not wanted here because he is wrong in every way.

Never forget that Dark Souls 2 is objectively the best.

>pc players shit on BB
>kids without criteria shit on DkSiisotf
>newfags defend DkS3
>contrarians praise DeS
These threads are all the same

Think he meant DaS2

I've never watched any of his videos before because of the clickbait titles but now you've made me watch his DS2 video and now I have a headache. Fuck you, guy.

DS2 is not better than demon's you fag

Why do people keep pretending like theres a difference between ds2 and ds2 now with different enemy placement?

i put demons souls as better than dasii you mong. I kinda dont know how these reactions work

>contrarians praise DeS

More like oldfags who understood Souls was just a decent action RPG instead of MLG U WANNA DIE BRO xD

>DaS is definitely the strongest of the 3, what are you smoking.
But how?! The ONLY thing it does better than the other games is the world design, the interconnectivity between levels. And even that is just up until the second bell, so 1/3 of the game.
DaS3 has better bosses (which is normal, new engine, better hitboxes, etc...), better individual level design, better gameplay (again, thanks Bloodborne engine), more complex story (more engaging), better fashion souls, better graphics, better PvP, better netcode, better pc port, MOTHERFUCKING WEAPON ARTS.

I can understand if DaS is your favorite, if it has a sentimental value. But when you look at each aspect of the game individually, it's objectively the weakest. And if you ask me, this makes sense. From simply gets better at making games, I have no doubt their next soulsborne like will be their best. Until the next one comes out and it's even better.

they fixed the lighting
and it includes the DLCs as in Dark Souls vs Dark Souls Prepare 2 die

Never forget that you're objectively wrong

Good thing you admit that you let the opinions of others shape yours.

It amazes me how much hype influences reviews, rather than the game. But then I remember the kind of people reviewers are


Not a souls game.

If you just want an offline RPG i'm pretty sure 1 & 2 would still be better choices.
Don't forget DeS was so far the only one that forced you competition with other players even in offline mode with the Hall of faggots.

Ha ha ha fixed it just made the bad even worse it's inferior in every way to ds1 lost izalith the worst ds1 area is better than 90% of ds2

Slow down man, let's not get crazy here

you mean made everything bland as shit with some minor gameplay conviniences

No I mean threads that weren't series ranking samefaggotry. Seemed to be going strong well into Bloodborne's release.

>bloodborne is the best

seems about right