Why can't we have a new megaman X game Sup Forums
Why can't we have a new megaman X game Sup Forums
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Because you posted a thumbnail my dude.
> Wants a new Megaman X game
> Posts a picture of the copycat Rockman X
Come on dude
Well this one looks cooler I is just an April fools thing, plus he should get an update enough of the the 2d we need a proper sequel
>new megaman X game
That's why.
3D megaman was a mistake. 2D is fine but they keep jerking the old megaman for nostalgia, i want some MM X/Zero love.
Also real sorry for the thumbnail thing.
They do make good games although probably cause of random chance
Try the gunvolt games
I mean 2d really is starting to feel like an indie thing and plus there's already so much 2d X also why not be a lil ambitious and x7 should probably not count as a proper 3d venture the entire games half assed to begin with
I did like the new guy tho
>X series, Zero series and ZX are all the same shit and pretty good overall
>people still complain about a lack of games
Megaman fans are so whiny. I hope you fags at least cleared all the hard modes.
>Still no Megaman game were X goes back in time and teams up with the original Megaman to fight Dr.Wily and Vile
There's no closure man the x series didn't end
I'm okay with how the Z series turned out I guess and zx was good but that just stopped I'd even like for it get a sequel just anything though nothing handheld please
X would rip through the ancient robot masters
>One is just an April Fools.
Ver Ka design, released as a toy, which I own. Cry more.
They were shit since X5 anyway, MMZ were last good megaman games. also, need to try corruptions one day.
>Vile and Wily modify the old robot masters to be deadlier
You got 8 of them, why would you want more of something that gets rehashed even more than fucking Mario?
Mighty No. 9 makes me doubt anything relating to megaman at this point
I played x1 2 and 3(snes). Should I play the rest or does the quality dip too much?
You all megaman faggots really should try Azure Striker Gunvolt games. They're made by same guys who did Zero and ZX games.
X4s good x8 too x5 is where it should have ended if your interested in that also has this timer thing which would have been interesting but turned out shit
X4 is the high point of the series.
But zeros equal to X and he's wilys strongest creation
>still no Elf Wars game
also, fucking pick up Megaman, IDW.
Just play X4 and be done with it
Ikr an elf trilogy where X Axl and Zero face off against Weil and omega and in the end all hell breaks loose X kills himself to seal the elf and zero to get rid of the virus for good don't know how Axl Should die
capcom only cares about big profits, they're not interested in making lower budget games with lower profit margins unless it's something they can slap together in five minutes like another "collection" or that version of street fighter 2 on the switch
>Mighty No. 9 makes me doubt anything relating to megaman at this point
Then play Mighty Gunvolt Burst.
Yes, it's based on Mighty No. 9, but it's basically what MN9 should have been in the first place.
>2000 + 17
>Still no massive Mega Man anniversary crossover fighting game with Robot Masters/Mavericks/Net Navis and more as assists
It's a shame Capcom's past their prime.
because regular mega man is better
Fuck yea
Idk monster Hunter world and dragons dogma have niche appeal but I know what you mean it's the profits what matters
I've heard there are a few, which would be best to start with?
and can I pirate them?
With him appearing in mvci I have a feeling we`ll get at least one.
Lol nope
The main series games are on pc
I played the first one. I really don't like it. The level design is so uninspired, I just blaze through the game without even noticing what is onscreen, including bosses.
Hopefully it won't be like the first person reboot they were thinking about
Does it have an armour system or something
It was only released because a hoard of retards didn't get the joke and demanded a real one.
nope, also the boss weapons are boring as fuck.
Charge attacks for the boss weapons?
Let's be perfectly honest here.
None of the sequels were as good as the first Mega Man X.
X2 bosses were more fun X3 had bigger stages
I don't think it would work very well for these days. The games would be pretty short too if they were to be like the older ones. It's a shame, really. I really loved the X series.
the boss weapons work like MMZ weapons, so they do different things, some charge, some do not. The problem being what they do is very boring. One, for example, just shoots through enemies, and another one can be shot up or down.
I disagree, X1 bosses were more fun.
X3 level design was dreadful.
Bigger doesn't mean better, especially for X3s case yeesh empty ass shit. X1 is still the most consistent experience
Sounds boring
Gunvolt can level up on enemies you kill and earn his own Special Weapons that act like Giga Attacks without having to beat bosses.
Luxcalibur and Voltic Chain are OP as fuck.
Well I guess yea but it did have a shit load more things not saying that x1 wasn't better x1 was tighter and much more well thought but you gotta sequel
>X2 bosses were more fun
Wheel gator said hi.
Oh and Crystal Snail too.
>They do make good games
They don't. They DID, or they USED TO.
>that zero design
why couldn't we have gotten that for the mmz games? it looks way better
Not him but I agree, I constantly got X2 and X confused so much that when I went back and decided to re-buy a copy of X i realized it wasn't even the game I liked and the spark mandrill wasn't in X at all
Overdrive ostrich was fun
Crystal Snail wasn't that bad, but wheel gator is some disjointed shit
Spark mandrill was in X1
This guy too
But user. He was in X1.
True. I did like fighting him.
Trying to fight Crystal snail without his weakness was a mistake. And also why I hate him so much.
>dumb first form
>worse second form that struggles to hit you
Some bosses are just a pain without their weakness
I still think the Elf War is a terrible idea for a game. Nothing in a 2D sidescroller could possibly encapsulate the scope that was described.
I also think the threat of allies being brainwashed can't really be focused on; but MMX didn't really get that across either.
who knows?
this can be an understatement
I did say some
Because capcom are now jews
god, i wish that were me
no matter how small this gif gets i can still always make out exactly what's happening
memes truly are an amazing thing
So, what's happening in that gif then? It looks like a sprite animation.
Capcom made a mistake avoiding the 3rd dimension.
They treated the Legends games as a scorned obligation since the only reason they greenlit it was to get Sony to approve a bunch of 2D games release on the PS1.
Some reason either just incompetence or rushing X7 out way too fast made it the laughing stock of the franchise.
So rather than actually modernizing the franchise; It's stuck in self-contained safe-zones tha wasn't helped along by 2008's nostalgia rush. Pretty much assuring the end of the franchise since it only became self-referential.
I'm amazed at how bad X7 played. Why didn't they just reuse the Legends engine? It wasn't perfect, but it was miles better.
Hot opinions
complete reboot
>more tie-in with original series
>no zero
>no sigma
>no reploids or mavericks
>no animal based robots
>model the game around something similar to mm1
>robots are used for something specific, like mining
>mining operations on different planets
>robots have gone rogue and are threatening the terraformers
>mega man has to travel between and figure out why
>stages are more alien, atmospheric, futuristic but the players is always isolated
I think some of the X7 team actually worked on legends too. So there's really no excuse why X7 had to be so sluggish. Other then being rushed out the door (Which it pretty much was)
Not everything needs to be dark souls
Fair enough. X7 is the only bad X game.
X6 should probably be lower
>X4 that low
>behind 5 and 6 no less
i respect your opinion but it's still the most ass backwards one i've read in a while
Legends doesn't really play like a conventional Mega Man game.
Also, this was during the "poor gameplay ideas" period that X6 also suffered from with stuff like the Nightmare system.
>I'm amazed at how bad X7 played. Why didn't they just reuse the Legends engine? It wasn't perfect, but it was miles better.
>I think some of the X7 team actually worked on legends too. So there's really no excuse why X7 had to be so sluggish.
Did you Legends fans ever replay the games? Shit was sluggish as fuck.
>X8 that high
2 stages were complete shit and of the rest maybe 4 were pretty shit while a couple were good. Such a bad game.
I do, it's a bit clunky, but Legends 2 is a huge improvement, thanks to it's targetting system and better controls.
Much better than the mess X7 was.
I honestly didn't think the cancelled Mega man X reboot looked that awful
It shows a lot of verticality and movement options that at the time were sorely missing from FPS. Made by key Retro staff too, so who knows? We might live in the timeline were we missed out on Mega Man X getting its Metroid Prime equivalent
>tfw you only played the ps1 games and 8
I started with them on the PC too so hue but should totally try the first three
Not that guy but personally I never really understood why X4 is a favorite to many people. I mean I like the story I guess, one of the less dumb ones and it has some neato bosses but both the stages and the soundtrack are really damn boring.
Because X is the worst of the platforming Mega Man series. Classic, Zero and ZX are all better.
Legends 1 was before analog controls. I give it slack because early PS1 3D games were always fucking sluggish.
2 was a legit improvement in a plenty of ways.
X7 shouldn't fucking feel like trash to play. Even the 2D segments played like shit.
This. Even Monster Hunter has been ruined.
I can't stand classic with no dashing. Dashing and dash jumping makes the series for me. Such mobility. X1 is kinda annoying because you practically need to do Chill Penguin first.
The dash and the dashing jump only the X series got it right
Fair enough - My impressions of it might be inflated because it's such an amazing step up from X7 (Marathoned both of them with a buddy over a weekend because they were the only two I'd never played. X7 is fucking bafflingly bad)
The soundtrack is fucking allright too
>remove everything related to X and replace it with some artsy shit
I'm all for new ideas, but this is by far the most retarded one
>I think some of the X7 team actually worked on legends too
Well there's like 12 of them when you get passed the "special thanks" entry between X7 and MML1, fewer from MML2. The X7 team has more in common with the Disney's Hide and Sneak team; with 16 overlapping staffers.
And I think like 10 of the same people worked on Pheonix Wright. Stacking like that just doesn't make for great arguments when Capcom has such fluid staffing assignments.
>So there's really no excuse why X7 had to be so sluggish. Other then being rushed out the door (Which it pretty much was)
MML wasn't the best way to make 3D though. So much of the world was flat surfaces and even most of the animated items were a series of paper dolls rather than models. I don't know if it couldn't handle more polygons or if there was a conscious effort to avoid them... but either way where this worked for the PS1 they couldn't possibly get away with it on the PS2
This user knows. Production values are worse in both X5 and X6 but level design and OST in X4 comes off as bland and by the numbers. While X5 and X6 have lower lows I've always felt they are more interesting to play than X4.
SNES trilogy kinda mops the floor with them tho
How so? X series didn't really change that much of the formula and what it did change was all improvements.
Zero is a good series but I remember the first one being plagued by questionable level design, 2 and 3 are GOAT though while 4 is kind of an afterthought with a separate story but still good.
ZX is good even though the map is retarded and Vent is a bitch baby (but everyone picks Aile, right?)
ZX Advent fixed the map and you have more transformations but a lot of them are pretty useless. Also I don't like that your default Ax form has no sword+buster like Zx and you get Zx too late to fully enjoy it so I prefer original ZX over Advent.
Agreed with everything.