I'm sure everyone in this board can agree on a ban on E-celeb threads, right?
I'm sure everyone in this board can agree on a ban on E-celeb threads, right?
Why not just make an e-celeb board?
No, Sup Forums is fine as it is and doesn't need to be split up further
Why not follow /vr/ and force an e-celeb containment thread. Even sticky and make it rolling if you have to.
E-celeb threads are every 1 in 30-40 threads, stop pretending like they're all over the board or something.
Sup Forums isn't designed to cater to you, faggot.
Hell, if you want to ban something, ban shitty template threads
check my 5
stop deleting XIV threads
oh dear I said the forbidden word
your thread is doomed now OP
Honestly this.
A good board for internet/youtube culture in general seems like a nice solution.
>/inc/ when
Send Crash Bandicoot threads to /vg/
So then it really won't upset many people if they're banned.
One e-celeb thread is too many.
>Sup Forums isn't designed to cater to you, faggot.
>wants to ban shitty template threads
shut ya dumbass up
Mods said e-celeb threads were fine, stop bitching about it.
Needs more e-celeb threads
lurk moar
>split Sup Forums generals into the /vg/ board
>great discussion is the result
>split Sup Forums retro discussion into the /vr/ board
>great discussion is the result
You people are thinking backwards. Sup Forums is the e-celeb, meme, normie, filth board. Don't split the stench. If you want discussion, split the quality away from Sup Forums into their own boards like history has proven to work.
>Sup Forums isn't designed to cater to you, faggot.
>but it is to me and i want to ban the threads i don't like
>/vr/ and /vg/ are great discussions
Oh sweetie
The e-celeb posts are advertising, they wont post on a dedicated board. It's shilling you tards.
That fatass bogey posts on Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and a fuckton of others for example..
Stop caring so much about the boards.
Leave that for the volunteers with power who only care about their favorite boards.
Never forget how mods treated this board.
It's a blue Combining that logic with shows how this place ended up as it stands now.
This thread is a haven for acceptable shitposting because the OP uses it everytime to create the illusion that they care meanwhile quoting the same response of gookmoot everytime so mods and posters alike won't question it.
E-Celebs play vidya
They are secondary, so allowed
e-celeb culture is Sup Forums culture
> watching Game Grumps evolve from two friends playing vidya to a budding multimillion dollar empire
> laughing as DSP feigns being bad at games is /our/ modern-day slapstick
> PewDiePie transforming from an agitated child into a spearheading figure head of the alt-right
> the on-again-off-again love triangle between Sam, Tolki, Stiv and figuring how Stiv fits into the mix
> VatiVidya, loreteller of the Soulsborne multiverse
> Jimquisition challenging our ideals with his brash combination of fascist hedonism
These are more than streamers and Let's players. They are our friends and characters in the storybook of our lives.
Yeah and by that logic so are
"what game can I do [enter recent happening] Sup Forums?"
That secondary meme ruling was by one mod who used to do whatever they wanted when moot was around. and quite frankly made shitposting acceptable if you include mention of video games.
>muh culture
Well, if game discussion wasn't relegated to /vg/ you'd be correct.
But seriously. What is there to talk about? Sup Forums has the same problem as /jp/, it consumes the topics too quickly.
Want to discuss game? After some time you get sent to /vg/.
And when you run out of games then what the fuck do you discuss?
I don't like them myself, but I'd say there are bigger fish for the mods to fry
This. All new IPs should have a couple weeks before they're allowed to post. Would also eliminate the phoneshitposting problem.
>laughing as DSP feigns being bad at games
> DSP feigns being bad
he is faking nothing my sweet sweet child.
>But seriously. What is there to talk about?
I don't understand that logic. My home board is /toy/. Until last year, the shinki thread had consistent discussions about a toy line that hadn't seen a release in half a fucking decade. They were always constructive, on topic threads. You don't need a constant stream of new information to talk about something.
you missed the entire problem bud
it's not that people talk about someone interacting with a video game, which in fact is secondary discussion
it's that e-celeb shills talk about drama and personal lifes of their icons. that's tertiary discussion
>thread is in autosage already
Why don't mods just sticky the thread, delete everything but the OP and slap a big, red (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)?
He's faking it.
Would only fuel them further
Hi janitor/mod.
Prove it.
Eh, i think after loadsa bannin they would stop.