Enter your characters name

>Enter your characters name

Other urls found in this thread:


Which one are you?
>your real name
>your go-to username
>name of a fictional character
>your OC donut steel's name
>an anime character name

the best name is user

My characters are always a tall, rugged, 50-60 year old man with long and unruly gray hair and a long messy beard. His name is always Thomas and he's always either proficient in sniper weapons or he's a strength melee build. I don't know why I started doing that but I'm attached to him as a character even though I have no backstory for him

>Choose your character's gender

>White person enters a name
>Black person enters a name
I just...

>go to username
Banana Tugger is good

Depends on the character. If I'm playing as a male then it'll by my real name, if I'm playing as a female (usually 90% of the time given the option) then I'll hit random until I see something I think suits the look

I look around for a videogame
I see a videogame
I use the name of that character(s)

my waifu OC's name

>always use my real name
What's wrong with me?

>Enter your characters name

>Character name......Makoto

Every single game I can customize my character.

>let's player

>tfw always check the wiki of the game and use the canon name of the character instead

I know it would end up triggering me later on.

Usually some variant of my go-to username. So the first name's usually Key






>use my real name for my gamertag
Little kid freaks out on me one day while playing Halo 3 and tells me that using my real name is illegal.

>your real name
>your waifu name

what is this fucking webm

>my alias fits perfectly

That is actually factually in the movie

I lose my shit every time I'm reminded

I've taken to just entering "Dude" for everything since it usually brings about a sensible chuckle.

dude im fucking cracking up while this thing is looping. jesus

If you enter any of the following, you should kill yourself.
>pun names
>meme names
>sex reference names
>pornstar names
>any silly name starting with the Irish "Mc"
>any boring super common real life name
>your own name
>your online handle
>a Naruto/Bleach/One Piece name
>any name that has numbers in the place of vowels
>names starting and ending with some pattern, e.g. xXx, xX, zZz, 1337, etc
>name contains Sephiroth(although that's outdated as it applied to the generation that was little when FF7 came out)
>your name or character is based on an e-celeb
>name is a sentence or phrase cobbled together

OC donut everytime

I always attempt to find the canon name for the character and use that.

>not using name generators

My nigga. Make sure to keep any good ones you get anyway even if you don't use them. They might come in handy in the future.

Canon name or lore-fitting original name. My autism can't stand anything else.

I got a million made-up names for characters. Never takes me more than a second to name a character.