Post your current gen video game collection

Post your current gen video game collection

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y tho

xbox te nani ?


>Devil Survivor 1 and 2

top tier taste m8

Is that Dave Grohl's metal album in the top left corner?


>current gen
>posts 3ds, ps4, wii u, which are all last gen next to the current gen Switch games

Yay! This thread again!

Been on a Wii U buying spree at the moment. It's astounding how a console with such a tiny install base has so many A+ quality games. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse is my most recent purchase, I'm using it as a test to see whether I'd like the Kirby series or not.


What's blacked out?

So you are just a bandwagon slut it seems.

If I had to guess, No Man's Sky.

When the fuck are Atlus going to release a normal version of P5? I hate the box that it comes in now.

There isn't a Ps4 game there.
It is probably a ps1 game case.

Small but spicy.

>DBZ Ultimate Tenkachi

im so sorry user

fat fingered fuck

Are those 2 the only wii games you own? Don't you at least have Wii Sports?

mostly all digital on pc and xbox. my shitty ass room

clean your fucking bong...

>Neptunia Noire
>Non Non Biyori
>Crystal Chronicles
>StarCraft 2

There is no one else with taste as magnificent as yours user. Have a picture

Boy, you must really like beer. Is it a hobby or a profession?


Holy shit don't remind of that catastrophe

hobby, I used to home brew, no time for that now though

you really are a fat fuck tho, and you live in poverty. why don't you try to better yourself?

only 50% of those games are good.