Name a game where I can be a psychopath murderer.
Name a game where I can be a psychopath murderer
Other urls found in this thread:
Sim City 4
90% of all games
Is that Limmy?
Name a game where you can kill a jester.
Most of naughty dogs games.
Dragon's Dogma?
Final Fantasy VI
why has no one mentioned manhunt?
Watch out, he boutta pop the world
Friday the 13th?
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer
amazing looking wa'ah for a GBA game
make fun of this guy and cringe all you want, but those are big knives and you don't want to be next to him
Dead by Daylight.
Watch Dogs.
Dragon Quest 8
Manhunt always looked pretty edgy, also got banned in nanny states
Postal 2 is the quintessential spree killing game, but I wouldnt call the main character a psychopath because he's fairly lucid.
I don't get it
>tfw i met Limmy at the park one day
*telpeorts behind you*
*whispers in you're ear*
rael life
*dis apears into a hsadowy cloud*
*vioce echoes to you* now...
...hwat you msut do...
Was it this day?
But steel weights more than feathers..
Not in the first one though.
Darkest Dungeon.
>tfw I regularly played Counter Strike Source, L4D2 and SFV with him
>now he's a filthy console peasant and plays Overwatch all day
Sucks. He's a good laugh, and a pretty good AWP'er.
Let's take another caller.
aye mate
Hotline Miami series
Manhunt 2
You don't really kill him. He just sorta blows up because his body was weak