Now that Zelda Breath of the Wild is the 2017 goty. Which game is going to be the goty of 2018??
Goty 2018
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Fire Emblem Switch
knack 2
Metroid Prime 4
HZD for Nintendo Switch
CoD: It Ain't Me
Dragon quest 11
If the last of us 2 has the rumored lesbian dating stuff that was hinted at that sony event in the final game, I'm going to say that
But original sin 2 is coming out this year, so if BotW were released next year it would be goty
It doesn't look as good as 4U, but Monster Hunter World will still probably be GotY
How does it feel to know 2018 is already decided? Of course I'm referring to RDR2.
I think you meant 2019
RDR 2. The real question is, what will GOTY 2019 be
The deserving one will probably be MP4 or maybe what Retro is working on if it's GOAT. But it'll be RDR2 because critics suck Rockstar dick on a daily basis.
hahaha "KNACK TOO BAYBEE" hahah xd
To many good games in 2018
Shenmue 3
Monster Hunter World.
mario odyssey when it inevitably gets delayed
Bullshit. Critics always treat Rockstar games like they were sent from god even when they suck ass.
Nintendo better either suck some dick really hard to get some of those multiplats or have some big surprises they haven't told us about yet because Switch's lineup next year looks godawful.