So is this game worth the 51GB torrent if I enjoyed 1, 2 & 3 (minus 3's hand holding, shit side-quests and ending)?
So is this game worth the 51GB torrent if I enjoyed 1, 2 & 3 (minus 3's hand holding, shit side-quests and ending)?
maybe buy it?
>stealing content that people worked for years to develop
Unironically kill yourself.
simple, get origin accsess.
>worth the 51GB
What does that mean?
those devs don't deserve support, they got themselves into the SJW trap and ruined the game.
What was different about 3's side quests? I can't remember a thing about that game aside from complaints about the ending
actually i'm glad i torrented DA:I, the first 5 hours were almost refreshing, then it turned into a copypasted shit with kindergarten-tier plot.
I would feel absolutely scammed if i spent money on it
So i can easily say that anything bioware made after ME2, or DA:O, i don't remember which came first, is not even worth pirating
Honestly? No. If you like mass effect then just leave well enough alone, you don't need this trash ruining the universe for you.
If it's already in the bargain bins, just buy it. Easier than having to torrent 50+ GB. I wouldn't pay full retail price though. Game shipped with a ton of physics engine bugs and weird animations.
The difference was that it didn't have any side quests. The 'side quests' were overhearing people talk on the Citadel, then scanning the galaxy map to find stuff, then walking back to the Citadel for a 5 second thanks.
I didn't even realize it was possible to ruin the ME universe more than 3's ending but here we are.
I didn't care about the ending at all, enjoyed the games. Will it still ruin the franchise for me?
Oh right. Yeah that didn't beat 1's cookie cutter sidequests at all
this comment just made me pirate the game, wasn't even interested in it
>Will it still ruin the franchise for me?
Yes. It never should have been made.
they don't deserve support for this money grabbing atempt of a game
>nothing but gooks, pajeets, spics and niggers
What the fuck is this shit?
I usually reserve judgment until I've played a game but good Christ does this look awful.
don't bother
You know what the real problem is? Everything in the CC is relative to the preset faces. E.g. if you change head 7's skintone to lightest it's still pretty much brown. The same goes for all other facial settings. So you can only take a preset and try to make it look good instead of creating a new face from scrap. The CC is also lacking basic concepts like choosing eye/nose/ear/mouth shapes.
Best one is probably Head 9, since it gives you a good skin colour range, an oval headform and decent chin/jawline/mouth/nose/eyes.
Also I would be glad if somebody corrects me and they patched those issues since version 1.04, but I somehow doubt it.
Fake news.
the writing is absolute trash. combat is fun but there's not enough of it, and someone's always talking about some shit, including the AI in your head
Not even worth pirating.
As someone who actively defends ME3 to the death I can tell you that ME:A doesn't nearly have the same charm as the original trilogy. If you're really a mass effect fan it could worth trying out and forming your own opinion about it, but don't expect much.
I picked it up for $20. Played it for a week, dropped it for a while and it was so hard to come back. The loads times are terrible. Fetch quests that require you to go through three 30-second loads. And there's so much backtracking with side quests that feel like they're going to be important but never affect anything.
It was not worth the $20.
>minus 3's hand holding, shit side-quests and ending
So you didn't enjoy 80% of 3? Huh. I'd say you didn't enjoy 3 then.
Andromeda is a shit, btw. Basically nobody from old ME crew was working on it aside from one of the assholes who ruined 3's ending, Mac the Hack.
>OP uses pic even call it original name
>STOP muh stealing!!!
Where's that peebee shrek pic.
So, umm.
Garrus, right?
He didn't actually fire from that angle, did he?
The bullet's entry and exit implies that it was not fired from where he is seen standing.
>Broken comic.
Is it just that this game is only enjoyable for people who didn't play the first three? I didn't want to get into a series that only declined with each entry, but I was itching for a space exploration game with Interstellar vibes and someone told me that Andromeda was like an entirely self-contained spin off to the first three.
The game is a 7/10 for me since it's the exploration game I wanted, plus I was able to make a qt male Ryder somehow, but the story is dogshit and now that the animations have been patched, I feel a more valid criticism would be that the lack of emoting is still a big problem. I'm about to finish the game, i think, and pic related is one of the few times over the entire game that my Ryder showed emotion, which frequently breaks the little immersion I have.
However, day one Andromeda was a pile of shit and everything everybody says about it is true.
Short answer: no
Long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The game is not worth the bandwidth
As much as I hated Mass Effect 3, all of the original three games had character and charm. Playing Andromeda it becomes readily apparent that Andromeda is merely emulating what made Mass Effect so great in an extremely poor manner.
The characters in Andromeda had imitations of genius, while the characters in the original trilogy had soul.
Can you turn her into a white person in custom?
Sauce on the bae?
God, I wish that were me.
I remember thinking to myself "Origins was pretty great and everyone agreed 2 was utter shit, so Inquisition is probably a return to form"
I'm never getting my 7 euro back.
>Implying most of the people who worked on that shit game are even still employed at Bioware Montreal and haven't been laid off or shuffled around by the EA corporate machine
Normally I'd be all over stealing from EA but this is a pile of shit
why would you want this
>mfw Spore taught me a life lesson and I pirated everything published by EA past 2008
I will never feel the immense regret of being a biodrone who actually spent money on these games
haha... I was like you once... played the entire trilogy thrice in like 2 weeks, starving to get more of mass effect I torrented andromeda and good god was it awful
I'm not really gonna start pointing out it's flaws, but I'll just say that the memes are justfied, I don't know what Bioware nor EA were thinking.
Why did you mention that game, user? Why do have to make me remember when my faith in the industry died?
I loved all 3 Mass Effects and struggle to find anything redeeming in Andromeda. In fact, it probably stood to Andromedas' credit that it was so buggy and visually jarring on release, because it distracted the majority of attention away from how empty, uninspired and utterly devoid of the content and atmosphere that made Mass Effect a beloved series in the first place.
Andromeda is soulless trash, if you're still curious, pirate it and see if you can stomach how meaningless it feels.
>I don't know what Bioware nor EA were thinking
"let's milk these suckers until they're drier than a popcorn fart"
The entire game is worse than the worst part of 3.
Na son, the entry wound was modelled by the Andromeda team
> Broken game
that is what happens when everyone leaves the company. bioware died when the doctors left the company.
I just didn't want to believe. Goddamit.
>got ME2 from a friend for free
>really enjoyed it
>haven't played another Mass Effect since
With the dumpster fire of 3 and Andromeda, I really feel like I won out and had the best possible experience with the Mass Effect series anyone could possibly have.
Let's say that I pirate it (I probably won't though). Which is the least shit option regarding: male/female, class, romance?
I know, me neither. It's sad, but at least we do have many great games. Maybe things will turn around now that Casey Hudson is back. I think the Dragon Age franchise is in good hands with Laidlaw, but we shall see.
>things will turn around now that Casey Hudson is back
You know it was mostly Casey (with "help" from Mac Walters) who completely fucked up the story and raped the shit out of the lore of the Mass Effect trilogy in 3?
I thought it was Mac. If so, that doesn't bode well for the series or the company. Hope he stays away from Dragon Age.
Don't tell me you've never seen this pic before
The worst part is you can't even alter the default one which is the best one.